
Political : Debates. Virus', Leadership

Daily Miscellany

Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".

Note to consumers-Denny's potato soup for purchase to take home is not good at all.  Consider this a warning.

Sorry, but this coronavirus thing is a gross over-reaction.  Yes, a reaction is justified but come on.  I went to church yesterday and as I suited up for one of the coldest days in this mild winter, my thoughts were that the church would probably half full.  With all the hysteria over this flu I figured many would stay home.  In fact I debated going the whole day.  I figured God would forgive me.  To my surprise the church was as full as ever!  We were warned not to shake hands so the virus was on our minds but hey, it's the flu for God's sake.  Awful but mankind will survive it.

Live coverage of President Trump speech in India


Democratic Debate of 2/25/20

Why yes I did hear the great debate of the Democrats in South Carolina on the night of Tuesday, 2/26/20.

Candidates: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT); Former Vice President Joe Biden; Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg; Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg; Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN); Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA); and Tom Steyer

Moderators: CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell; CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King; Face the Nation moderator Margaret Brennan; CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett; and 60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker

Nobody did anything awful.  Joe Biden declared that 190 MILLION people in America got killed by Bernie's guns.  Bernie spoke awful about Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, a wonderful ally of America.  Liz Warren continued her attack on Bloomberg and the women he had Non-Disclosure agreements with since he told one to kill her unborn baby.

Yes Bernie was queried as to his rather strange admiration of Castro.  Still and so, the South Carolina election is this coming Saturday, as of this election, with "Super Tuesday" next week.

For now, even after this debate, it appears that Bernie will be the Democratic party's nominee to take on President Trump.

Trump's Speech to the Public About Coronavirus 2/26/20

President Trump addressed the nation this past Wednesday night with updates on the corona virus that is sweeping the planet earth.


What this country needs is...speak softly and repeat after me....A LEADER!

So far as I can see, Trump is effectively leading this matter.  He stopped all traffic from China into the United States long before anybody did.  He is working with the Center for Disease Control and other agencies quickly to prepare America for future outbreaks.

The Democrats hate this.  They hate when Trump goes to India and is greeted heartily by over 100K.  They hate when Trump is faced with a crises, he handles it.  They hate that he keeps to his word.

For they are the elite of the planet, guided by deep state assholes who only want a paycheck.

I cannot stand any of them.

After Rep. DeLauro’s remarks, angry Republicans walk out of coronavirus briefing on Capitol Hill

Why can't the Democrats act like they are Americans?


Several House Republicans left a closed-door coronavirus briefing on Friday after Rep. Rosa DeLauro spoke critically of the Trump administration’s efforts to protect the American public from the global epidemic.

According to a transcript, DeLauro, D-3rd, said she supported the administration’s declaration of a public health emergency that allows states like Connecticut more flexibility in spending federal public health money.

“That said, I have grave concerns about the lack of transparency and unwillingness to allow public health experts to speak freely about what is happening,” DeLauro said. There are reports that Vice President Mike Pence, appointed by President Donald Trump to lead the coronavirus response, wants to coordinate all messaging from public health officials about the virus. 

Time for a Smile

She got desperate and though she is a cat, she wrote a book all about it.


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