
11.1.2002.3.2006.November 2002 Document. Russian Company Sells Mig 29 Parts to Iraq.1615133

November 2002 Document: Russian Company Sells Mig 29 Parts to Iraq

This document is dated November 2002. This is over a year after the attacks of 9/11/01 and about five months before the U.S. invaded Iraq in April 2003.

So Russia knew about America's attack by Bin Laden's gang and it certainly was aware of America's desperate efforts to get international cooperation to go after Saddam, a dangerous dictator that the world had already once agreed to go after over ten years prior.

And still Russia was selling arms to Saddam. Arms, weapons and parts that Russia knew would likely be used against American troops.

Also, there were supposed to be sanctions on the Iraq regime, sanctions that the international community agreed on. From the money received through the sale of Iraqi oil, the funds were to be used for medicine and food for its people. It's no leap of common sense to figure out that money used to purchase large amount of arms and munitions probably came from the sale of oil.

Wonder who at the U.N. oil-for-food oversight committee approved this sale?

Because it's as simple as this: had the international community lived up to the agreements that they all made, Saddam would have no arms and munitions. Then there would have been no need for America to invade. Had the U.N. did the job it was charged with doing, any money Iraq used to purchase product on the world market would have been for food and medicine for the people of Iraq, not for the dreams and aspirations of a mad dictator.

In fact, in this translation, the Russian representative wants a change of the bank in which all this money was being transferred due to concerns that the bank Iraq and Russia were using would not keep this transaction secret. I'm thinking the U.S. was putting the pressure on the evil banks facilitating transfer of all this cash as part of preparation leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Why do both Iraq and Russia want to keep the transaction secret? Because both countries knew what they were doing was a violation of the sanctions?

Keep blaming this on America, folks. Keep beating up on the one country that took a stand and risked the lives of its own young people to do away with an international pest that was a danger to the world.

We'll keep showing, via Iraq's own documents, who the bad guys really were.

Translation 1615133
Harmony Document PDF file for Translation 1615133

This is another document CMPC-2003-002611 that shows Russian deep involvement with Saddam Regime and this time it is a letter dated November 23 2002 from a Russian AEROGLOB Company to an Iraqi firm (Iraqi government cover firm) regarding where to deposit the money for Miltary Equipments pertaining to Russian aircraft Mig 29 and Sokhoy. Other pages in the documents ar eltter between the Iraqi Armos Company and the Al Rafidayn bank regarding the deposits for the Russian company.

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