In this editorial I provide some political cartoon relief on the matter but also, yet another terrible by-product of our illegal immigration blitz.
For local governments deal with this issue much more than the federal government and they often do an awful job of it.
Pic of the Day

Quote of the DayClassic Quotes by Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) Russian subversive |
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TIDBITS HOSPITAL CHART BLOOPERS (Actual writings from hospital charts) 1. The patient refused autopsy. 2. The patient has no previous history of suicides. 3. Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital. 4. She has no rigors or shaking chills but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night. 5. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year. 6. On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it disappeared. 7. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed. 8. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993. 9. Discharge status: Alive but without permission. 10. Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentally alert but forgetful. 11. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch. 12. She is numb from her toes down. 13. While in ER, she was examined, x-rated and sent home. 14. The skin was moist and dry. 15. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches. 16. Patient was alert and unresponsive. 17. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid. 18. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, until she got a divorce. 19. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy. 20. Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. 21. Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized. 22. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function. 23. Skin: somewhat pale but present. 24. The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor. 25. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities. |

Illegal Immigrants-a Bugaboo That Is Handled Even Worse at the Local Level
First, a joke:
An American, a Mexican and an Italian were robbing a bank. And it happened that they got a lot of cash in Dollars, Pesos and Liras. Back in their hiding place the American distributed the money to three even shares.
The American was doing the splitting:
"1000 Dollars for me, 1000 Pesos for you, 1000 liras for you.
1000 Dollars for me, 1000 Pesos for you, 1000 liras for you.
1000 Dollars for me, 1000 Pesos for you, 1000 liras for you."
The Mexican told the Italian, "Even though I can't stand these Yankees, I have to admit they are honest."
Now an anecdote:
I am hoping you have the opportunity to read this e mail regarding the utter frustration we as English-speaking Americans experience on a daily basis. Hopefully, this will go beyond just an e-mail.
This is an experience that happened to my wife.
April 1, 2007, in Denver County Traffic Court, Denver, Colorado, she had to appear in traffic court as a result of a speeding ticket. She was speeding and knew she would have a fine to pay. We have no problem with that. The rest of the court experience, however, is something we should all stand up and take exception to and ask what is happening to the United States?
She was asked to be in court by 4:30PM today, with which she complied. However, when she got there, it was announced that all ; ; non-English speaking persons with traffic violations would be taken care of first. The reasoning being that the interpreter leaves every day at the same time and does not stay late. So, a reward for not speaking English is one gets to go the front of the line.
Next, the non-English speaking individuals do not have driver's licenses or insurance. Never was it asked why they did not have licenses, what they were doing to get licenses or insurance. What they were given for driving without a license was a $35 fine. Since many of them did not have $35 they were also given payment terms. So, they are granted another reward for not having the money to pay the fines.
My wife, who was born in Denver, Colorado, raised here, and lived here all her life, was given a $249 fine for her speeding ticket, was not give n payment terms, and had to wait until all the non-speaking, aliens were treated first. If I understand this correctly:
* Let's never require the non -English speaking individuals who live in this country to learn English.
* Let's never require they become citizens of this United States of America.
* Let's never require them to ever get driver's licenses and pray they never kill someone on the road with their driving.
* Let's never require they get automobile insurance, so that all of us who do will pay higher and higher premiums.
* Let's make sure that those of us who do get injured by these individuals pay higher and higher health insurance premiums.
* Let's make sure those who can pay their fines, pay big ones to subsidize all those $35 fines on payment plans.
* Let's make sure we never inconvenience them a nd let's never inconvenience the interpreters in this country who may have to work late.
Our Country is eroding every day right before our eyes. No country in the world has ever survived having 2 major languages. We are heading down that path.
John DiNardo
14476 East Caley Ave.
Aurora, Colorado 80016
Often times stories like the above are deemed untrue after some Internet sleuth or another researches the facts. I'm not going to bother trying to find this Mr. DiNardo because the above story sounds very true given my experience. I worked for hospitals several years and translators are a big deal. I also worked for a property management firm and often found myself in court in pursuit of back rent or eviction. Translators work certain hours and accomodations are made to handle their proclaimed time.
There's yet another bad result from our rampant illegal immigration. It's the plethora of localities that are dealing with their own close-to-home immigration problem and the resultant bad governance that stems from same.
The state of Delaware comes to mind. Yes Delaware's a tiny little state but it is one of the top ten states receiving illegal immigrants in this past five years. At least I read this statistic but I don't know who or what group did the research but I can sure believe it's true.
For Delaware has had an influx of immigrants and billboard help wanted ads written in Spanish dot the highways and employers promise free transportation to all who so require.
It's the big chicken industry here in the swamps of Delaware calling all these immigrants, both legal and illegal. And it's that transportation bugaboo that almost caused the state of Delaware to enact legislation that is so damn dumb and contrary to good governance that it defies common sense.
See, illegal immigrants often do not have SS#'s. Or if they have SS #'s, it's often ones they've stolen or totally made up.
When I lived in Merryland, a neighboring state of Delaware, companies that would insure cars and drivers flourished. For industry reasons I don't quite understand, car insurers in Merryland tended to rate drivers by their driving record and where in the metropolitan reason they lived. So an individual living in Baltimore often paid more insurance than a driver residing in the suburbs, the logic being, I must suppose, that the more cars on the road the more likely the chance for an accident. But hey, I'm not a member of the car insurance industry but hey again, neither are the legislators in Delaware.
Yet didn't the Delaware legislator attempt to enact a law dictating to car insurers how they must run their business?
The residents of Delaware it would seem, tend to go about their business and if the rigors of life don't get in the way they are generally happy and thriving. Much like residents of any state in the mighty union known as the United States of America. The big chicken industries will donate to legislators that they may get elected and continue to allow immigrants in the state to run the companies. The immigrants will work the jobs Delawarians won't work, although ANYBODY will work ANY job, if the price is right. Evidently immigrants are cheaper than citizens of Delaware, let's not kid ourselves.
Only Delawarians were getting very annoyed that so many drivers on Delaware roads didn't have car insurance. These drivers often didn't have car insurance because, well I don't know why. Perhaps insurance was too costly and they couldn't afford it. Perhaps they had bad driving records and car insurers, as they've done since the first car rode the highway, refused those bad risks. Or perhaps many applicants for car insurance didn't have good credit records.
You read this right. It seems that car insurers in the state of Delaware often can't get car insurance if they have bad credit records.
Delaware citizens complained, hooted and hollered about the many drivers on Delaware roads without car insurance even though the state has a law requiring car insurance. Legislators got jumpy at the volume of the irate citizens.
Now I don't know why Delaware insurers require good credit records before granting insurance coverage. Hey, it's a business. If they do stupid stuff they go out of business. Another business will come along to fill the void. It's how it works.
I suspect that there's a big problem with illegal immigrants requesting auto insurance and one of the easiest ways to find illegals in your midst is to ask for a credit check. Because in order to run a credit check, an SS# is needed. And if one is using a fake SS# than the credit record will show ....nothing. OR maybe the illegals refused to provide their fake SS#'s so they wouldn't get caught as an illegal. Whatever the reason, a bunch of drivers were riding along Delaware roads without insurance and I myself have had two fender-benders with non-insured individuals, each being driven by a Spanish-speaking individual. Might be anecdotal but hey, I don't even drive all that much!
So the Delaware legislators get it into their head that the easiest way to calm down irate Delaware citizens is to force car insurers to NOT use credit checks as a determination for eligibility for car insurance. The logic being that if car insurers would change their requirement than illegals could get car insurance and in the event of an accident most would have insurance. Anger at the explosion of uninsured drivers would be assuaged as Delaware citizens would stop their carping.
Like I said, just like citizens of every other state in our union, Delawarians don't get all uppity until something profoundly affects them.

The Republicans in the Delaware legislator managed to beat down the stupid law that would tell car insurers how to run their business. Because had that law demanding Allstate or State Farm use different standards than a credit check to grand car insurance the companies who provide car insurance would, boom, simply have left the state.
Yon reader might shrug his or her shoulders and say..."So why do the car insurers use something like a credit record to determine whether to grant insurance"? And I would state, I don't know. I'm not even convinced that car insurers use credit record checks as the SOLE criteria before crafting a policy for a driver. It could be that a credit check was just part of the application process because, go with me here, folks with bad credit records tend to not pay their bills on time. Or it could be that Delaware is a state that lends itself well to this sort of elimination criteria. Maybe somebody did a great study and discovered a positive link between bad credit and awful automobile accident rates. For all the hell I know every car insurer now uses credit records as part or total criteria for granting car insurance.
The point is, these are private businesses and if they make stupid choices than they will go out of business. I tended to think that Allstate knew more about running a car insurance company than Delaware legislators.
Had this law passed and there were no car insurers willing to do business in the state of Delaware than I suppose Delaware would have had to create its very own state-run auto insurance company. I'm going to stop here and hope that yon reader knows that once you get the state involved in anything everything goes to hell.
It was the illegal immigration problem here in Delaware which prompted this exercise in bad governance. The solution to the problem of illegal immigrants using fake SS#'s and thus lacking a credit history is about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, not CAR INSURANCE!
Instead of intelligently dealing with a major problem, the state of Delaware was attempting to put a big, ugly band-aid on a local problem.
I'm not even laying the blame on the little state of Delaware, which is only facing what so many other states are facing. Which is, specifically, large industries in its midst which CANNOT get enough employees. I'll go one step further and state right now that I don't even know the answer. Delaware's chicken industry is a big business which pays plenty of taxes to Delaware and helps provide an abundance of jobs for both legal and illegal Delawarians.
The solution is NOT to have local legislators across the fruited plains passing sniggly little laws which have no resemblence to good intelligent governance. Yet it is the local governments that struggle more with the day-to-day problems of illegal immigrants than any single Lord in America's House of Lords known more commonly as the Senate.
I only have this little Delaware anecdote. I shudder to think what other outrageous laws might have been passed by local legislators as they struggle to please so many disparate populations, often stepping all over free enterprise in the process.
It's the FEDERAL government's job to protect our borders. Somewhere in the Federal Government handbook 101 one of the top ten rules has to be 1)PROTECT AND SECURE YOUR BORDERS.
If the federal government was effectively protecting our borders than thousands of small localities across the fruited plains wouldn't be struggling to deal with a problem too huge for small governments to handle.
Yet another result of this country's huge illegal immigration problem and unintended effects.
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1 comment:
The John Dinardo letter is an obvious fake.
The date of the letter was 4/1/07. April Fools Day, of course, but also a Sunday.
No court on Sunday.
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