
Notable/Quotables-On Marriage, Education, Pets and Bush Admin Burnout; Pampered Pets-Cats,-Pics of and Walking One on a Leash. Heh.

Blogcritics Feature Stories of the Week

  • DVD Review: Moonlighting - Season Three
    El Bicho

    For those unfamiliar with the series, Moonlighting was a detective show from the latter half of the '80s, but it had much more in common with the screwball comedies of the '30s and '40s, driven by the verbal fireworks and sexual tension between lead characters, Maddie Hayes and David Addison.

  • Whatever Happened to "Stage Fright" in the Men's Room?
    Mark My Words

    It's not very well known, but there has been an unwritten protocol for behavior in a men's room. At least there always has been for me. However, it seems recently, in the workplace, all those walls of isolation that my father and my father's father's generation have begun to be torn down.

  • Movie Review: {censored}
    Chris Beaumont

    Ever wonder what goes on in a test screening? Well, wonder no more

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    Oscar 2006 Quotes for Posterity

    Compiled by Blogcritics own Eric Olsen.

    We begin with the infamous George Clooney quote. Which was, ladies and gems, a rambling verbal vomit session that said pretty much of nothing.

    Clooney, on behalf of Hollywood, was a bit full of himself, granting tinsel town with such social progression as civil rights to AIDS to Oscars for minorities.

    I don’t know about that AIDS thing and I’d sure like to see Clooney’s proof that Hollywood was on the cutting edge of HIV positive. As for pride of being “out of touch” I suggest that hey, stay out of touch Hollywood. Us idiots out here in la-la land just won’t go to your movies.

    Yeah. That’s the ticket.
    "I would say that, you know, we are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. I think it's probably a good thing. We're the ones who talk about AIDS when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasn't really popular. And we, you know, we bring up subjects. This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters. I'm proud to be a part of this Academy, proud to be part of this community, and proud to be out of touch."

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    We move on to Paul Haggis, whose acceptance speech was a little more humble. Although, again, Crash was not a movie seen by very many. And that awful song! Imagine, Academy Award musical history occupied by a song titled “It’s Hard Out Here For a Pimp.”

    But at least Haggis didn’t break his arm patting himself and the Hollywood elite on their backs for social movements they had nothing to do with.
    Paul Haggis, Best Original Screenplay for Crash: "I just want to thank those people who take big risks in their daily lives, when there aren't cameras rolling. When there aren't people there to applaud. And the people out there who stand up for peace, and justice, and against intolerance. So I dedicate this to them. Thank you very much."

    Mine Own Fine Quotable

    Indeed. Published in Reader’s Digest’s monthly compilation of memorable quotes. It was true then, and it’s still true now.
    Owning a pet is the best thing about being human. No other animal invites a different species into their "nest", providing love and food for nothing else but the sheer pleasure of their company.

    Reader's Digest-Pat Fish-1995

    Grand Canyon Quote

    Culled from an anecdote from an email list of older folks with fond memories. Thought this would be a great time to include a picture of the new Grand Canyon walkway. Imagine being able to walk out into the abyss of the canyon for a real view of grandeur and a nice dose of humility.
    Image hosted by Photobucket.comAT THE GRAND CANYON, our guide was a student who attended college in a large city. We asked him what he felt was the greatest change in going from rural to urban living.
    "In the city," he said, "you can only see from horizon to horizon what man has made." Then he looked out over the awe-inspiring splendor of the canyon. "Here," he concluded softly, "you can see from horizon to horizon what God has made."

    Might Be True …

    …but maybe not.

    From, we have John Fund musing on possible burn out by the Bush administration team. Fund lists Katrina, the Miers nomination to the UAE port deals as examples of administration screw-ups. I take exception to the Katrina item as no one screwed up more than the local government in that debacle. As for Miers, well I don’t know what that was all about. And that UAE deal did fly under the radar, right by those supposed to monitor such stuff.

    If Fund is right and there’s a lot of White House leaking going on-this from an administration renown for its closed mouth- than it’s possible the gang at the White House is burning out.

    “The two most dysfunctional management cultures I know of right now are the Bush White House and Yale University. From Katrina to Harriet Miers to Dubai, Team Bush is showing signs of being insular, burnt out, and desperately in need of new talent. The White House is also beset by an increasing number of leaks, the clear result of people frustrated that the higher-ups don’t appear to be listening.”

    On Education

    With the revelation of that Colorado teacher who preached in class that the United States was the most violent country in history, the below quote is perhaps truer than ever.

    From Muth’s News and Views:

    "In days of old, teaching right from wrong was the responsibility of parents; schools exclusively taught the basics and neither teachers nor parents were charged with crimes for disciplining unruly children. Today, the 'village,' governmentally empowered to educate and look after our children, is producing arsonists and anarchists. It's ironic that our "evolved" liberal institutions of learning increasingly are producing graduates who have no ethics, no understanding of morality and no mastery of the skills that can reasonably be described as the basics of education."

    - Columnist Frank Salvato

    Marriage and Its Secrets

    Compiled by the Grandparentsrus email list, including wisdom on marriage from Winston Churchill!
    "People stay married because they want to, not because the doors are locked."
    - Paul Newman (1925-) from the film 'Winning'

    "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."
    - Germaine Greer

    "To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up."
    - Ogden Nash

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    More Notable/Quotables HERE

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    Cute Cat Pics, Cats on a Leash, Cat Cartoons

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    Cats on a leash
    By Lee Dobbins

    Can you train your cat to take walks with you on a leash outside just like a dog? Yes you can! Training cats, however is a whole different ball game from training dogs. With some Patience and persistence, however, you may have your finicky feline outdoors on a leash in no time.

    The best time to start training is when your cat is a kitten, at this stage the cat doesn't have any programmed behaviors so you can try to mold him to what you want him to do. An older cat may be a bit more set in his ways and might require added patience for leash training.

    One thing you will want to do is search out the leash that will be suitable for both you and your cat. There are many different leashes on the market to day. Some are retract able with a setting on the holder to be able to allow just enough leash out for the cat. On the other hand, you can just let the cat have as much as they would like. This is nice for walking and for letting the cat to play, with control that they do not run off or get in to much trouble.

    Standard leashes are about 5 or 6 feet which should be fine. You want to get a leash that is lightweight - not one for a dog. Too much weight in the leash will make the cat uncomfortable and he won't want to go for walks. Another item that you will need to consider is a harness or collar for the cat. A harness is the best for a cat. With purchasing a collar you will want to make it very narrow one and light. When looking for a collar keep in mind that you don't want it too tight on the cat, but not too loose either as you don't want him to slip his head out. Cat's won't respond well to jerking their collar so a harness is really best and should be loose and comfortable for the cat.

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    Once you get the leash, collar, or harness, you will want to introduce the cat to the item by playing with him. This allows the cat to get use to it and put its scent on these items. Next you want to try to put the harness or collar on the cat. Put it on as loose as you can get it, just place it him and depending on his reaction you can leave it on for a short time or if the cat does not want anything to do with it, then you might have to revert back to the "playing" stage. This step is very important, if you force the cat to wear the harness, they are not going to be happy at all with the harness or with you. Take your time with all the steps.

    After the cat is wearing the harness loose, then it is the time to tighten the harness up until it is the right fit for the cat. At this point, you will want to give the cat time to wear the harness. Next attach the leash. Remember first to have the cat play with the leash. Put the leash on and get the cat use to having it on. Then you will want to start walking the cat inside, until the cat is doing well. Once the cat is comfortable with the leash then it is time to go outside for a walk.

    When walking with the cat make sure there is not too much loose leash or they will be running in all random directions. There are many distractions for a cat outdoors - birds, squirrels and the neighbors pets might cause your cat to want to run around, but you must keep a tight leash so that your cat walks with you and is not dragging you all over the place.

    Lee Dobbins writes for E Pet Center where you can learn more about pets and caring for kittens and cats.
    From ArcaMax

    Have a fantastic day from Theresa, your animal loving friend from the U.S.A. (Ohio). ©Compliation Rights 2006

    More Pampered Pets HERE

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