
3.1.2002.4.2006.Document Dated 2/3/03 Reveals Iraqi Chemical Group Gearing Up .1603039

Document Dated 2/3/03 Reveals Iraqi Chemical Group Gearing Up

Again, the U.S. invaded Iraq in April 2003. So this document, dated a few months before the invasion, reveals that an Import and Export company would be pleased to provide chemical gear for the Iraqi army.

Why would the Iraqi army need chemical gear so urgently? Did they think that the American army would use chemical weapons against them? Or were they working to get chemical gear for the Iraqi army so they may safely use chemical weapons against the American army?

Translation 1603039
Harmony Document PDF file for Translation 1603039
Document Dated February/3/2003: Chemical Gears for The Chemical Group

In page 3 this Saddam Regime document ISGZ-2004-019744.pdf dated February/3/2003 there is a request to supply Chemical gear for the Chemical group. This document is a letter from an Iraqi "Export and Import Company" Vendor" addressed to the Iraqi Army "Commission Of Equipment" stating his pleasure to provide the Chemical Gear for the Chemical Group and he goes into Chemical gear equipment he can provides. This Chemical Group is part of the Feedaeyeen Saddam as other parts of the document indicate.

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