
Daily Update-6/27/05



Daily Update:
Rumors abound that there's surprises in store today regarding the Supreme Court.

Those Sunday Talk Shows-Somebody tell Bono the facts.
It's the Week Just Passed and there's a compilation of Aruba happenings, lost boy scouts, tragedy in New Jersey and a political cartoon that will make you snort.
Why is the art of eating snails worth $200,000?

And is Kathy Hilton, mother of Paris, really the person to teach us peons how to behave?

It's a review of "I Want to Be a Hilton" and wait until you see some of these people who want to be a Hilton!
Test your political bent.

Although wise readers of yon Kaitlyn Mae Book Blog tend to be conservative.

But play along.

Oh, and I am so sorry about the picture.

In this Web Site of the Week, I couldn't resist.


Daily Update Below.

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Just Repeating a Rumor
So don't hold me to it.

But big surprises rumored coming from the Supreme Court.

Speculation has it that there will be a resignation.

Which means months and months of Democrats delaying a replacement, writing new laws as suits them and evading the will of the people who elected this President with the greatest majority in the history of this country.

But that's the future-you have been warned.

For now it's widely believed that Renquist will step down. Who is the Chief Justice to add to the drama. Renquist is suffering from cancer.

Also rumors possibly Sandra Day O'Conner
U-2's Bono
Seems the tsunami funds aren't being used to rebuild the countries affected.

Seems Saddam took his "oil for food" money and built himself palaces.

And so do the Despots running many African nations take American money sent to help their AIDS epidemic and spend it on, well certainly not the people.

Bono wants America to forgive Africa of their debt. Which might happen not that they were going to repay it.

"One billion," he opined dreamily yesterday on "Meet the Press". "Make it four billion and AIDS in Africa will be wiped out."

Okay, Bono. We'll send our money so the nasty rulers can do anything but distribute it to the people.


It's a True Crime Update.

Breaking news on a horrific murder in Arizona.

Also, Couey, Wilbanks and little more on that alleged military murderer, Albert Martinez.
It's Notable Quotables.

Schafly discusses the missing fathers in our society. There's more on Gitmo.

And Orwell provides the quote this week that says it all.
Lots of Comments this week.

Including Schiavo, Aruba, Baltimore's Gwynn Oak, Hell's Kitchen, Dancing With the Stars.

Goodness, let's not forget John Conyers. This really has the liberals riled.

TV Events of Note
Fox-9 pm-Hell's Kitchen

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