
The 9-11 Commission

03/23/2004 10:47 AM

The 9-11 Commission

I am, in this year of our Lord, Kaitlyn, sitting and watching something called the “9-11” commission. September 11, 2001, Kaitlyn, was the day America was attacked by foreign elements known as terrorists. I’ve described this day before in other chapters, Kaitlyn, but I cannot emphasize enough its impact on our culture and view of the world. The very words “September 11” are now nationally understood to mean that day. Indeed, Kaitlyn, if the liberals don’t re-write the history books and you aren’t speaking Arabic, those words will have the same meaning to you in your future. Even though you were but a gleam in Daddy’s eye and a wish in Mommy’s mind when those planes attacked out country.

As I write this, Kaitlyn, the infamous “9-11 commission” is conducting hearings on Capital Hill.

Let me state right here, Kaitlyn Mae, that your grandmother believes the wise and industrious study of the events leading up to that day are noble pursuits. Though on this date and time, Kaitlyn, the 9-11 commission was started for, and being conducted with, nothing but political intentions. I argue my sweet grandchild, that it is YOU who will benefit the most from this circus of an “investigation”.

September 11th happened, Kaitlyn, because we had an ineffective President from the years 1992 through 2000. Pay no attention to the history books for a moment, Kaitlyn, because if Bill Clinton gets his way his legacy will be a lie that he was a leader of vast depth and a visionary with great goals. He was in impeached disgrace, Kaitlyn, whiling away his time at the helm with entertaining Hollywood in the Lincoln Bedroom and using the country’s sacred oval office for sexual liaisons with young children his daughter’s age. Depending on your age when you read this Kaitlyn, I –might- explain what sort of sexual liaisons if you ask me.

During Clinton’s mighty “reign”, terrorists attacked the world trade center in New York the “first” time, attacked two of our foreign embassies, and floated a dinghy alongside one of our mighty naval ships, the U.S.S. Cole, and set off a bomb killing many of our innocent sailors.

Clinton and his team of idiots did nothing at all about any of these attacks. Israel was being bombarded almost daily with fanatical suicide bombers, often young children with bombs strapped to their chest. No wait. Clinton DID push Israel to sit down with these nutzoids and try to negotiate a peace.

There is no peace with terrorists, Kaitlyn. Bill Clinton, leader extraordinaire and cigar aficionado didn’t get that message after attacks against our people spanning eight years and after his attempt to blackmail Israel into a horrific “peace” that would earn him a Nobel prize failed miserably. The failure was because the so-called “Palestinians” wouldn’t make a deal and this for a simple reason, Kaitlyn. Read the first sentence of this paragraph. There is no peace with terrorists.

Okay, Kaitlyn. Let’s assume the liberals have re-written the history books and Bill Clinton is depicted as our greatest President. I could stop here and allow you to take your grandmother’s wise words to the classroom while asserting that her take isn’t quite the same as the history book. But I’ll be charitable and allow as the world situation wasn’t quite as “perfect” , in a political sense, during Clinton’s time as after September 11, for a drop-dead serious attempt to fight terrorism.

During Clinton’s era, the very nice Saddam Hussein of Iraq had every thief in the United Nations spouting his praises and protecting his turf. The “Palestinians” were useful idiots in Saddam’s little terror war waged on Israel. The dictators and despots of the Middle East, Kaitlyn, love to blame Israel for all their woes though they might have come from total lack of substantial leadership and thuggish control of the oil wealth. Raise the children to hate Israel, yeah, that’s the ticket.

The UN passed over ten resolutions during the Clinton era to demand that Saddam stop, stop that right now, stop and this time I really mean it. Bill Clinton, even with his twinkling blue eyes and southern charm couldn’t get those band of bandits at the UN to agree on any action against terrorism. Most important, Bill Clinton could not have gotten the American people to back a war on terrorism during his era as until then, all terrorist attacks had taken place on foreign shores. That little episode in New York during the early 90’s at the World Trade Center was handled as a simple law enforcement matter.

The American people changed 360 after the terrorists attacked us directly on our shores and killed our citizens. THEN, Kaitlyn, the American people as almost one feverishly back a declared and defined war on terrorism and frankly, this is all it takes.

We had to go it almost alone, Kaitlyn, but the US went around the UN and took care of the terror camps in Afghanistan then went on to send Saddam Hussein down a rat hole.

William Jefferson Clinton did not have that kind of American support and probably couldn’t have mustered the sort of terror campaign that George W. Bush was able to launch.

Or could he have, Kaitlyn?

Leaders exist for a reason, Kaitlyn. Specifically, they LEAD. Higher evolved mammals have settled on a survival technology that has the best of any group responsible for the survival of the herd, flock, den or society. The brightest and strongest are sent out to scout the world, be it the alpha wolf sniffing the air around the pack for prey food or the President of the United States receiving input from the many diplomats and intelligence agents to ascertain the dangers throughout the world. The alpha wolf leads the pack to food based on his position as strongest and keenest. The wolf likely got his position through many months of fighting off challengers to an end of being recognized by the pack as the well-equipped leader. Humans elect their leaders via the ballot box.

An argument can be made that if Bill Clinton were a “real” leader as opposed to a lollygag obsessed with his testicles, he would have led the American people to a well-planned war on terror. The bully pulpit, Kaitlyn, is a wonderful thing. The President of the United States can crook his finger and get instantaneous coverage on all networks, radio air waves and cable broadcasts. William Jefferson Clinton could have deduced that the terrorists were not to be appeased and made an attempt to convince the American public that an action against terrorism was now needed. Humans are pack animals, Kaitlyn, and tend to trust their leaders just as those wolves follow the alpha male with an instinctive trust that he will lead them to food.

It’s a toss up, Kaitlyn. Would any Republican President at the helm during 1992 through 2000 have responded any differently than Bill Clinton? Would George Dubya, truth be asked, have done anything any differently? Remembering that there was no September 11 during that time?

If anyone’s at fault for why September 11 happened, Kaitlyn, it is Bill Clinton and his lack of leadership. But again, being charitable, perhaps no President during that era would have attempted such an action.

Americans would not be fooled again after September 11, Kaitlyn, no matter who was the President.

So why are we wasting American taxpayer dollars on this 9-11 commission when your wise grandmother already knows why it happened?

So the Democrats can attack the current President, Kaitlyn, that’s why there’s this commission. The Democrats want the White House back, Kaitlyn, and they are attempting to blame September 11 on George Dubya.

Why Kaitlyn, if the Presidential times were reversed and it was Bush jr. who fiddled while the terrorists across the world burned for eight years, to have the horror of September 11 occur during incumbent Bill Clinton’s presidential term of only eight months, I’d be just as outraged. Outraged that the whoever was trying to win back the White House would try to blame the team in power only eight months when September 11 happened over the team in power the prior eight years who ignored all the clues.

It makes no sense, Kaitlyn, and I hope the American people don’t buy it either.

If everyone on the 9-11 commission wants to tiptoe around the real reason for fear of offending a former philandering President, than fine. The sworn testimony of all the players in the saga is being properly recorded by C-Span. Some day, Kaitlyn, when it’s not an election year, maybe your history teacher will let you hear the testimony and draw your own conclusions.

Which will be Kaitlyn, the same as mine.

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