
Major Internt'l Events Covered ONLY by ME

The Week Just Passed: Notes of important events from the week prior as Grandmother has determined, not the Old Media. With, as expected, Grandmother’s input

Debates, Reports and Major Overseas Events Simply Not Being Reported

The Debates: Let There Be No Mistaking …
… the positions of this administration. As told, demonstrated and debated this past week by Vice-President Cheney and President Bush.

You may speak forever about style versus substance, sighs and scowls. But if one thing is not true after Cheney’s drubbing of child-man Edwards and Bush’s resounding exuberance over Lurch-man Kerry, is that anyone should be confused about the administration’s position.

While the rest of the world makes a parlor game of dissecting Kerry’s position on Iraq, there is no need to question what the current administration, now seeking a second term, believes and intends to do.

Bush/Cheney believe that going into Iraq was the right thing, they believe that spreading freedom is the way to get rid of terrorist thugs led by richer terrorist thugs with coffers filled with oil money. The administration does not believe in partial birth abortion or marriages between Bruce and Bruce. The administration struggled with a dangerously teetering economy that had to not only recover from the attack of 9/11but the bust from the 90’s and a normal cyclical downturn after the boom years of the 90’s. Since, the stock market has recovered, jobs are being created and home ownership is higher than ever in this country’s history.

That’s about it. Cast your vote and quit nagging about smirks and scowls. You know where they stand.

Of course you could vote for John Kerry, who said the following, in ONE night:

”Well, let me tell you straight up: I've never changed my mind about Iraq. I do believe Saddam Hussein was a threat. I always believed he was a threat. Believed it in 1998 when Clinton was president. I wanted to give Clinton the power to use force if necessary.”

Later in the debate answering a question on Iran…

”KERRY: I don't think you can just rely on U.N. sanctions, Randee. But you're absolutely correct, it is a threat, it's a huge threat.

”And what's interesting is, it's a threat that has grown while the president has been preoccupied with Iraq, where there wasn't a threat.”

Perhaps Saddamn Hussein was only a threat when he wasn’t in Iraq as the would-be JFK sees it?

Saddamn and UN in Cahoots?
This past week the Duelfer report was published.

Duelfer was charged with investigating the weapons of mass destruction situation in Iraq. The Old Media is reporting that Duelfer damns Bush in that there were no stockpiles of WMD’s in Iraq at the time of our invasion. Which is not true, yon gentle people, and the link does take one to the actual report not that you don’t have a life or anything.

But Duelfer alleges that Saddamn very much wanted a weapons of mass destruction program and had a determination to resurrect it once he got enough money from his thug buddies in the UN, under the guise of the humanitarian ‘food for oil’ program. The report NAMES NAMES! And many of the beneficiaries of the theft of medicine and food from the Iraqi people have French, German and Russian surnames.

Kerry’s going to round up this bunch of thieves and have them help us in Iraq?

The report is fascinating and has the ring of complete plausibility. Once Iraq has a duly elected Prime Minister that country will sue that current crop of thieves in the UN out of existence.

ABC Gets a Big Fat “F”
Though this little scandal is falling below the radar on the Old Media, it’s the stuff of a Blogger’s dreams.

Check out the quotes below from ABC’s head political guru, Marc Halperin:

“Kerry distorts, takes out of context, and mistakes all the time, but these are not central to his efforts to win. “

“It's up to Kerry to defend himself, of course. But as one of the few news organizations with the skill and strength to help voters evaluate what the candidates are saying to serve the public interest. Now is the time for all of us to step up and do that right. “

The above are quotes from a Halperin memo sent out to all staff that they should not judge Kerry as harshly during the then upcoming debate as they do President Bush.

How about that bit about ABC being one of the FEW news organizations able to help us idiots out here in la-la land understand Kerry’s flips and flops? This sort of Old Media thinking causes me to burn and fume.

It’s exactly that kind of thinking that’s going to be the undoing of the Old Media.

Australia Howard Wins Election
Blair was re-elected in Britain, Howard got the nod in Australia, and soon Bush will get the okay from the American people.

All three of these brave men risked their political lives to become part of our coalition in the battle against terror.

The cowards tried but the brave will always win.

The Old Media’s Only Report on the Afghanistan Election and Iraq’s Major Unreported News
This past Saturday Afghanistan held its first election, EVER. Though the terrorist bombs maimed and killed, still the Afghan people stood in long lines to cast their first vote for a new leader.

AP did give this major event in the history of our planet a minor blurb. Seems the permanent ink put on voters to prevent double votes was somehow switched with the non-permanent kind.

First, imagine if Americans had to be marked up with permanent ink in order to cast a vote? They’d be yelling and screaming over this no mind the bombs.

Second, this is ALL AP had to report?

The Old Media, go figure.

“All 15 candidates running against interim Afghan leader Hamid Karzai boycotted Afghanistan's historic election Saturday, claiming widespread fraud over the ink meant to ensure people voted only once. The opposition candidates said they would not recognize the results of the vote because of what election officials described as a mix-up. The officials had said workers at a few voting stations mistakenly swapped the permanent ink meant to mark people's thumbs with normal ink meant for ballots, but insisted the problem was caught quickly.”
AP ^ October 9, 2004 Daniel Cooney

The Department of Defense reports that the Iraqi Coastal Defense Force has been formed complete with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Nothing in the Old Media yet.

Do you think if the Old Media really wanted the ribbon cutting of Iraq’s new Coast Guard to be an “event” that they couldn’t orchestrate such a thing?

Sure, they could. They could get some solemn statesmen to pontificate on the history of it all. CBS could have Dan Rather intone about the beauty of the occasion. Tom Brokaw could give us a handsome tour of Iraq’s coastline to the surprise of Americans who didn’t know Iraq had a coast.

A few Hollywood celebrities, a nice band.

If the Old Media wants it, they can make it happen. As it is, we only hear about this historical event through DOD reports and one lone Grandmother Blogger who thinks it’s pretty important.

“Iraqi Navy Casts Off in Defense of Coastal Waters By Chief Petty Officer Joe Kane, USNSpecial to American Forces Press Service UMM QASR, Iraq, Oct. 4, 2004 -- The Iraqi Coastal Defense Force took official responsibility for protecting the country's coastline Sept. 30 at a ribbon-cutting and pass-in-review ceremony at the port of Umm Qasr.Senior Iraqi officials and members of the multinational forces attended the ceremony, witnessing an... “
DoD-AFPS ^ October 4, 2004 Chief Petty Officer Joe Kane, USN

Those Sunday Talk Shows
I’m a little disappointed in that the Sunday talk political shows barely mentioned the Duelfer Report.

The Democrats have been blasting it over the place because the report did state, in writing, that there were no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.

But….but….but…The report did stipulate that Saddamn was “obsessed” (yes that’s the word used) with obtaining weapons of mass destruction and fully intended to so once he browbeat the world to stop the sanctions against Iraq AND stole enough money from the UN Oil for Food program to finance them.

It’s never big news when it benefits Bush in the Old Media.

Only two other items of note on the Sunday shows. Tim Russert on Meet the Press asked John Edwards (who was everywhere by the way) why, two years ago, he criticized the administration for not attacking Iraq when the Afghanistan campaign was almost over. When today, in this election year of our Lord, Edwards and his lying campaign cohort are criticizing Bush for invading Iraq when Osama has yet to be caught in Afghanistan.

Edwards stuttered and stammered as those two do when caught in a bare face lie. Kudos to Russert for mentioning this little factoid.

Screaming Chris Matthews and his round table of liberal liars enjoyed great laughter at Bush’s reference to the “InternetS” in the last debate. Myself read once that the Internet is really a conglomeration of many systems and technically should be referred to as the InternetS.

Let me do some research and I’ll get back.

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