Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy. We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail. We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)
The Great Debate of 10/22/20
So everyone else watched the big debate on Thursday 10/22/20 and I implore yon descendants to know that it was this debate that tilted the result of this election.
Which is why your history books, if you still have history books, will have Donald J. Trump as President of the United States for two terms.
Bearing in mind, yon descendants, that I write this BEFORE the election of 11/3/20 so ....well I could be wrong.
First all sorts of nasty stuff has been revealed about former VP Joe Biden, who, as it turned out and as yon descendants will likely know from their history books (if they still have such a thing I must always caution) he committed so many corruptive crimes that he was sent to jail.
Joe Biden can lie yon descendants, he can lie and he can lie and he can lie. Lying is a way of life. He will casually lie in any situation, either about being tops in his law class to the school he attended to where he grew up to how he never took a dime from Russia or China to how his son Hunter never talked to him about his jobs to whether the sun was out in the middle of the night.
Politicians are judged by their ability to lie. If they do it well they get elected for some 47 years or more and then they run for president, still telling lies and lying and lying some more and lying again. If the Nobel people gave a prize for lying, Joe Biden would win, hands down.
He grew up knowing that any success he should have will be based on his ability to lie.
He lied about 75 times during the debate in October of 2020. He swore, like the marvelous liar he is, that he never took a dime from China. He swore he never said he would get rid of fracking. He lied about this and he lied about that.....smiling the whole time.
The whole problem with lying is sooner or later people stop believing you. All of American stopped believing Biden the night of this debate. Of course this has all been proceeded by the dropping of Joe's dealings with our enemies with the help of his wonderful son Hunter.
President Trump did a great job, yon descendants. He didn't constantly interrupt like he did during the first debate and he hit all the right notes.
Lies and lies and lies and lies.
Joe Biden is the best of the best at it.
(one more update)
(one more update)
Dems. Boycott Senate judicial nomination of ACB
OMG what the Democrats did in the senate yesterday when the Senate Judiciary committee was to vote Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett out of the committee for a full Senate vote…well it was silly, laughable and dumb.
All of the Democrats on that committee didn't show up for the vote. AND…insert smirk here, they put picture of people allegedly with illnesses and no health insurance.
Like anybody could tell that by looking at the pictures.
The Senate Judiciary committee, meanwhile, voted to remove the Senate rule that a quorum must be present for such committee actions. Since the Republicans are in the majority in the Senate, they just voted, by the majority, to eliminate that need for a quorum and have such votes to pass by a majority.
Insert another smirk here.
Of course, the Democrats knew this but they wanted to make a scene. And they have the mighty, mighty Chuck Schumer, Senate minority leader, to guide them.
The full Senate will vote on ACB's nomination this coming Monday.
Probably the Democrats will boycott the nomination.
I hear they are going to have pictures of all members of the marvelous and honest Biden family in their empty seats.
Insert final smirk here.
(that my descendants may know how I handled it)
(social media explains so much)
(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)
(My opinion for my descendants)
AT&T vs. Tech companies
(that my descendants may know how I handled it)
(social media explains so much)
(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)
It is on CBS every Wednesday night and it is a most entertaining competitive reality show.
This year's competition begins with 11 new teams:
Deangelo and Gary-one very big-former football stars, carolina, friends
Kaylynn and Haley-sisters
Leo and Alana-dating,
Will and James-homos boyfriends
Nathan and Cody-best friends
Hung and Chee-married with child
Jerry and Frank-father and son
Kellie and Lavonne-friends, one in olympics
Eswar and Aparna-siblings
Michelle and Victoria-sisters,
Riley and Maddison-friends, pro vollyball brothers, beards, hawaii
This show's general format is to have all the teams begin in some assigned location, this time in Columbia. The teams are given certain locations or people to find. The most interesting parts of this series is when the teams must perform some action that is common in the location they visit.
In this, the first episode, the teams had to find fruit stands, chase goats, find fake fish in the water. The best part of this episode had all the teams, one member appointed, to learn how to play steel drums. The actions the competitors must perform are varied and no team is perfect at everything. The steel drum thing was hilarious.
Not that I could play a steel drum but then I'm not on Amazing Race.
This show does a great job of introducing viewers to life around the planet. It's a packed hour of Americans trying to figure out a world nothing like America.
First place this week was Hung and Chee.
Eliminated was Nathan and Cody.
(My opinion for my descendants)
AT&T vs. Tech companies
I have been listening to all the brouhaha from the selectivity of the Tech companies, specifically Twitter and Facebook.
The biggest part of this problem is that the government is in control of what they allow on their sites and I recall an era when a monopoly got so big and powerful that the government had to come in and shut it down.
I lost my job of 15 years because of it.
I speak of AT&T, a company that still exists but back when the phone company was being wired across the fruited plains and under the ocean blue.
I worked for Western Electric, the manufacturing arm of AT&T. Bell Labs created all the new equipment, tested and put it up for manufacture. The local phone companies across America, such as my own local phone company at the time, the Chesapeake and Potomac phone company were the part that dealt with the customers.
My descendants, if they are reading this, will probably never know being tied to a telephone hanging on a wall with a curly cord. The Western Electric I worked for put the curl in that cord.
It began when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Being able to talk to someone across the miles over a cord became the wonder of the era. At some point it grew. The wires covered the conductors. The wires were strewn across the country on huge telephone poles. Large reels of waterproof cable were laid in the ocean that Americans might call Europeans. Local phone companies were created and customer service was provided through them.
AT&T became a monopoly and then Ronald Reagan was elected.
Monopolies became illegal. Because folks, when you have a monopoly you have the equivalent of a bunch of UNELECTED people running a business that has great control over our lives. AT&T owned all the telephone poles and thus the wire put on them came from the manufacturing arm of that company. Local service needed someone to install, to sell the in home equipment that would provide telephone service and, of course, if you want to use the phone lines of AT&T you must get your equipment from same.
AT&T was declared a monopoly by President Ronald Reagan and ordered to break apart.
Today we carry phones in our pockets and have contact with every human being on the earth if so desired. Phones are manufactured by any company with the talent and capital to produce and sell. The telephone poles are still used by the electric company while cell phone towers replaced the telephone poles' purpose.
If the AT&T monopoly had not been broken up, who knows, we'd all still be tied to our desks for phone conversation and only able to go as far as the curly cord allows you.
Monopolies take away ingenuity because why bother? Everybody has to buy from me anyway.
So now we have big social media tech companies that have sprung up and like AT&T before them, they were the first and they got benefit of the the frenzy of the first growth.
Twitter and Facebook....and Google....and others, have become monopolies.
It's time for another Ronald Reagan to come along and break up the monopoly.
For now I don't know the answer and much of the problem is because these tech companies have such control that they determine who can have their voice heard and who cannot.
Of course it's more complicated than that, to include exclusion from liability for what their customers write.
They have caused us to lose our right to free speech in much the way that AT&T broke the right to pursue happiness for those who may have dreamed of putting the curl in telephone cords.
These large social media companies need to be....not controlled....but watched over by our government. We don't want the government telling these companies how to run themselves but when freedom is taken away from others who can't break into the market or citizens with free speech determined by these unelected owners it might be time for government intervention.
AT&T is still around. They are a big cell phone service today.
Life doesn't stop if you are declared a monopoly.
Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog. I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation. Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling. I am, after all, only a fly.
Begins the Biden Plan
I might be just a fly but I happened to be in the room when the human Vice President was chosen to be the human Democratic party nominee to run against President Trump.
In the room was Valeria, who attends all these meetings. Jill Biden, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.
Took me a while to get all these spellings but I am only a fly.
"We need to get Bernie Sanders out of the way," Jill Biden said, sitting up on the settee, making herself the spokesnoid for the Bidens by her assertive movements. And of course Valeria lit up a cigarette, slow and deliberate. Even my fly self knew that this was a very important human meeting.
"We need to get Trump outta there," the Chuck Schumer guy said, he too scooting to the front of his chair in an act of authority. "But please forgive me, Joe," Schumer said, nodding to the former human Vice President, "But I'm not sure you should be the one running for President against him."
Joe Biden, half asleep it seemed, listened and his wife popped in. "If Donald Trump gets elected again he is going to go after us. We stopped him with the Mueller investigation and the impeachment. We got the media on our side and goodness knows Trump has his faults," Jill said then stopped for a breath.
"But if the country elects him again there just is no way we could fool the public and tie his hands," Jill continued, stopping to take a long stare at Valeria.
"And you know that Barak was as much a part of our money laundering operation as we were," Jill finished.
"We were thinking perhaps Pete Buttijug, maybe Amy Kloubachar, someone not so well known as Joe," Valeria explained. "Joe is into this Russia and China thing too deep."
Suddenly Jill Biden jumped up in anger.
"You don't put Joe on that presidential ticket so he can protect himself with the power of the office, we will spread all the information on the passage of money to Donald Trump and his DOJ and you will all be thrown in jail."
Valeria took a long drag of her cigarette and remained quiet in pause.
Jill Biden took a deep breath and summarized. "Lookit, we have the Chinese willing to help us get Joe elected. They don't want to see Trump get in there for a second term. You can only impeach and investigate a guy for so long and the American public gets suspicious. You get Bernie Sanders out of there and Joe and I will handle the campaign."
Valeria smiled "Okay, but promise me you don't have any documentation of any of these transfers. You got all communication stored in a safe place?"
Jill Biden smiled. "It's all stored safely on Hunter's laptop. No one will ever see any of it."
The conversation went on, with plans being made, strategies decided, who will do what. Jill Biden was given complete control of Joe's campaign.
I don't know what the Bidens did but Joe got the nomination, Bernie was thrown out, they got medicine to help Joe and the Obamas were committed to help win the election.
Even though I'm only a fly I am curious to see who becomes the human president.
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