
12.12.2000.11.2006.Saddam Regime Wants France To Provide Info About US Intelligence Work Against Iraq.1726927

Saddam Regime Wants France To Provide Info About US Intelligence Work Against Iraq

Well is anyone surprised?

For fans of that old show "Lost in Space", France is the Doctor Smith of the planet earth. This country will smile in your face and spit at your back. Sure France has a large Muslim population and for sure its industries are mired deep in deals with Saddam. Do business with a dictator and suffer the fate. Dictators generally end up getting ousted leaving his supporting countries holding the bag.

Bad government, bad leadership. France has it all.

Translation 1726927

HArmony Document URL

Document CMPC-2003-016112.pdf contains Iraqi Intelligence memos from December 2000 to January 2001 that talk about a coming meeting between Saddam regime and French officials. In these memos the Iraq put some talking points to discuss with the French and among them is one where they want to ask the French to provide them with information about “US and Zionist Intelligence activities against Iraq”. Also in the talking points the Iraqi wants to ask France to support them in the UN Security Council.

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