
6/19/21-Biden and Puting, Kamala and the Border. The senior problem in America.


Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)
President Biden Goes to Europe, Meets with Putin

I,  like many political junkies I suppose, have been watching President Biden and his visit with Vladimir Putin.

It's been hilarious in a kind of sad way.  

First, Biden and Putin each gave separate press conferences, a bit unusual.  Biden got mad at some reporter and carried on like a grouchy grandpa over some question he didn't like.

The funniest, and saddest, item as told by President Biden was that he gave Putin 16 places in America that he was not to touch with his Russian hack experts.

Say what?

This means Putin can hack anything else in America so long as it's not one of those 16 things?

This is how you manage and protest a country against danger?  Give them some things they CAN attack so long as they leave special things which you will give to them...alone?

I'll say it.

That man is no leader.

Kamala Harris

I think Vice-President Harris was sent on that fake mission to our southern border just so they wouldn't have a reason to take her along on that summit in Europe.

She'd begin one of her outrageous cackles in front of Putin and maybe scare him to death.

So she went to Guatemala, Honduras and other central American countries and talked about nothing.

Never went to the border.

She's supposed to straighten things out but never goes there?

(one more update)

 Merrick Garland and 2020 Election and biggest problem in America.

Merrick Garland got on TV and lied and lied and lied.

That man is now this country's Attorney General, once nominated for the Supreme Court but rejected, thank God, for that position.

First he comments on the current audit of various 2020 elections, specifically Arizona and Georgia.

He comes up with the notion that the auditors are trying to change the election results and that he was having none of it..

The auditors, especially in Arizona, are finding all kinds of problems, to include boxes of blank ballots, dead people voting...the usual.  Bearing in mind that Biden lost both Georgia and Arizona by around 10,000 votes and as I am to understand the auditors are finding way more than that.

But if the final results prove that Arizona and Georgia were won by Trump, then Pennsylvania and a few other states will be looked at a bit closer.

Merrick was told by his Democrat handlers, as I guess, to give a press conference and make it sound like the auditors checking all these ballots are doing the cheating.

They must have pictures of Garland in bed with a Camp Fire Girl for he has no morals and the truth is not his friend.

Garland also said the number one problem for violence in America is white supremacy.

Normal people know that's not true.  There is no documentation or statistics to prove this Garland lie but he says it so it must be the truth, right?  The Russians are not a danger.  The Chinese are not a danger although they unleashed a virus that killed millions of people.  The terrorists of Hamas are really nice guys you get to know them.

But those white supremacists?  Watch out for them.

What an awful, awful man.  Has no pride whatsoever.  I suspect he has a dark past subject to blackmail.

Westminister Dog Club Winner; 

I love dog shows but missed this one, sad to say.

Upon review I discover that this creature which looks remotely like a dog, was the winner.

A Pekingese named Wasabi won Best in Show at the 145th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Sunday. The reserve slot, or runner-up, was given to Bourbon the whippet. The Westminster Dog Show is the second-oldest continuous sporting event in the United States, after the Kentucky Derby. It has run through world wars, previous pandemics and economic depressions. Last year, amid the pandemic, the event was moved to June.
One big surprise and smile.  A German Short Hair Pointer came in the top four.

Now there's a dog that looks like a dog.

In fact my own dog is a German Short Hair Pointer.

Insert smile here.

(social media explains so much)

(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)

"60 Minutes"

I am not doing a review of "60 Minutes", CBS' famous Sunday night news show.  Everyone knows that 60 Minutes has stories about current news and social events.

Over the years 60 Minutes has, like most news shows, gotten very liberal.

On the most recent show, Sunday 6/13/21, the subject was the danger of something called assault rifles.  Thank God for "fast forward" on my Comcast remote.  I am so sick of liberal news shows depicting deaths by gunshot to be the fault of the damn gun.

Plus, all of us with common sense knows that the criminals will get guns.  We also know that the person who shot the gun is the guilty one, not the gun itself.

And Anderson Cooper, one of the show's hosts, comes from a family of wealth and likes men.

Nothing wrong with that I suppose but I remember he was talking about Donald Trump voters and he says we have no class, probably eat at the Olive Garden.

Yes.  He said that.  This guy takes other men's organs up his rectum but makes fun of us for eating at Olive Garden.

I'm done with this show.

(My opinion for my descendants)
The older population....the truth

The Fly attended a meeting involving some folks describing the growth of an older population in the United States of America.

So I did a little research.

In 2020 there were 46 million, out of a population of about 328 million, of citizens over age 65.

In 2010, there were approximately 31 million people over age 65.  That's an increase of 15 million people over age 65 in ten years.

Now that's not necessarily a bad thing.  Health care and medicine has improved greatly over the years and will probably keep getting better.  If we can stop China from making killing viruses.

Older people are not wild, not normally criminals or have stopped their crime sprees.  They are grandparents and heads of families.  They help their children in terms of watching the grandchildren and older people tend to have more money than younger people.

However, older people do tend to retire and retirement comes earlier and earlier every year.

So who's going to be the doctors and nurses taking care of the elderly?  Who is going to work in the chicken plants, drive the goods in trucks across the country...for goodness sakes who is going to mow the lawns and do the landscaping for the elderly?

It's why we're are allowing all the Hispanics to   come to America.  George Dubya said that they will do the jobs Americans won't do.

That comment made a lot of people mad with the union members shouting out that they will do any job for the right amount of money.

Problem, the union people want $20 an hour or more to work the chicken houses.  Few of them will landscape a big piece of property for less than a couple of hundred bucks.

The money they want is often way higher than the goods or services they produce.

Now I'm not saying it's right.  It's not a good idea to be importing people to come in and perform all the work for the born citizens.  Soon the country's language will change.  Soon the constitution will mean nothing.  Soon America will be another country complete.

Also, I am one of those senior citizens.  So I speak from experience and know and understand the limitations on us as we get older.

Finally, I don't have the answers.  But I am one step ahead in that I have gathered and composed the questions and problems.

Think about and check out the Fly's essay today.



Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog.  I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation.  Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling.  I am, after all, only a fly.

Population Meeting

It was Valeria who headed this meeting of a bunch of congress types as I flew into the room following the refreshment cart filled with crumbs.  I adore donut crumbs.

"We cannot stop these people from coming over the border," Valeria said as the meeting came to order.  "We NEED these people!"

"You need these people to work at the factories is all.  The owners pay you well with campaign contributions for you to get this cheap labor," one of the attendees shouted out while I surreptitiously munched on a crumb.

"I see the Republican party getting lots of money from big companies," Valeria shouted back.

And soon the entire room was in a big shouting match and I could eat all the donut crumbs with nobody swatting me away.

"Our country is getting too old.  We need people to man the hospitals, people to drive trucks, people to do the things our people won't, or CAN'T, do."

"Given the right amount of money Americans will do any job!"

"Yeah.  Sure.  We have many business packing up and moving overseas."

"Nobody wants to pay $30-$40 for a factory worker!"

On and on it went while I enjoyed crumbs without annoying human hands waving me away.

They screamed and cried and discussed what evidently is a big human problem in America.

I don't know.  I am only a fly.  When a fly gets old it lays down and dies.  When a human gets old, they spend many years being kept alive.

And it does seem to be a problem.



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