I know this, instinctively and intuitively: NOTHING about that story we're being told is true.
In this editorial I give you my theory about what's going on and the implications.
Plus an update on the Worst President Ever-Jimmy Carter, and his connection to Venzuela's Hugo Chavez.
If its a mean man and awful dictator, believe that Jimmah Carter brought him to power.
Pic of the Day

Web Site Worth the Visit CREATE YOUR OWN KICK ME Pick someone's head, anyone's head. Paste it into the body and set the procedure in motion. Kick the pic as often as you like. Suggestion-begin with the heads of Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton. Above web site HERE |
TIDBITS Tennessee Ten Commandments Some people in Tennessee have trouble with all those "shalls" and "shall nots" in the Ten commandments. Folks just aren't used to talking in those terms. So, some folks in middle Tennessee got together and translated the "King James" into "Jackson County" language.... no joke, read on... The Hillbilly's Ten Commandments (posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church i n Gainesboro, TN.) (1) Just one God (2) Honor yer Ma & Pa (3) No tellin' tales or gossipin' (4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin' (5) Put nothin' before God (6) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal (7) No killin' (8) Watch yer mouth (9) Don't take what ain't yers (10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff |

Jimmy Carter and Hugo Chavez
Recently I posted a rant about Jimmy Carter as America's WORST PRESIDENT. Indeed my handsome rant was based on my own personal experiences as a U.S. citizen during the reign of Carter and was written in response to this traitor's assertion that George W. Bush is the worst president ever. No president was as bad as ole Jimmah and I doubt any will ever be as bad as this man.
If one gets the feeling that I despise Jimmy Carter one would be right. For not only did this man nearly wreck our country, he gallavants around the world hyping himself as a fair and decent peace-maker when all he is is an appeaser for despots and dictators.
So this past week we have the beleaguered country of Venezuela, all suffering under the dictatorship of Hugo Chavez, now rioting in the streets over Chavez' latest trick of shutting down Venezuela's only remaining free television station.
Heh. Well, well, well. Let the record show that not only did Jimmy Carter help bring Hugo Chavez to power by offering legitimacy to the man's bogus and rigged election, Carter also acted as go-between with Chavez and another independent television station and after this meeting of minds, THAT TV station went off the air.
From IBD.com:
In 2004, Carter was an official observer to a rigged recall referendum. He swiftly declared it free and fair. Venezuelans cried fraud and chased Carter around Caracas, beating pots and pans. Despite this, outside Venezuela, Carter's report was taken by the media as credible, and Chavez's regime used it to bolster its legitimacy.
From the American Thinker.com:
It's not very well known, but Carter mediated a secretive meeting between Chavez and Gustavo Cisneros, another TV station owner who owned Venevision, which at the time was in Chavez's gunsights for a shutdown. Carter brought the two men together, hugging and smiling both, and then negotiated a solution that resulted in Venevision dropping all criticism of Hugo Chavez in exchange for Chavez allowing the station to live. For awhile at least.
When I read about the damage Carter has done to other once-free citizens on this planet I suppose I should be grateful that he did not succeed in turning American into a Communist/Islamic state as he so desperately tried to do.
I will forever and ever amen continue to document the evils of this man until my dying breath that grandchild Kaitlyn and yon readers do not ever forget this man's evil.
Oh, did you know that Carter CHARGES for his diplomatic services? Indeed he has his own ad hoc diplomacy firm, for verifying bogus elections and legitimizing dictators and despots is not cheap, you must understand.
The Weirdness of That TB Patient
Perhaps it's my suspicious nature or perhaps it's my interest in true crime. But I simply do not believe a word of the bullshit we're being fed about that fellow, Andrew Speaker, and his strange saga travelling around the world.
The first thing that jumps out is the unbelievably weird coincidence that this fellow's father-in-law just happens to work at the Center for Disease Control, on Tuberculosis research interestingly. While coincidences do happen, I simply do not believe the assertion by Speaker and his father-in-law that there is no connection between them because of his father-in-law's job.

Now the connection between the two could be something as simple as the fact that father-in-law was treating Speaker in his position at the CDC and at some point during the TB treatment protocol Speaker met his CDC health worker's daughter (which would be his current father-in-law) and they fell in love. The connection could also be something more heinous. I do not believe there is no connection at all.
As I understand the little that's been released about this incident, Andrew Speaker travels around the world in his job as an attorney. A Russian connection has been hinted at but never verified. This factoid alone is too intriguing to ignore. Russians who would need attorneys, especially American ones, would be one of the thousands of Russians involved in illegal arms marketing, a thriving business in Russia.
In January of this year, Speaker went to the doctors for something completely unrelated to TB and it was during that visit that a TB test was done and Speaker's disease was discovered.
What happened between January of this year and late May 2007 when Speaker was being chased all over the world due to his extremely drug resistant strain of TB is as clear as mud.
So many questions, so little time.
Also, Speaker has said himself that he has, ON TAPE, the CDC's assurance that he could travel with his TB but how this taped assurance came to be is not clear. I wonder why Speaker even felt the need to tape such a thing and is this alleged CDC assurance coming from the father of Speaker's bride?
So for four months or more this fellow has TB and still he makes plans for an OVERSEAS wedding, how weird is this? Was this Greek wedding so important that the Tuberculosis be damned, it's full speed ahead? Now we hear from Greek officials that there doesn't even appear to have been a wedding.
From CNN.com:
-- An Atlanta tuberculosis patient who may have defied health officials' warnings by going on a wedding trip to Europe appears not to have gotten married, a Greek official said Friday.
After this wedding evidently word of Speaker's travel abroad got around and hasty efforts were made to get him back to the U.S.
Now we have this Speaker guy traveling all over the world in a desperate attempt to get back to America as the fellow had no desire to be quarantined in Italy, not that I blame him.

Finally, some Canadian border agent who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express declared Speaker to be healthy and let him pass over into the U.S. despite the many bulletins out and about warning to stop this man immediately.
Andrew Speaker is now under control somewhere and we assume his resistant TB strain is being treated.
Now I would like to know the truth about this fellow. For not a single tale as reported about this man is true, I am sure of it.
Here's my questions:
-How long has Speaker known his "wife"? Did he know her before his alleged TB diagnosis in January?
-Was it Speaker's father-in-law on tape as verifying it was okay for Speaker to travel? Was his father-in-law's position with the CDC the "authority" used to allow Speaker to travel? If so, isn't this a conflict of interest for the CDC?
-Where had Speaker travelled before his diagnosis of TB?
-Is there any proof that Speaker was married during his recent jaunt overseas? The Greeks say not.
-Why issue warnings and such if border agents are going to ignore them?
At some point we'll know more about this unusual story as I believe there's too much publicity to keep it all under wraps. I believe there's a very high liklihood that Speaker's father-in-law at the CDC is knee deep in this thing.
It will be interesting to find out who's made money, how and where.
Those Terrorists Who Would Blow Up the Airport
I just love narrow-minded idiots who pooh-pooh arrests of so-called home-grown terrorists as not being important and overblown by law and investigative authorities. The NY Times comes to mind and may that band of metrosexuals never be in charge of Homeland security. Does anybody remember the shoe bomber? There was a loser if ever there was one yet the fool managed to put explosives in his shoes and had his cigarette lighter not failed to work one airplane would have been blown up. It doesn't take much, folks.
So I ponder how the fools who put the capture of these crazy nuts out to kill Americans and blow up American property would have reacted to Mohammad Atta and his ilk.
Imagine this....a press conference is held and investigators report that almost 15 people have been arrested for a plot to take over planes in mid-air using box cutters and after disabling the pilots, take over piloting the plane and ram those same planes into various American targets, including the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
As the NY Times would report:
"While the efforts of the investigators into this plot should be commended for their diligence, it is very unlikely that such a plot would have succeeded. How likely is it that airplanes could be captured with box cutters as weapons? How likely is it that all of the bodies involved in this endeavor would be in sync and able to pull this caper off before America got wise? How likely is it that these so-called "terrorists", most of whom could not even speak English, could actually pilot a plane much less ram one into a building?
It's not that we don't appreciate our country's efforts to "protect" us but a bunch of Muslims with an axe to ground in their own country are very unlikely to pull off such an intricate plot as investigators would have us believe"
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