
The Worst Experience in Bingo I have Ever Had



    I have waited a few months before writing this post because it is not my intention to cause certain folks to look terribly bad or hurt feelings.  But it was a Bingo event and it happened to me and last night, as I enjoyed a Bingo at the Elks lodge in Cape Henlopen there were plenty of folks present from the venue where this awful thing happened to me who greeted me eagerly and recapped that event themselves.

So I am not nuts.

It was at the Lewes Senior Center, which has Bingo games every Tuesday night.  Let us hope they have better volunteers and callers at this time.  I waited a few months, have been to Bingo venues in Maryland, Delmarva, Willards, Seaford and more the come.  This area is perfect for Bingo games and they grow in popularity.

My daughter and I had started going to Lewes Senior Center for their weekly games and, indeed, my daughter won $1,000 on the so-called Cookie Jar at this venue, and over time we both made many friends, to include the lady in charge of Bingo at the time and the many very nice volunteers. 

I will not name names in this anecdote.

So I recently had a new heart valve, have had a quadruple bypass many years ago, and sport several stents in various veins.  I use a cane to walk and do have trouble getting around. I have an official handicap parking tag, issued by my Doctor thus I am considered legally handicapped.

It got so at the Lewes Senior Center (LSC) that standing in lines to obtain the required Bingo cards to play the game was a chore so I got permission for my daughter to be allowed to purchase my items for me.  This ability eliminated the need for me to limp in lines and understand, depending on the Bingo venue, there are lines for this, lines for food, lines to pee, lines to buy special Bingo cards, yada, yada, yada.  There is also a Delaware law, I insert here, that all Bingo events must provide access to the handicap for all activities.

Yes, I am very aware of Delaware Bingo laws and yon readers will be made aware in future readings.  

This method of me obtaining various objects via daughter worked for quite a while.  That is, until one day a volunteer took over the job of leading the evening of Bingo and the caller who supported her.

What a story.

So I come in the LSC as per normal and we both immediately stand in line to purchase our initial Bingo packet.  This alone is in violation of the law for the handcapped such as myself should not have to stand in line to purchase something the site requires purchase of in order to participate in the game.

But daughter and I got there early enough that the line was not too awfully long and I could stand for a while.

Then the giving of special Bingo activity which varies from venue to venue.  It’s not important what it was except it required, again for folks to stand in lines to purchase.  Up until the time I write about, I had been allowed to have my daughter to purchase the items I wanted.

As a side note, some Bingo events are restricted to amounts people might purchase to insure that enough special tickets are available to provide to all people present.  I don’t know how the Bingo venues figure this out but I know that you can’t have someone buying too many tickets that many others can’t.  THIS is why venues have a system to sell to individuals that will insure a steady amount available to all.  But LSC made even the handicapped stand in sometimes long lines, over and over as many tickets are often sold.  As I said, the woman who normally was in charge of all of this pointedly allowed my daughter to stand in line and purchase for me AND her.

Hey, why not?  I was sitting right there, anyone could see me and daughter buying for me.  We weren’t cheating the system.  I could not stand in lines for a long time and the lady who previously was handling this wisely allowed me to sit while daughter purchased.  All in frigging plain sight, please remember.

So the lady covering for the lady with good common sense, on the night I write about decided on that night that I MUST stand in line to get any tickets I desired because daughter would not be allowed to buy them for me.  I found out about this as daughter waved at me from across the room where she was in line.  I was sitting comfortably at our normal seat, a seat assumed by me, as per normal, after entry and purchasing the first set of Bingo cards.  My daughter shouted across the room to tell me that they won’t let her buy my tickets so I have to go stand in line.

I was exhausted already from walking and waiting in line, obtaining seat and didn’t think I could make it through the four or five lines normally required to buy the special games card.  I started to get up, grab my cane  and walk over, and got a terrible cramp in my leg.  I sat down and the pain eased but upon one more try I looked around.  I asked the temporary volunteer managing for this night why my daughter could not buy my cards as this has been allowed by then several months prior by the permanent person who handled this.

“Tonight we’re not going to change things,” she explained.  “Everybody has to stand in line to buy the special games cards.”

Which, as I point out, right there this is a violation of state law by denying me access as a handicapped person, to parts of the game.  But I really was hurting, my daughter was already in line, she was in view of everyone, she wasn’t going to rob anyone.  Why couldn’t she buy my cards and in plain view of everyone walk them right over to me that everyone could see?

Why couldn’t I, a formerly good client of the group, have the situation of my handicap handled with no bother to anyone?

So I stood up and shouted, yes I did I was a bad girl, but I shouted most of the above.  I shouted that Betty Boop, the woman normally handline these things, let my daughter do this.  I shouted that I’ve been coming here for over a year.  I complained about my pain.

Truthfully yon readers, I could probably have found a chair and pushed it around to keep me from standing in line.  I could maybe have done something but I ask again….


But it gets worst which is why I will never, not ever, go to LSC again.  Supposedly a senior center but they’ve sure been mean to me.

Because after intermission, after daughter WAS allowed to buy my cards by someone with greater authority I suppose, the Bingo caller gets on the stand and CHASTISES ME IN PUBLIC.  I should be kind to the volunteers, we should worry about feelings.

Why couldn’t the woman have just avoided it and let me go?  She was eventually over-ruled that same night.


You know what, I did apologize, very loudly and publicly, for “being mean” to the volunteer, who was crying by the was, goodness you can’t make this stuff up.  But I apologized for making her cry and I screamed at this caller why couldn’t he discuss this with me in private?  What was the purpose of humiliating me in public?

I go to Willards now on Tuesday night and will never go back to LSC again.  Recall that I mentioned that many of the LSC regulars were at the Elks Bingo I attended and they all asked to come back.  Not many of them liked what happened that night.

As I am to understand it, LSC is now more organized and getting their act together so let me be fair.  And I state that my, -or my daughter’s halo- will NOT blind anyone.

But I will never understand the logic of how this whole thing as handled.

I will shut up now.

Prior Bingo Posts: 

 Introduction to Bingo by Fish 

Introduction to Bingo venues

The Worst Experience in Bingo I have Ever Had

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