
2/18/04 4:16 PM

Guy Marries Guy

I hope, Kaitlyn Mae, that when you eventually read my wisdom, that marriage still consists of a solemnized and legal union of a male and a female.

If not my sweet granddaughter, you may thank the Massachusetts Supreme Court, the lesbian and gay activists all across the nation and most importantly little baby of innocence, you may thank the entire country which allowed the liberals to take over the country while it slept.

Of course a few airplanes flown intentionally into our national monuments woke up quite a few of us, a whole bunch of us were asleep for the entire Clinton presidency. The same President who made a mockery of our legal system, allowed Osama Bin Laden to run free, and packed the court system with judges who failed Civics as a child. If they even offered Civics, Kaitlyn, because this is a subject not taught in our schools any longer that we may learn the lessons of diversity.

Now I don’t want to rant too much about politics in my tome to you, Kaitlyn. Because in a distant future a Bill Clinton will be nothing more than just another president whose name must be memorized. So I’ll concentrate on the buzz words of “judges”, “Civics” and “Diversity”.

The United States’ constitution provides for three branches of the government, Kaitlyn. There is the judicial, the legislative and the executive. The executive branch is the president, vice-president and his cabinet. The legislative are the congress critters. The judicial is, of course, the judges. Maybe by the time you read this Kaitlyn they will be teaching this sort of stuff in school again. But if not than you may thank me for the enlightenment. The legislative guys pass the laws, the leader guys can veto them, and the judge guys check that new laws are congruent with the constitution. The idea is for a system of checks and balances, a prevention that would avoid having certain parts of the government wielding too much power.

Only the judges in this year of our Lord 2004 Kaitlyn, have decided to make laws directly from the bench, bypassing that bit about our elected leaders doing the deed. It’s a different kind of government, Kaitlyn, what with having unelected judges telling us how to live our lives. It’s not how America is supposed to be but given time I might adjust to it. Kind of like Pakistan, which has an army that runs the government. Actually we’re probably better off with Judges running things because at least we can shoot the judges, if need be. Having an army in charge is probably much worse.

Though not much worse I’d argue. Because don’t the judges in Massachusetts demand that their legislature pass a law allowing marriage between a guy and a guy? Or a lady and a lady. Next thing I know, way the hell over in California a whole bunch of same sex people are getting married. California has a law mandated by their people, that marriage, -in the legal, government sense- would consist only of a union between a male and a female. Of legal age and all that, of course, but note the sexes because that’s the important part. Still the city hall of San Francisco is granting marriage licenses to people in violation of its own state law so why the hell have laws?

During this day and age, the American people don’t want a marriage to be anything but a union between a male and female. The people are waffling all over the place about “civil unions” and such but about the distinct act of marriage as it is called today, the public wants it to be only a male and a female.

Much the way that nature intends it, Kaitlyn.

But I digress.

Anyway, Kaitlyn, I know what they’re up to. The whole liberal diversified lot of them. In the year 2004 the liberals really do not want to allow marriage to be anything but a union of a male and a female. The plan is to scare the hell out of Americans by having judges demand that legislatures pass laws or just willy-nilly opening City Hall to issue marriage licenses between any combination of sexes of two people. All of the publicity and sight bites of guys marrying each other is to suppose to so horrify us that, gasp, we will accept civil unions with smiles upon our relieved faces.

It’s what they’re up to Kaitlyn. This would now seem to require a list of my wisdom as regards civil unions. But I’m not going to go there just yet.

Which is why I hope when you read this, Kaitlyn, that marriage will still be between a male and female and that they have not yet allowed the civil unions they hornswoggled us into in 2004 slippery slide into a quasi-marriage. Because YOUR children, Kaitlyn, will then be mellowed and ready to accept same sex marriages, Kaitlyn.

Remember it all started in 2004 and it was all part of the plan.