FreeRepublic Ping List Compilation
FreeRepublic is a Conservative web site that, in the site’s own language:
Free Republic is the premier online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web. We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America. And we always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!
“Ping” lists on FreeRepublic consists of “Freeper” subscribers who express an interest in a particular subject matter. One Freeper will set up a ping list on a subject and invite any other Freepers also interested in the subject to join his or her ping list. The ping list owner will keep track of all Freepers who ask to be “pinged” when an article/post of that subject matter is posted on FreeRepublic.
For example, there is a “Palin” ping list. This ping list owner will ping all Freepers who asked to be pinged when articles about Palin are posted on Freerepublic.
The ping list owner keeps a list of all who sign up for their preferred ping subject and in a matter of cut and paste can easily ping the working list of other Freepers interested in the subject who sign up on the ping list. It’s very simple to remove one’s self from a ping list; most ping list owners insert verbiage to the effect that a simple “freepmail” is all takes to be removed from the ping list.
Below a list of ping lists compiled voluntarily by ping list owners. This list is, by no means, exhaustive. It’s simple enough for me to add to this compilation so look for it to grow as knowledge of its existence goes on. I often posts my Blog offerings on FreeRepublic and hope to some way repay for the exposure by keeping this list for ease of use by existing Freepers and all new ones.
The contact provided is the Freeper name of the list owner. Clicking on the link will bring you to the list owner’s FreeRepublic profile page. It’s then simple matter to send the ping list owner a freepmail to request being added to the ping list of interest.
One MUST be a registered member of FreeRepublic to join a ping list. FreeRepublic does not, however, require registration for readers to peruse the boards so click the link below and check out this wonderful conservative site that, frankly, does not welcome liberals.
Any Freepers who wish to be added to the list, or for any corrections/additions, please Freepmail me at:
Pat Fish Freepmail
Please include a description of your ping list as you’d like it to be shown along with your Freepname URL.
FreeRepublic Web Site
Below: FreeRepublic ping lists:
Ping Category | Freep owner link | Freep Owner name | |
Animals/Pets | Doggie ping list | Joe 6-pack | |
Animals/Pets | kitty LIST | slingsandarrows | |
Business/economics | Goldbug ping list | Jet Jaguar | |
Cartoon/satire/whacky | Pookie’s Toons | Pookie18 | |
Countries | Ireland ping list | taxchick | |
Current Issues | illegal immigrant ping list | hijinx | |
Current Issues | the Obama administration | Nachum | |
Current Issues | Socialized Medicine Ping List | gaila | |
Current Issues | Climate Issues Ping List | Steelyourfaith | |
Food/Drink | Food/drink ping list | taxchick | |
Food/Drink | Weekly Cooking Thread ping list | libertarian27 | |
Hobbies/Leisure | HDTV ping list | Las Vegas Dave | |
Hobbies/Leisure | Cigar Aficiando ping list | martin_fierro | |
Humor | Industrial Strength Humor | martin_fierro | |
Media | Media Schadenfreude ping list | martin_fierro | |
military | NAVAIR ping list | magslinger | |
military | Pray For Our American Heroes ping list | Left That Other Site | |
military | F-16 ping list | Jet Jaguar | |
military | Retired Military ping list | Jet Jaguar | |
Misc | Freep poll Ping list | dynachrome | |
Misc | UFO ping list | quix/LasVegasDave | |
Misc | NOT A PING LIST | slingsandarrows | |
misc | odd names ping list | taxchick | |
Misc | funny or odd typing errors ping list | taxchick | |
Misc | Dummie-FUnnies Ping List | PJ-Comix | |
misc | Flatulance ping list | ErnBatavia | |
misc | Viking Kitty Zot ping list | darkwing104 | |
Personal | Seaman Anoreth ping list | taxchick | |
Personal | Just Amy List | JustAmy | |
Personal | Daily Reflections with Oswald Chambers Ping List | Vision | |
Personal | Morning Cup with Amy | The Mayor | |
Political Personalities | Nikki Haley ping list | upchuck | |
Political Personalities | Lindsay Graham | upchuck | |
Political Personalities | Jim DeMint | upchuck | |
Political Personalities | Palin ping list | Onyx | |
Political Personalities | The Obama Admin. List | Nachum | |
Political Personalities | Terri Dailies ping list | wagglebee | |
Religion | Catholic Discussion list | Salvation | |
Religion | Prayers for Jerusalem Ping List | Left That Other Site | |
Religion | Allelua ping list | Salvation | |
Science/Science Fiction | Gods Grave Glyp Ping List | SunkenCiv | |
Science/Science Fiction | Catastrophism ping list | SunkenCiv | |
Science/Science Fiction | String Theory | SunkenCiv | |
Science/Science Fiction | X-Planets | SunkenCiv | |
Science/Science Fiction | Zombie ping list | RandallFlagg | |
Science/Science Fiction | Genetic Geneology | martin_fierro | |
Science/Science Fiction | Sci-Fi ping list | KevinDavis | |
Society | Cinema Ping List | MaggieF | |
Society | Single Freeper ping list | RandallFlagg | |
Society | The "I'd Hit It" ping list | Lazamataz | |
Society | Moral Absolutes ping list | wagglebee | |
Society | Homosexual Agenda ping list | wagglebee | |
State | South Carolina Ping list | upchuck | |
State | Magnolia state ping list | Islander7 | |
State | NM ping list | Cedardave | |
State | Minneapolis Steve’s Minnesota ping list | Mplssteve | |
State | Ohio Ping List | Las Vegas Dave | |
State | Ohio ping list | Las Vegas Dave | |
State | Cruzio-Santa Cruz County-ping list | martin_fierro | |
State | Pittsburgh ping list | martin_fierro | |
State | Silicon Valley ping list | martin_fierro | |
State | Michigan ping list | grellis | |
State | Oregon ping list | Salvation | |
State | Florida ping list | JoeBrower | |
Techie | Techie Ping List | ShadowAce | |
Techie | Apple Tech list | Swordmaker | |
Techie | Ipod ping list | martin_fierro | |
Transportation | Motorcycle Hooligans ping list | martin_fierro | |
TV/radio/Movies | TV series “V” ping list | DollyCali | |
TV/radio/Movies | Savage Nation Ping list | dynachrome | |
TV/radio/Movies | Glen Beck ping list | Cripplecreek | |
TV/radio/Movies | Cinema Ping List | DollyCali/Perdogg | |
TV/radio/Movies | Mark Levin Ping List | Fudd Fan | |
TV/radio/Movies | Rush Limbaugh Ping List | ImissPresidentReagan | |
TV/radio/Movies | Quinn and Rose Ping List | Sneakers | |
TV/radio/Movies | American Idol ping list | Silent Jonny | |
TV/radio/Movies | "Fringe" ping list | Lucky9Teen |
1 comment:
What no Official Friday Silliness Thread Ping list mention?
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