
6/3/20 Notes on the Pandemic of 2020-Media lies and Why the Dems Choose Biden

Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.

(an update for my descendants)

Media Ignores the Truth

The lies about what the president says or does continues.

The church incident is the most intriguing.  Some looters burned a church near the White House. In the midst of all this, that had President Trump daring to carry a bible to that church may he go to hell, there were rubber bullets fired, tear gas sprayed.

Over and over and over every military force involved in the D.C. fiasco denied firing rubber bullets or tear gas.

But that was not good enough for the media which like the story that Trump carried a bible as a prop and this after firing bullets and tear gas at the peaceful protesters in a nearby park.

When the media like a story that reflects badly on the Trump administration they run with it no matter how far from the truth it might be.

Below the denial of the lies so maybe the one or two people who read this blog will get it.  Or perhaps even my descendants shall read.

(another update)

Yon descendants you might some day read about the destruction of American cities by rioters and looters who came from all over to burn buildings and hey, get themselves some free TV's.

To my descendants I will tell about the riots during my adolescent era in the 60's.  Back in those days the country was involved in a stupid war with North Vietnam and back in those days, descendants, young men got drafted.  The did NOT volunteer to go fight a war that made no sense to Americans and even worse, run by politicos who have no business directing a war.

Myself, yon descendants, was part of those....well let's call them demonstrations because there were few buildings burned and no TV's easy to steal.

In fact, yon descendants might have heard of the song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young called "4 Dead in Ohio".  Because the National Guard shot Kent State, Ohio students who were making a rush at them.  Four died.

Eventually, descendants, America pulled out of South Vietnam.  North Vietnam runs the country now and we have many Vietnamese in America doing our nails.  Vietnam is doing fairly well but it's hardly any bastion of liberty.  Still, our unwilling young men had no business being pulled from their lives to go fight in a country for a war that made little sense to anyone.

So, yon descendants, riots and unrest are nothing new.  A black man was killed by a Minnesota police officer and the people are mad.

But burning buildings, shooting cops and stealing and robbing are not a response that makes anyone better off.
(one more update)


So we have a group of anti-American nut jobs that want to bring this country down yon descendants.  They are known as ANTIFA which stands for Antifacist which stands for....I don't know....revolution?

I was listening to an interview on a cable news show.  The interviewer said that ANTIFA is something new, that such as riots and revolts happened during the 60's which I mentioned above.  The interviewer said that there were no organizations behind the scenes ramping up burning, looting, shooting and general anger.

The interviewee denounced that assertion and mentioned something that made me snap my fingers in recognition.  "Yes, there was the SDS," the interviewee said.

Indeed yon descendants, the SDS...."Students for a Democratic Society" worked behind the scenes to stoke up the unrest that happened in colleges across the country.  In fact, as I recall, I once dabbled with that organization which, like ANTIFA was often financed by some bigwig somewhere, some politicos.  There was also the infamous Black Panthers behind the scenes stoking the anger.

So such as ANTIFA is not new.  Anti-American people are out there and given a chance they will encourage unrest in the population.

Social media serves a purpose in arranging meetings and such in this day and age but even back in the 60's, groups were out there that hated America and wanted to bring it down.

(that my descendants may know how I handled it)

Delaware's Governor, who I call King Carney, demands that we wear those horrible masks when we go out.  And it's not like, yon descendants, we can refuse because the stores won't sell us groceries unless we wear the masks per King Carney.

So I do.

I came across the pic below of a mask I'd dearly love to find.  I'd wear it with a smile.

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(social media explains so much)

Social Media Irritations

Allow me to hereby assert, yon descendants, that there has been no "sin" committed in social media that I have not my own self committed.

Social media consists of Facebook, Twitter and other participatory web sites.

Also understand, yon descendants, that social media involves communication mostly by verbiage, usually typed, as opposed to in-person conversation.  It's the impersonal method of communication that cause some things to happen that annoy me.

And again, I've committed them all.  But give me credit for at least acknowledging that I've learned a thing or two.

First, the drama-mamas.  I find this frequently on Facebook yon descendants should Facebook still be around in your day.  And yes, I once was guilty of this on a grand scale and no, I'm not proud of that.

What happens, someone goes onto Facebook and makes a post, very vague, but with some great emotion....fear, anger, ....something going on in the poster's life that is causing them a big reaction.  An example..."I hope I get through this."

Now the reader has no idea what "this" is but many readers are friends, even family, of this person so they jump in and ask what is wrong, can they help.

Sometimes the poster responds with an explanation but often they don't.  As I see it yon descendants, the poster just wants some attention at that moment.

It's not that I dislike this so much as I think it's a bit childish and takes advantage of people's good nature.

And yes I've done this before....I am not proud of it.....and I won't do it again.

Another thing I really hate is the use of abbreviation on social media.  Well yes we live in a world of typed words and yes it's a bit of a pain to type the same set of words over and over.  Indeed, there is an acceptable form of abbreviation on many phrases that have leaked over into our real spoken words.  Everyone knows LOL means laughing out loud.  Or even LMAO means laughing my arse off.

But so often I read a comment where the poster uses abbreviations make no sense to me and, I argue yon descendants, often make no sense to other readers.

For example, say a guy is former military and sharing a story about something happened to him in the army.  He does a good job of phrasing the story but somewhere in the middle of the comment you might see something like this...."and suddenly we get a call from MI and must go to headquarters."

Now I don't know what MI is.  Turns out it is "military intelligence" which is a lot of letters to type as the poster probably thought.  But the reader loses all the meaning of the abbreviation without knowing what MI stands for.  Maybe former military people know what the abbreviation means but most ordinary people do not.

If using a phrase that is repeated in a comment for posting, why not type it out fully one time, then add the intended use of an acronym in parenthesis right after the full phrase?  For example....I writing a post about my Delaware Governor, who I call "King Carney".  Why not make the first sentence like "I am so mad at my Governor of Delaware, King Carney (KC)."?

The next time the reader sees KC in the post they will then know what the abbreviation means.

At any rate yon descendants, those are just a few of my social medial pains.  Don't y'all pick up such annoying habits.
Below is a good example of social media fun.  It's a silly post yet I laugh out loud.  Smile.  It's often how us peons think.

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(My opinion for my descendants)
Joe Biden, China and the election

As of this writing yon descendants my own former state Senator here in Delaware, and former Vice-President to all of us, Joe Biden, is running for president.  He will be running against current president Donald Trump.

A  problem is that Joe Biden , as of this writing anyway, shows signs of dementia or, at best, a mind that seems to have some kind of short in it.

Biden has run for president before, several times, but he never went anywhere.  He has been a senator for many years and VP for eight.

There's been a lot of talk about Biden's son getting lots of money from the Ukraine and, whispered all about, China.  I recall Biden being involved, back in the late 90's, with buying uranium from Nigeria or some such.

In short, Biden's real job as an elected person, was to be corrupt and raise lots of money for his fellow politicos and political party.  There is even a video of Biden laughing with some fellow politicos that he told Ukraine to fire the guy studying his son or they'll not get the money America promised.

In short, yon descendants, Joe Biden is the worst presidential candidate a party could have.  The Democrats had some other candidates that would have been better if only by a little bit.  There was Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, the Fauxcahontas from Massachusetts.

So why are the Democrats choosing the WORST candidate possible.

I think the Democrats know that Biden is a bad candidate.  Currently he rides a crest that raises him in the polls mostly on his name recognition but what with debates and interviews, viewers will see that Biden no more should be president than me.  Well actually yon descendants, I am a better candidate than Biden.

I think the deal the Dems make with Biden is that they will nominate him, they will openly support him, they will align behind him.  But he will be on his own and if Trump wins everybody knows that those corrupt politicos in the Obama administration will be found out and many will go to prison.

In other words, the money Hunter Biden got from Ukraine will become national knowledge with solid proof.  Also, there is a strong China connection with Biden and this too will become common knowledge.  And America is right angry with China right now so that won't help.

This way every Dem won't have to lie to defend Biden forever should he not run for president.  The deal is, he runs for president.  If he loses he will be on his own and any fingers Biden would point to other famous Dems who got Ukraine and Chinese money for political favors will be dismissed as Biden all mad because he lost.

If Biden wins....which won't happen....but if he wins, then the Dems are all in safe.

I believe that's the deal the Democrats made with Biden.  "We'll support you but if you lose, you're on your own dealing with AB Barr and a victorious Trump."

As I see it, yon descendants.

Image may contain: meme, text that says 'SAW YOU PETTING THE NEIGHBOR'S DOG Vieethnrtyows WANT TO TELL ME WHAT THAT'S ALL ABOUT?'

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