
Good Luck Iraq


Good Luck, Iraq

On this date, Kaitlyn Mae, at the ungodly hour of 2 am in the morning and that’s Iraq time, the Coalition Provisional Authority turned over the running of that country to its own people. Grandmother thought this was a perfect time to record her thoughts on the matter as I have plenty of opinions, as well as note the general mean-spirited reactions of the liberals. I will also, Kaitlyn Mae, give you grandmother’s reason why the turnover occurred 2 days before the scheduled date, which is also very likely the real reason, no mind the silly pundit speculation.

For God knows how many endless years a tyrant, idiot and despot named Saddam Hussein and his Baathest regime of thugs ruled Iraq. This man, Kaitlyn, he was always nothing but trouble, invading his neighbor Kuwait, attacking his other neighbor Iran, killing hundreds of thousands of his own Kurdish citizens. The House of Saud have been terrified of him and the entire region ruled by thugs and imbeciles has been a source of world unrest. Not that, silly me Kaitlyn, that organization called the United Nations should be the tool to help straighten this mess out. Instead, the UN throws itself behind the imbeciles running the asylums and major UN players help themselves to billions of dollars from its own human-aid “food for oil” program. This dictator, Kaitlyn, had two evil spawn for sons whose crimes, sheesh, let’s just thank Allah that these two are dead.

Now Kaitlyn, grandmother has often wondered why a peoples, in the case the Iraqi people but there are plenty of other examples currently in the world, allow themselves to be taken over and ruled completely by such thievish and evil people. Why don’t they fight back, I often ask?

I suppose it’s easy to cast aspersions from the perspective of an American, a country where such a thing is, truly, unthinkable. It’s why we have liberals and conservatives and a representative government. Which is the only purpose liberals serve, Kaitlyn, but beyond that they are of little use.

But okay, while their backs were turned a mean man, someone the equivalent of, say, Charles Manson, takes over the government and has all the guns and controls the army. Now the Iraqi people are stuck. The evil man has chemicals and has murdered by the thousands before. For too long to consider common sense, the world has put up with this guy even knowing that his two equally evil sons were coming up the rear. You can fool some of the people all of the time, Kaitlyn, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot, as Abe Lincoln said, fool all of the people all of the time. After 9/11, the United States of America decided an evil troll like Saddam Hussein should not be allowed to exploit that country’s oil wealth to obtain nasty weapons to lob at us, murder Americans by the millions and who knows, with a lucky break maybe actually gain control of the entire United States of America. Saddamn could then appoint Qusay as President and Ousay as VP. It could happen.

Now almost four hundred American soldiers have lost their lives freeing Iraq from this worthless human being, found, Kaitlyn, in a tiny urine-filled dirt hole oh why did the world tolerate this man for so long? Today, the CPA, those countries that went into Iraq with us, Kaitlyn, no matter how pitiful their contribution, turned that country over to its own citizens and God Bless Iraq, grandmother wishes that brave little country well.

I do, however, have my doubts.

Arabs, Kaitlyn, are superb liars and as politically incorrect as such a statement may seem, I say it as a form of admiration. I suspect their very survival has, often, depended on deception and the ability to create an alternate reality. They are mostly ruled by inbred princes and despots of the highest order, who probably lied and deceived their way to power. Then the populace has to lie about their loyalty to the lovely thug lest they be thrown into the shredder. Then the ruler has to lie to the young people growing up that they don’t get any ideas about freedom and silly nonsense that would separate the thieves and dictators from the oil wealth.

Forming this new government, Kaitlyn, is going to require a lot of honesty and truth. The Iraqi people are going to have to look deep in their souls and really take a stand. While Iraq has the luxury of the most expert of help and guidance in Great Britain and the United States, in the end it will be on them and since America will be watching all of this closely, the worst we’ll let happen is an Iraq still governed by whatever thug or thief can work his way to the top. Using the religion of Islam, as they always do, as the most potent form of control. At best, at the very best and grandmother’s greatest hope, the Iraqis will understand that the only fair way to govern is to give everyone an equal voice based on their representation. And, most important, the Iraqis have to understand that everyone will not always get their way.

To be continued.

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