You read the above right, check it out.
Plus a really depressing movie that might make you kill yourself, some blind item fun and a couple of celebrity pics that will surely cause a giggle or two.

Pic of the Day

Quote of the DayClassic Quotes by Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) American actor |
Web Site Worth the Visit MILTON BERLE JOKES Popular scuttlebutt has it that Milton Berle was a pro at stealing the jokes of others. Whatever the case, his or stolen, here's a site that has a compilation of Milton Berle jokes. ABOVE SITE HERE |
TIDBITS +------------------- Bizarre Inventions -------------------+ In the 1980's, French women Dominique Peignoux, Yvette Guys and Francoise Dekan marketed a musical napkin that was placed inside a baby's diaper and played "When the Saints Go Marching In" as soon as it became wet. William A. Calderwood of Peoria, Arizona patented helium filled furniture that would float to the ceiling when not in use to allow extra floor space and be pulled back down by a rope as needed. It was in 1966 that America's Thomas J. Bayard invented a vibrating toilet seat, acting on the belief that physical stimulation of the buttocks is effective in relieving constipation. James Moreau developed a brassiere in 1988 which surrounds the breasts with water, so that a buoyant force provides improved and independent support for each breast. A transparent version is suggested for those who wish to make a fashion statement. In 1984, Inventor Timothy Zell developed a method of growing unicorns that are of higher intelligence and physical attributes, They are also said to be useful as a guard animal. What you may not want to know is the method involves surgical alteration of a one-week old goat, so that its two horn buds will grow together. |

Bill Clinton Scuttlebutt
Actually the following is not rumor. For Bill Clinton, the emu, really IS dead. The dispute now is whether the cops tasered Bill Clinton or did they mishandle him while loading him into a truck to take him to a shelter.
From the News Observer
CHAPEL HILL - Bill Clinton, a 6-foot emu on the run nearly a week, died Thursday after Carrboro police captured him outside a nursing home.
The cause of the flightless bird's death was in dispute: The manager of the Orange County Animal Shelter said police Tasered him. But a police spokesman said officers didn't use a Taser stun gun or tranquilizers. He said the bird injured himself as police tried to load him into a truck to take him to the shelter.
"My guess is it did something to its neck," Capt. J.G. Booker said.
Bill Clinton's flight was the latest and most spectacular of a string of Triangle-area emu escapes that ended in death.
On to the HUMAN Bill Clinton, it's almost as if this rumor is too good to be true. Belinda Stronach is a female politico that those prone to idle speculation, such as myself, would quickly wonder if this powerful Canadian woman wouldn't be just the sort of woman America's favorite horn dog, Bill Clinton, wouldn't try to hook up with. Hillary's loyal and faithful spouse has been in Ms. Stronach's company from time to time. This is not unusual in that Bill Clinton is a former President and former Presidents visit powerful types across the planet. Still, I've read hints before that Mr. Clinton and this Ms. Stronach are a "couple" of sorts.
Well I never met a juicy rumor I didn't share but beyond my love of gossip, that's all the proof there is...speculation.
From the

As potential girlfriends go, Belinda Stronach would rank as a true catch. She is single, youngish (she just turned 40), attractive, wealthy, impeccably well-connected and politically ambitious - glamorous in every respect. Two years ago, Time magazine listed her as one of the 100 most powerful people on the planet. The tabloids cut to the chase: they called her the "blonde bombshell" or "Bubba's blonde."
Bubba, of course, is Bill Clinton. He has been photographed with Stronach (right) several times. The sightings seem to be getting more frequent
But really, would anybody be surprised?
A Cinema "Must See"
I have a theory about suicide that is quite unpopular. For I believe that if an individual is REALLY bent on ending their life they will find a way to do it. Very few people, save the Middle East kooks and their personal vests of lovely bombs, want to end their lives. The will to keep on living is stronger than any of our most basic instincts and so far, few of us, no matter how desperate our circumstances, want to die.
Thus, so I figure, perhaps it's best to not try too hard to stop a suicide given the law of survival of the fittest. For the "fittest" amongst us do not end our own lives. To spend time, angst and resources on a large scale to stop a potential suicide is actually interfering with nature's most reasonable rule...the fittest will live on to reproduce.
This is not to say, as I read yon reader's mind, that we all do not have times when bleakness leads us to moments of unreasonableness when dying is more appealing than slugging on. It's this sudden and short-term urge to possibly end our life that others in a society have a moral obligation to struggle to prevent. The more normal will get over it and attempt suicide no more.
Whatever the case, putting out a movie about suicide, well who on earth is this going to appeal to? Further, I kind of agree with critics who say that given the right time and frame of mind, this movie, if viewed by a suicidal person, could propel them to do an act they'd never do without a cinematic impetus.
However, even dark and socially worthless movies like this simply can't be banned given the law of free speech and all that.
From Breakpoint.ord:
A new film begins with a young man cleaning up his apartment, putting on a good shirt, and killing himself in the bathroom.
And it’s all downhill from there.
As its title suggests, the film Wristcutters: A Love Story presents an utterly bleak view of life—and a not very inspiring view of the afterlife, either.
Stone Phillips Gone
This tidbit was so juicy when I read it on a gossip newsgroup. This link was provided but when I click in I don't get much of anything. Still I think the premise is true.
First, what the hell's with a name like "Stone"? I mean who names a little boy baby such a thing and why? Second, Dateline's Stone Phillips has always made me want to hit him through the TV screen. He's a narrator for God's sake but you'd think the man was reciting Shakespeare with his sonorous voice and drop-dead serious tone as he narrates various and sundry Dateline stories.
Now I understand that NBC is cleaning house and the handsome and mostly talentless Stone Phillips is amongst those thrown over the bow.
I hope so.
Celine and Elvis
Well I thought it was an impersonator singing with Celine during the recent "Idol Gives Back" episode. Now I am to understand that through the magic of smoke, mirrors and modern technology, the image of Elvis singing with Celine Dion was made possible.
Frankly I was very moved by the presentation and below, a Youtube embed that is a very good capture of this brand of modern music magic.
"Cherry Baby"
Many years ago, when I was a younger and fresher woman, my husband, then an online male friend, sent me a tape of music of his favorite songs. One very prominant tune was called "Cherry Baby" and through the years I've played that tape so much that the thing eventually broke.
Again, thanks to the magic of modern technology, husband now surfs the net and finds these Youtube presentations of those favored songs and he sends them along to me. So I share this with yon readers, thinking perhaps there are some out there who too remember these "garage band" favorites from the 60's.
Which jet-setting married celeb has finally been banned from that Los Angeles hotel where he is infamous for hitting on male masseurs? No one wanted to handle his flabby back and wait for the inevitable come on.
Our intentions aren't cruel, but we have to point out that this sweet actress is headed for heartbreak. After a series of disappointing relationships, she found happiness with her handsome new guy, but would she still be smiling if she found out he used to be a Gay for Pay escort? He didn't trade sex for money- he traded it for FAME. His "clients" include the editor of a top celebrity magazine. Recently he started choosing famous girlfriends who can boost his career. They can't help falling for him because he's so darn hot.
OK, it's been awhile since I had a fill in the blank Four For Friday, but this one lends itself to the format perfectly. The night before this recent awards show #1_________________(female pop star although also one horrible movie) went to dinner with #2__________________(aging, but classy country star), her husband #3_________________(non celebrity, but give it a shot), and #4 _________________(extremely popular male country singer) from the band #5_____________________. (think two letters from an extreme adult activity) At dinner they had about 5 bottles of wine and #1 was well on her way to being plastered. They decided to hit the casino for a little gambling after dinner and things got much worse from there. #4 only drinks tequila so he and #1 were taking shot after shot after shot. Needless to say, #1 was a MESS within about an hour, but she didn't stop. She stayed out until 2AM and more or less had to be carried up to her room by the end of the night. She was late for the dress rehearsal the next day and was so hungover by the time showtime came around she could barely make it through her performance with #2. Everyone wondered why she was so hard to hear during the performance and it was because she was insanely hungover from the night before and "didn't feel up to performing" at all.
#1: Kelly Clarkson
#2: Reba McEntire
#3: Narvel Blackstock
Snarky Celebrity Pic of the Week

Top Choices for Hillary's Campaign Theme Song
Yes Hillary Clinton is soliciting suggestions for a campaign theme song. As is Hillary's wont, her solicitations must come from her own selected offerings. However some fine write-in responses were submitted. Heh, FreeRepublic and other conservative sites began their own song solicitations for Hillary's campaign but we'll be nice.
Round One Winners:
Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall
Rock This Country! - Shania Twain
Beautiful Day - U2
Get Ready - The Temptations
I'm a Believer - Smash Mouth
Top Write-In Suggestions:
Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz
Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now - McFadden & Whitehead
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
You and I - Celine Dion
The Best - Tina Turner
Ending With a Smile

More Gossip/Speculation HERE

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