Floppy disk delivered at "drop off" had church information on it.
"Drop Off" spot-found surveillance tape revealed his car.
DNA from daughter, hit on family markers. Not clear if daughter volunteered

2/10/78 BTK POEM
Oh! Death to Nancy
What is this taht (sic) I can see,
Cold icy hands taking hold of me,
For Death has come, you all can see.
Hell has open it,s (sic) gate to trick me.
Oh! Death, Oh! Death, can't you spare me,
over for another year!
I'll stuff your jaws till you can't talk
I'll blind (sic) your leg's (sic) till you can't walk
I'll tie your hands till you can't make a stand.
And finally I'll close your eyes so you can't see
I'll bring sexual death unto you for me.
2/10/78 BTK LETTER
I find the newspaper not writing about the poem on Vian unamusing. A little paragraph would have enough. I know it not the news media fault. The Police Chief he keep things quiet.
How many do I have to kill, before I get my name in the paper or some national attention?
Do the cop think that all those deaths are not related? Yes, the M.O. is different in each, but look at the pattern that is developing. The victims are tie up _ most have been women _ phone cut _ bring some bondage mater sadist tendencies _ no struggle, outside the death spot _ no wntness except the Vian's kids.
You guess the motive and the victims.
After a thing like Fox, I come home and go about life like anyone else. And I will be like that until the urge hits me again
[details omitted by police]
They were very lucky; a phone call save them. I was going to tape the boys and put platics bag over there head like I did Joseph, and Shirley. And then hang the girl. God-oh God what a beautiful sexual relief this would been. . .
You don't understand these things because your not underthe influence of factor x. The same thing that made Son of Sam, Jack The Ripper, Havery Glatman, Boston Strangler, Dr. H.H. Holmes Panty Hose Strangler of Florida, Hillside Strangler, Ted of The West Coast and many more infamous character kill. . . It seems senseless but we cannot help it, There is no help, no cure, except death or being caught and put away. . .
P.S. How about some name for me, its time: 7 down and many more to go. I like the following. How about you? 'THE B.T.K STRANGLER, 'WICHITA STRANGLER', 'POETIC STRANGLER', 'THE BONDAGE STRANGER' OR 'PSYCHO', 'THE WICHITA HANGMAN', THE WICHITA EXECUTIONER, 'THE GAROTE PHATHOM', 'THE ASPHYXIATER'
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