
Quotables-Saving Millions is Nothing; Gotta See-Three Entries to Pampered Pets Contest; Fish Giggles Tests Your Stess

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Will Takes Issue With Silly Clinton Creation
Although I get Will’s greater point, to consider an annual savings of nine million as negligible? How many houses would that buy for homeless Americans? How many much needed vehicles or hungry babies could the money buy or feed?

For this stupid creation of a commission on Civil Richts which has been nothing but a lying federal lib hack for too many years. Let us please not forget that Berry woman who almost had to be dragged out of there.
"Its $9 million budget -- about 60 employees and six field offices -- is, as Washington reckons these things, negligible. . . . But although the monetary savings from closing the commission would be small, two prudential reasons for doing so are large. One is that someday Democrats will again control the executive branch and may again stock the commission with extremists...from the wilder shores of racial politics. The second reason for terminating the commission is that civil rights rhetoric has become a crashing bore and, worse, a cause of confusion: Almost everything designated a 'civil rights' problem isn't."

- Columnist George Will

The Quote This Week That Says It All
“I would remind you that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
- Barry Goldwater

The WAPO Weighs in on Social Security Reform
First, how does this “journalist” know that the money put into personal accounts would not be invested according to the free market? That the money would be invested according to the rules of congress? Bush has produced just vague references to a plan that would save social security and allow partial investment into private accounts. The Democrats, per normal, have come up with absolutely no plan at all.

Yet this fellow has a reason, based on nothing whatsoever, why private investment will not count.

Congress ruled on tax-exempt 401(k) retirement accounts and the money is allowed to be invested however desired by the contributor. So what gives this guy the right, except for Washington Post liberalism and Beltway thinking, to state that private investments into social security will be in such danger?

"The idea of personal accounts is that Wall Street should triumph over the welfare state. Just the opposite might occur: The welfare state would triumph over Wall Street. The money flowing into personal accounts would not be invested according to the 'free market.' Individuals wouldn't have the freedom to invest in Microsoft, General Electric or eBay. Instead, it would be invested according to rules made by Congress, influenced by politics. There would be unrelenting pressure from interest groups, 'experts' and public opinion. The danger is that investment decisions would become unduly politicized and that the economy would consequently suffer."
- Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson

Bush’s Achilles Heel Strikes Again
I’ve noted Dick Cheney out delivering the social security message. President Bush is out stumping and I know he means well. But the quote below, while stinging, is nonetheless true.

“Only this White House staff would send the president out to sell personal accounts for Social Security with the message they don't really solve the problem. Is it any wonder then that the more George W. Bush talks about personal accounts the lower they sink in the polls?”

- Peter Ferrara of the Institute for Policy Innovation

Three Entries Below to Pampered Pet Contest
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Zachary's Owner's Web Site
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Stress Tester


I'm not sure exactly how it works, but this is amazingly accurate. The attached photo below has 2 almost identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress level at St. Mary's Hospital. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study of a group revealed that in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical; a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation.

CLICK HERE TO SEE PIC. Use Browser Back Arrow to Return.

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