First, I wrote the speech that Bush SHOULD be giving tonight. I'm sure mine is better than his.
So Cindy Sheehan is giving the DEMS a hard time, heh.
Also, Joe Biden's crazy comments, the Kerry's weird Christmas card and an update on presidential candidate pretty boy, John Edwards.
Pic of the Day

Quote of the Day- Wall Street Journal, 12/30/06 |
Web Site Worth the Visit This Flu Season Keep Healthy With Home Remedies CLICK HERE |
TIDBITS In 1907: 1. Pneumonia and influenza 2. Tuberculosis 3. Diarrhea 4. Heart disease 5. Stroke There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A. ! |

Bush's Speech Tonight
I had a dream that Bush gave the following speech, reproduced below in my dream's entirety.
Ladies and Gentlemen of Congress and Good Citizens of the United States of America
This past November Americans went to the polls and voted. As a result, the majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives changed parties from Republican to Democrat. I awesomely respect the voice of the American public and while the margins of the congressional majorities had never been overwhelming either way, I got the message from the American public loud and clear.
Problem is, the message that I got from the American public is not what many major media outlets seem to think is the message. The message that I got from American voters this past November is that I, your President elected for two terms, have not done a good enough job in communicating all that the War on Terror is about and the supreme consequences of not waging a war correctly.
Tonight I want to thank you Americans for interrupting your busy lives and I am going to talk to the country straight and fierce.
On 9-11-01, our country was attacked on its own soil. Innocent American citizens suffered horrific deaths; innocent Americans whose only crime was being a law-abiding citizen and pursuing their happiness as our constitution demands.
To defend our land and avoid future attacks, I gathered all of our intelligence sources, my cabinet and armed forces leaders to draw up a plan of attack. We all knew immediately that the enemy that attacked us wears no uniform and is affiliated with no specific country. It would not be an easy war to wage and we had to be mindful of innocent Muslims who are also pursuing their happiness in their own way.
I then went to the United Nations to ask that world body which was formed specifically to handle cases like aggressive nations attacking others, to give the U.S. a vote to take down Saddam Hussein. The taking down of Hussein was part of our War on Terror, a war fully authorized by all of your elected representatives and recently re-affirmed via another vote in the House.
My fellow American citizens, it's easy for your representatives to go out and criticize how this war is being run and, indeed, such a vibrant national discourse should be encouraged in this land of free speech. But it's easy to carp and criticize when you're not running things. This is not to say that your congressional leaders shouldn't be watching the Commander-in-Chief closely. As the President this country elected twice, I would respectfully request that I be given the benefit of any doubt, should doubt exist. Bad-mouthing this country on foreign soil, meeting with foreign leaders without consulting with the executive branch, and constant carping to win votes are not ways to win a war no badly the management of that war may be perceived.
It's my intention tonight to lay it out on the line for the vast number of citizens I represent just how serious this War on Terror is to the survival of our country. I ask, indeed I URGE, you to contact your elected representatives if you have questions about what I am going to offer you tonight. I also ask that if you approve of my delineation of the facts that you also contact your congressional representatives and tell them this as well.
The attacks of 9-11-01 were almost perfectly orchestrated and represented about the only way a foreign power could bring this country down. All with only four airplanes, some Islamofacists indoctrinated for life, and a few dollars provided by enemy Islamofacists who want to wipe this country off of the earth.
In an attempt to keep the country running on an even keel after such a devastating attack I fear my administration may have played down the danger.
Consider: An attack on the Twin Towers-aimed right at the country's largest city, a hit at the heart of our economy and an attempt to demoralize. An attack on our Pentagon-the core of our military-that organization we count on to protect and defend us in the event of just such an attack. One plane was foiled from its original plan and our studies all show that this plane was headed to either the capitol or the White House. Hit at the heart of the government, disrupt the orderly process of running the country, kill the elected representatives, create an atmosphere of chaos.
I would remind my fellow citizens that congress was in full session on 9-11-01 and had not a few brave Americans fought back, an action that our enemies can always count on from American citizens, it's anybody's guess whether our country would have been plunged into anarchic chaos.
While the American congress voted to give me, your Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces as set forth in our constitution, full authority to take whatever military action I deem necessary based on my consultations with military leaders, I took the additional step of going to the United Nations to ask for a vote to take down a known enemy of America, Saddam Hussein.
We based our request for such a world vote on the fact that it was believed by Intelligence agencies across the planet that Saddam was working on weapons of mass destruction. With 9-11 a fait accompli, America could not risk allowing dangerous despots to exist who have a record of invading its neighbors, providing suicide attackers with financial rewards and with a known record of attempts to get nuclear materials and had already gassed his own citizens with a weapon of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein had a very bad record with the world at large.
We discovered that our own United Nations had been involved with Saddam in a totally corrupt program that started out with the world's best intentions. We called it an "oil-for-food" program and Saddam was granted the ability to sell oil and make purchases with the profits of goods that ONLY benefited the Iraqi people.
Not only did Saddam not serve his citizens well with the OFF program, he outright bribed many UN member nations and we've an extensive documentation of countries that violated their own agreement and were engaging in illegal activities using the OFF program to fill their own monetary coffers. A few of the countries involved include France, Germany and Russia. Countries whose votes we needed to get UN approval.
I give my fellow American citizens credit for having a whole lot of common sense. It's common sense that keeps this country chugging along and I know my fellow Americans will understand that France, Germany and Russia's vote against invasion of Iraq to take down Saddam was based more on a desire not to stop the good thing they had going with the OFF program rather than the right and the wrong of it.
Still, our congress did authorize the War on Terror and America had to go it alone.
We did take down Saddam Hussein, ladies and gentlemen. We took him down quickly and handily.
We found no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.
I cannot emphasize enough, my fellow Americans, that we found no STOCKPILES of WMD's. We did find plenty of documentation and proof that Saddam was working on such a program on many fronts. I consider it my failure that I allowed the media mantra of "NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" to become a household phrase. I'd like to set the record straight right now.
Again I ask my fellow Americans to use the good common sense I know they have. Saddam's main source of WMD's was MONEY. Indeed. Money can buy anything. It can buy land to house WMD's far away from Iraq and the snoopy eyes of UN inspectors. It can buy yellowcake uranium, it can buy scientists with nuclear know-how, it can buy weapons from rogue regimes such as South Korea. And via the UN's corrupt oil for food program, we now know that there were plenty of players willing to pay Saddam for cheap oil and provide his regime with all manner of material.
Just because we didn't find fields full of alert and ready nuclear bombs does not mean that Saddam wasn't recruiting scientists with his piles of money or even purchasing nuclear know-how from Russia, part of the former U.S.S.R.
If Saddam Hussein's country was so poor that it needed an oil-for-food program to allegedly provide Iraqi citizens with food and medicine, than why was Saddam so vocal about offering Palestinian suicide bombers $50,000 per successful attack? Couldn't Saddam have better used that $50,000 to provide food for his citizens that were starving, or so the UN told us?
Fellow citizens, our invasion of Iraq is part of our War on Terror. A war that was declared by the United States and approved by its congress. If an argument is made that Saddam and Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism I'd say that first, I have plenty of evidence that proves this premise wrong. I would remind you that Saddam allowed terrorists to use Iraqi land to practice terrorist acts and he often gave terrorists safe haven in Iraq. More important, the decision to invade Iraq as part of our war on terror was made well before the media and some opportunistic politicians made Saddam a hero who would never participate in terrorist acts. And, if you'll indulge me fellow American citizens, I'd also suggest that even if Saddam had no WMD's and had no intention of every acquiring WMD's, all he had to do was come clean for the world, allow UN inspectors in and have access to all suspect locales. Why didn't he?
I am the Commander in Chief of the United States and there's a reason our founding fathers set it up that way. We can't have 535 generals trying to run a war. It certainly isn't that congressional input isn't valuable, but only one person can be in charge and that one person is the President, this president now elected twice by the American people.
Finally, I must take this opportunity to warn my fellow citizens on the dangers of radical Islam. Oil rich countries have taken the Muslim faith and twisted it into a vehicle to control the people with an iron fist, the law of a religion also the law of the land. It's not a good way to govern but even mighty American has no right to dictate to others how to run their country.
Yet we cannot ignore the very dangerous world we have now due to a populace of many millions who have been indoctrinated since birth to hate Israel, hate America, hate everyone except the despots and dictators who control the vast oil wealth for themselves and have created a proxy enemy to deflect popular sentiment from turning against them.
The question I pose to my fellow American citizens is the following-do we want to win this war in Iraq or do we want to abandon the country and allow Islamofacists from other countries to take over the country and use it as a handy base of operations? It's not like Islamofacists don't do such things, witness Afghanistan and Somalia.
I ask you to please contact your elected congress person and let your feelings be known. For I don't believe Americans are losers and yet there is an orchestrated campaign to have America lose this war.
It takes time to rebuild a torn country, to train a new army, to purge the enemy from within. Americans are not known for their patience. I understand this.
But tonight, as your President, I am asking your patience. I am also asking for your participation. I want to know, are you with me? Because if we abandon Iraq now, trust that America will lose all credibility on the planet. No matter how big or mighty we may think we are, let us walk away from Iraq and we'll be one of the most inconsequential and cowardly countries on the planet.
I am your President and it's my duty to bring you the truth as I see it. I haven't done a very good job of this lately which is why I am trying to change this tonight. You may criticize me, accuse me of using bad judgement, resent this war although your congress voted for it as well.
I thank you for your time and attention, good citizens, and ask that we all hear from YOU, the citizens.
Are we losers? Or are we winners?
So What's Cindy Sheehan Been Up To?
Well, she's leading a delegation of former Guantanamo inmates to Cuba to protest that facility.
On January 9-13, a first-ever international delegation of former prisoners, families of current prisoners, US lawyers and human rights activists will travel to Guantanamo, Cuba to hold a conference on prison abuses and march to the Cuban-side security gate of the US Naval Base to call for the closure of the illegal prison. The protest in Cuba is part of the January 11 International Day to Shut Down Guantanamo, the day that marks the 5-year anniversary of the first prisoners being sent to Guantanamo.

AND, most interesting of all, Cindy and a few other kooks disrupted a DEMOCRATIC House meeting. Heh. Time for the Dems to take some heat from the Moonbats they encourage.
Iraq war protesters broke up a press conference by House Democrats on Wednesday with chants to bring American troops home from Iraq.
Chanting "de-escalate, investigate, troops home now," the protesters disrupted a briefing aimed at outlining priority goals when Democrats take over the House and Senate on Thursday.
Some More Perspective on the Strange Candidacy of John Edwards
Covered on this Blog HERE, it seems some others have some thoughts on Breck Boy Edwards and what he’s all about.
From North Carolina
To give Edwards his due, he is a phenomenal public speaker. He could have been a sideshow huckster, or a salesman of 80 proof Indian elixirs in dry counties. For instance, he once claimed to channel the spirit of a child. "I feel her, I feel her presence," he said in a malpractice lawsuit on behalf of Jennifer Campbell. "She's inside me and she's talking to you. And this is what she says to you. She says, I don't ask for your pity. What I ask for is your strength. And I don't ask for your sympathy, but I do ask for your courage." Such tacky techniques of persuasion earned this champion of the poor between $12.8 and $60 million, according to financial disclosure forms. It is little wonder that Senator Edwards is often confused with the famous psychic, John Edward. Unfortunately for Mr. Edward, hosting a maudlin television show is not as lucrative as practicing those same skills of mysticism in court.
That Wacky Kerry Christmas Card
Turn your used Christmas cards into…carpet tile?
From the WAPO:
Nothing is ever simple when it comes to John Kerry.
The senator from Massachusetts and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, sent out 75,000 Christmas cards with pictures of trees at each season. The Kerrys gushed over their "gratitude for the beauty of these trees and the life they represent."
But it didn't end there.
The card came in an odd-looking envelope, one of those with a return-mail flap and instructions to send it to . . . well, to a recycling company, so "it can be made into new carpet tile."
Hey, I’m a big believer in the power of compost and recycling. But hey, why carpet tile? Who do the Kerrys know in the carpet tile business?
So What’s Biden Got to Say About It All?
Since he’s mine own fine Senator and since he’s got White House ambitions, time to check in and see what this camera-hogging plagiarist has to say about it all.
From the WAPO:
"I have reached the tentative conclusion that a significant portion of this administration, maybe even including the vice president, believes Iraq is lost," Biden said. "They have no answer to deal with how badly they have screwed it up. I am not being facetious now. Therefore, the best thing to do is keep it from totally collapsing on your watch and hand it off to the next guy -- literally, not figuratively."

Winning is not an option in Iraq, says Joe Biden, new head of the Foreign Relations Committee and 2008 presidential candidate. Will President Bush have to fight a white-flag Congress as much as the terrorists?
The way Joe Biden sees it, the White House already knows America is going to lose the Iraq War.
It would seem that Biden wants us to lose this war.
Ending With a Smile

More Political Tidbits HERE

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