
9/8/20 Notes on the Pandemic of 2020...Social Media pet peeves, smiles and opinions....all free.


Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.

(another update)
Woodward of Woodward and Bernstein is baaaaaack!

Dear Lord, Bob Woodward of the Washington Post wrote a book with the help of President Trump.  Trump plainly says, as he was taped, that he veered towards playing down the COVID virus during the months of March through now as the virus infects many Americans.

"I didn't want to cause a panic," Trump can be heard explaining on the tape.

Well of course he didn't want to cause a panic.  Leaders walk a fine line as they lead.  Leaders need to make the population listen and not get reckless.  On the other hand, having a population full of panic does not good.

Frankly I think President has done, and is doing, a wonderful job of leading America out of this what I think was a purposefully planted virus.

It makes me remember installing a new payroll system in a local hospital.  On the day we were to run the very first payroll we began, as most do in this case, on the first payday of a new year.  I had the computer guy to help, a couple of employees.  We all knew we would be on the job late to make damn sure we got paychecks out of that system.  People really want their paychecks.

One of the normal things to do on that new payroll system was to hit the button that said "start a new year".  The payroll processor was supposed to click on this key although the payroll system producer, who were helping us through this, said that because we'd never run a payroll before we did not have to do this.

So we hit all the buttons and waited for the payroll to process.  But when we began to print checks, THERE WERE NONE!

By this time is was around 9:00 pm at night, at a hospital located in the WORST part of Baltimore city.  The payroll people told me NO at my comment that maybe we need to push that button to end the year.

Well they said NO and they were the experts, right?

I looked around.  The IT guy was looking at me.  Three of my employees were looking at me.  Something wasn't right.  Something wasn't working.  We could not leave there before we got those paychecks.

I realized that they all wanted ME to fix the problem.

I did what I had to do.  I went outside and smoked a cigarette.

No way could we not have paychecks that next day.  I thought we might have to give everyone cash then get the payroll processing and deduct the cash given as a cash advance.

I was shaking.  I cried at one point.  I was the leader.  I had to solve the problem.

I decided to push that button to end the year no matter what the experts told me.  What could I lose?  If it doesn't work well I would be no worse off than I am now.

And so I did.  The IT guy was about worthless.  My employees would have done anything but they expected ME to do something.

Well I clicked to end the year and the payroll processed!  We had paychecks the next day!  The earth did not stop moving.

It's not easy to be a leader when others around you expect that you will solve it all.

I think the COVID virus had to cause Trump to lose sleep at night.  Before the economy was booming.  The capital of Israel was moved to Jerusalem.  Many Conservative leaning judges were appointed.

Then the bottom dropped out and he was dealing with thousands of lives.

No way.  No way.No way.No way.No way.No way.No way.No way. could Joe Biden have led this pandemic mess, yon descendants.

Yet they hoot and holler that Trump should have done this or should have done that.  And yet here we are, mostly all still alive.  The economy is going up despite the social shutdown.

We can all thank the mighty Bob Woodward who managed to impeach a president once and is hoping to do so to another.
(one more update)

Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

No they won't give it to him.  Although President Obama got a Nobel prize just for breathing.  President Trump established a peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.  More peace deals are in the making.

But they hate the guy so he won't get what he deserves at least as much as did Obama.

(social media explains so much)

(My opinion for my descendants)

Internet Posting Pet Peeves


I must declare right now that when it comes to Internet posting crimes that I am as guilty of various and sundry as most people.  But since I've made a vow to change my ways as the pandemic of 2020 had me online a lot and I learned a lot I am mending my ways and am on to my own annoyances..

Now on to MY pet peeves.




Now I know in this social media world all sorts of abbreviations crop up to avoid hitting the keys.  Everyone knows LAUGHING OUT LOUD is LOL.  BTW is BY THE WAY.  There are others, of course, but too damn often posters on all kinds of forums make their own.  I, of course, am often too stupid to know what LULZ means (that's supposed to be LOL in the plural….did anybody else know that?)


Here's the solution…..spell out the whole thing that you know you will be mentioning a lot in a post, spell it out just once.  Example, you are talking about the American Civil Liberties Union….write it out once and in parenthesis after, put the abbreviation you intend to use for the rest of your post…(ACLU).  Now the ACLU is fairly well known for its abbreviation, as is the FBI or CIA and perhaps is not a good example but I think it makes the point.


Inappropriate commentary



Next peeve….why do people enter into a thread and tell everybody currently engages in posting/debating the post subject, and put it down?  What do they get out of it?


For example, every Sunday I participate in a forum on the Sunday political talk shows, been doing so for almost 20 years now.  Suddenly somebody enters the thread (on a very popular political web site) and writes a long spiel about they hate the Sunday political talk shows, how they all lie, how he or she is too damn intelligent….on and on and on and on.


Why does somebody do that?  Is it to make everyone not as smart as this commenter to feel waaaaay stupider than he or she who hates those shows?  Why not just, here's a thought, just pass the thread on by.  Find a thread that makes you happy rather than making everyone around you think you are a jerk on the current thread with a subject you so hate?


It doesn't matter the subject of the thread….motorcycles, swimming, a TV show…if the thread title plainly states a subject you dislike….pass it on by for God's sake.  Don't join the thread and tell the posters not bothering a soul how you hate the subject of the thread thereby implicating that everyone participating in such a thread must be a moron.


There are reasonable exceptions to the above, of course.  Perhaps you have a reason why you don't like the posted subject matter that is worthy of sharing.  As in "I always liked that show until they removed Joe Blow from the lead"…or some logic that brings debate to the matter.


But just to say you hate it?


It makes you look inconsiderate and without any kind of life.





Watch the formatting of your words.  I use all caps quite a bit but to my defense I use them in the same way I would use when speaking the subject as I raise my voice to make my point.  All caps are a way of expressing one's self when sound is not available. But use sparingly.


Watch repeating commentary.  Study a little bit of HTML.  Hell I am 70 years old and I know enough to get by.  HTML, btw, is the abbreviation for programming on the Internet.


How text is formatted is quite important on social media.  Maybe dotting I's and crossing t's don't matter with oral communication, but such as how the text looks matters quite a bit on social media.


And don't, please don't, keep all your words together in one big blob.  Paragraphs are your friend.



Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog.  I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation.  Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear.

Summon to meeting with Jarrett and other politicos regarding Pelosi hair incident.


First, as I fly around the Obama mansion where they hold these meetings, I can tell when a meeting is called in that they wake me up with all the people suddenly showing up out of nowhere.  They have these meetings in a special room so I also attend.


It seems the human Speaker of the House, named Pelosy or something and know that I'm a little confused about these human titles.  What the hell is a Speaker of the House and don't all humans speak in the house?


But this Pelosy woman attends a lot of these meetings so I assume she's some kind of important human politician.


As this humble fly is to understand, the Pelosy woman got her hair done in some kind of human hair store even though they are all supposed to be shut down in the San Francisco area.  Humans sure do have a lot of hair, proving it is much more efficient to be a fly.  They even have to go some kind of store to have their hair done.


It would seem that many in America got angry over the fact that Pelosy could get her hair done with the hair store open just for her.  Further, she didn't wear that mask thing that humans are wearing nowadays.  If they made this fly wear a mask, I'd say no loudly.  But then I'm not a speaker.


So here's what I heard.


VALJAR: "Okay, be aware," said the Valerie human.  "Because of this Pelosy nonsense, we've got to drop that bit about Trump and him calling the soldiers buried in France 'idiots' and 'losers' TODAY."


Valjar leaned back and took a puff of a cigarette thing, something else humans aren't supposed to do.  As a fly, I had no idea what the thing was about the President and the soldiers.


"We're not supposed to release that until mid-October," the human I know as Camela, supposed to be running for VP , said rather loudly.


"We have to get it out there now to take the heat off of Pelosy," Valerie said.


"If she hadn't demanded an apology from the salon owner we wouldn't be in this mess," the human I know as Dona with a last name like a country….Brazil I think.


Valjar flipped ashes into the ash tray, almost putting some on me had I not flown away quickly enough.


"Whatever the case, we've got the Atlantic ready to put it out there.  We've got Jennifer Griffin on Fox who will back it up.  We've got CNN and MSNBC ready to be all over it.  And most important, we've got all the networks vowing not to mention the Pelosy story on the Sunday political shows."


With this Valjar leaned back, took one last drag on the cigarette thing and stubbed it out.  She stood up as if to leave and all the other attendees followed, as they always do.  Even I, the fly, know to fly out of the room lest I be captured within.


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