
Comments/Responses: Earthquakes and Missing Americans.

Comments, Responses and Further Info.

Comments About the “Delaware Earthquake”

Below, a comment on my description of my own personal earthquake felt deep in the night in tiny Delware.

Original here

Below this my response to this post, posted on the FreeRepublic forum.
I was looking for you to reply to your post about the earthquake in Delaware. You may not be entirely wrong. There are many reasons the water could have sloshed around and you felt tremors. There could have been a crash nearby or a sonic boom or a man-made localized event which limited the tremors to your area. It happens.

While a quake wouldn't happen in Delaware that often, you can actually feel a real earthquake there that happens in another part of the world. We all live on sliding plates which are indeed constantly moving. There is a reference to this in Scripture, even. Also, a quake begins deep in the earth's crust at a focal point (called a "focus"). From that point waves spread out vertically and indeed in all directions. When the wave hits the surface it again spreads out from that point.

I understand that all quakes can be felt in some degree around the world. Just as ripples in a pond spread out from the center and affect water throughout the pool, so an earthquake's tremors spread throughout the earth. There are waves that travel through the earth's crust and reach all around the world.

You need to do some research before your experience is attributed something other than a quake or not.

Oh yes, it isn't unusual for one person to feel a quake and another not. I have worked in an area which gets frequent quakes and not everyone has the same experience, even when they're in the same room.


Well thank you so much for that considered response.

In fact I did tell of my experience on another thread somewhere about the earthquakes. Don't know if you were privy to that thread.
On that thread I also added that intriguing little story about my dog. because it was because of the dog's weird behavior that I woke up in the AM and even felt the tremor.

The dog was pacing about the room right before the earth shook. This was at three in the am, a time when she's normally asleep under my bed.
Her behavior was just so odd that she startled me awake. Of course I was all sleepy and confused which is why I was initially confused as to what, exactly, I was feeling.

Which was the earth shaking and I knew it as soon as I felt it.
Then there's that bit about the toilet when, hand to God and I wasn't THAT damn sleepy, the waters in the bowl sloshed all about. A few seconds later is when I heard the very deep glug, glugs, the sort of sound made when trapped air escapes out from the water. Everyone's heard this sound before, I'm sure.

Anyway, I did calm the dog down but it was only until later that I realized the DOG WAS REACTING TO SOMETHING! Something that had not occurred yet.

I always read that animals sometimes behave strangely before an earthquake but I always thought that might be the stuff of folklore. Although, to be honest, I hadn't much thought about it. After this interesting experience, well it happened, I know it happened, and it happened in Delaware!

In fact, on that same thread that I was posting to about my experience I was given some great info and reference as I have come to expect from this wonderful forum.
I did some research and discover, get this, that there HAD been earthquake tremors on that day of my experience and was recorded at the seismic institute in Virginia. In fact, it gets better, there was an earthquake recorded at 5.9 on the Richter in the ocean, under something called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Which is in the Atlantic ocean BUT the fault extends all the way up from South America to, you guessed it, right off the coast of Delaware! I live about eight miles from the Atlantic Ocean.

Anyway I am going to post this sort of information later in the week on my Blog but I couldn't resist giving yon readers my update.

I'm totally convinced I felt a tremor. A tremor that shook my septic tank in the ground and sent air bubbles up to glug out from my toilet. I'm convinced the dog felt something early on which is why she was pacing in the mid of night.
More ominously one might argue, I'm convinced the entire earth is shifting and moving right now which is why all this recent earthquake activity. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

I felt a small tremor that night in the state of Delaware, I'm convinced. Haven't read about it anywhere else, but I KNOW what happened.


Responses to Tsunami

A few responses to my post Where are the Americans?

Do not worry about WHERE the Americans are... Can you not just see our Congress writing law the opens our borders to all who were in this affected area, without homes, so JUST GET IN THIS PLANE-- and we will start you over in a new life in Wisconsin, or North Carolina, or Kansas. ==Cuz we are such selfish people and shudda been there the day before the wave hit the land, but, if we give you everything that we Americans have, then, can we please come back to the UNIVERSAL FAMILY??? Stay tuned, It is coming.. in my opinion..

newbie, Muriel of the Ozarks..

And below, an interesting response posted to this Blog:
Unfortunately, Thailand is a very poor country and there is a lot of sex trade there. Maybe some of these missing Americans were there to see little boys or whatever it is they do, and the relatives of these particular people are too ashamed to call the media. Just a thought.

Posted by Anonymous to The Kaitlyn Mae Book at 12/31/2004 06:34:31 AM

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