
Culture Corcoran, Matthews and Dying Your Eyeballs Black

Daily Miscellany

Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".

Since we have a Shark Tank story I mention that I watched it last night.  One of the contenders for Shark money were the owners of the online web STITCH FIX.

I have not used Stitch Fix but I am considering.  At my age I have, by choice, a limited wardrobe.  Most important, I want comfortable.  As a young woman, most important to me was getting into the smallest size I could.  Being thinner was forever my goal but now, pushing 70, people expect me to be fat.

Stitch Fix will help choose wardrobe items and hey, I want them comfortable, somewhat stylish and they MUST have pockets.

I'll try it out and report back.

Shark Tank’s’ Barbara Corcoran fell for this very common phishing scam — and it cost her almost $400,000

IT was supposedly an error on the part of her Assistant.  Corcoran did get her money back but for her stupid support of that awful Mike Bloomberg, I still think she's stupid.

This common email phishing scam just caught a Shark.

“Shark Tank” star and real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran revealed Wednesday that she lost almost $400,000 after scammers tricked her bookkeeper by sending a bill that appeared to come from her assistant.

“Lesson learned: Be careful when you wire money!” Corcoran tweeted on Wednesday. She also confirmed to ABC News that, “This morning I wired $388,000 into a false bank account in Asia.”

Chris Matthews accused of ‘inappropriately flirting’ with female guest

Wow.  Chris Matthews was quite the ladies' man it would seem.

Another guy I can't stand.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews “inappropriately flirted” with a much younger female guest on at least two occasions while she was getting made up to appear on his “Hardball” show, the woman wrote Friday.

Freelance journalist Laura Bassett, who previously wrote about the incidents in 2017 without naming Matthews, identified him in a column published by GQ.

“I was afraid to name him at the time for fear of retaliation from the network; I’m not anymore,” she wrote.

During one incident in 2016, Matthews — who’s married to Kathleen Matthews, a former Maryland Democratic Party chairwoman — allegedly “looked over at me in the makeup chair next to him and said, ‘Why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?'” Bassett wrote.

“When I laughed nervously and said nothing, he followed up to the makeup artist. ‘Keep putting makeup on her, I’ll fall in love with her.'”

Another time, Bassett said, Matthews complimented her red dress and asked, “You going out tonight?”
When Bassett replied that she didn’t know, Matthews reportedly told the makeup artist, “Make sure you wipe this off her face after the show. We don’t make her up so some guy at a bar can look at her like this.” 

Polish woman, 25, goes BLIND after getting her eyeballs dyed black

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Aleksandra Sadowska from the city of Wroclaw in the west of Poland had gone to the tattooist after deciding she wanted to emulate a rap artist called Popek, who also had the whites of his eyes dyed black.

The bungled procedure left the 25-year-old model complaining of pains in her eyes which the tattooist is reported to have said was normal and could be treated with painkillers.
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Crime is not normally funny. These short stories are.

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