
Daily Update 9/13/05

Daily Update

The Roberts Hearings. Ted Kennedy lectures us about saving people from the dangers of water?
It's the Week Just Passed.

Saddamn confesses!

Arnold fights the kooks in the California legislature.

And a cartoon for Renquist, who's now in heaven and check in to see how God greets the former Supreme Court Chief Justice.

Of course, there's the political cartoon of the week.
Time for some Fiction.

In view of the recent tragedy and the sadness of the 9-11 anniversary, we have an appropriately named short story-"Permission to Laugh".

Yon reader DOES have permission to laugh because hey, squirrels in that attic and chocolate decadence is funny stuff.
It's time for some comments.

This is a biggie this week in that a commenter directed me yet another picture of red/blue America.

In the interest of fair and balanced, BOTH pictures presented for yon readers.

Also, the lowdown on Cindy Sheehan and more.

Daily Update Below.

 Posted by Hello

The John Roberts Nomination Hearings

It was an all-star revue in the United States senate today, September 12, in this year of our Lord 2005. John Roberts had been nominated for the supreme court to replace the retiring Sandra Day O'Conner. Chief Justice William Renquist died so Roberts' nomination was elevated as a nomination to Chief Justice.

Delaware's Biden had his hair plugs in fine fashion. Ted Kennedy can bloviate as well as ever. Diane Feinstein from California immediately went to a press conference after her fifteen minutes of nonsense.

John Roberts, God Bless Him, sat politely and respectfully, a clear and attentive look on his face.
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Okay, Ted Kennedy.

I despise the man as much as the moonbat liberals hate Bush.

Except Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in the bottom of a pond in his car while he sought help from this dire dilemma.

Yes, it's Chappaquidick and why don't us right-wingers just get over it?

I'll never be over it. I don't think men who kill people should be elected senator.

But that's just me.

To rub salt in mine wound, doesn't this vodka-soaked blowhard launch into a lecture about flooding and rescuing people from water!
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Can't make it up.

In fact all of the camera-smitten senators with an agenda waxed on about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Which would be Democrats and which would have nothing whatsoever to do with nominating a supreme court justice for God's sake.

I watched their mouths move and so I knew they were lying.

It eludes me how anyone could stand up in front of the world and spout bald-face lies.

At any rate, Roberts compared judges to baseball umpires. "Umpires don't play baseball," he said.

Well he's right, of course. Except lately the black-robed Darth Vaders have ordered elected legislators to pass gay marriage laws and allow the unfettered ripping of a baby from a womb even seconds before birth.

I don't especially like these guys and I damn sure don't appreciate that nine unelected people can overturn the will of the people.

Ah. I'm not alone.

Tomorrow the questioning begins.

The moonbats will be howling.

From Senate Judiciary Hearings:
Roberts Hearings ,the multi-day Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge John Roberts begin. They are expected to last all week. First, will be a series of opening statements by the eighteen members of the Senate Judiciary Cmte. These should take up most of the afternoon. Witness List Hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on The Nomination of John G. Roberts to be Chief Justice of the United States Monday, September 12, 2005 Russell Senate Office BuildingRoom 325 12:00 p.m. PANEL I The Honorable Richard G. Lugar United States Senator [R-IN] The Honorable John Warner United...


Daily Update:
It's a Katrina entry.

Discussed are dumb blond Louisiana Senators who threaten the President of the United States with a punch in the nose.

And a most interesting Katrina funraiser and pics, of course.
In this Garden missive we take a look at some garden bugs.

Including a spider that wants to catch himself a human!
Why was the egg sitting on the garden fountain?

How did it get in such an odd place?

It's a "Photo-Essay". Featuring an unusual picture and a guess at an explanation.

TV Events of Note
World Music Awards 2005

ABC: Tuesday, September 13 9:00 PM
Special, Awards, Music

Festivities celebrate excellence in music, with performers Mariah Carey, Destiny's Child, Diana Ross, Bon Jovi, Carlos Santana.


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