
Catholicism He's not a Catholic priest with all that pornography.

Daily Miscellany

Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".

It might sound off but it's true.  The greatest male singer in the world sings at my church.  He has to turn off the church-wide microphone and lower the speaker because his voice is so loud.

When he sings a solo during mass we can't help it.  We all got to clap.

And to add to the goodness, he shares his talent with people and God.

Worcester priest Gregory Lisby pleads guilty to possessing child pornography

It can be confusing but this guy is NOT a Catholic priest.

It almost seems intentionally misleading.

He is an Episcopal priest.

I didn't even know they had priests.

He lives with his husband and their two daughters?  How weird is this?

Gregory Lisby, the former kindergarten teacher and Worcester priest accused of child pornography possession, pleaded guilty to the charge in Boston’s federal court on Friday, according to the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

Separately, Lisby has been accused of sexually abusing a teenager after he was ordained in 2007, the Telegram reports.

Lisby started as a kindergarten teacher last year at Morgan School in Holyoke. He was arrested in Northborough in September on the child pornography possession charge and resigned from the job, writing to the district that he had been “accused of an awful crime.” Prosecutors said he could face up to 20 years in prison, if convicted.

Libby was the rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Worcester from 2015 to 2018 and listed on his LinkedIn page past employment as a substitute teacher in Worcester Public Schools, an instructional aid in Shrewsbury Public Schools and most recently as a teacher assistant at Little Sprouts child care in Natick.

FBI agents on Sept. 11 raided the rectory of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, where Lisby lives with his husband, the church’s reverend, and the couple’s two daughters. Authorities say they found more than 150 pornographic images on an iPad. (snip)
Pope says to give up TROLLING people on social media for Lent

This is rather odd.  The Pope wants us to give up Facebook, etc.  Giving up social media is a sacrifice for many people but the Pope vilifies such social Internet interactions yet after Lent it would be okay to go back to such sins?

The way this comes off, the Pope could tell us to give up armed robbery for Lent.

Pope Francis today urged followers to give up trolling people on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook for Lent.

He said there was too much 'verbal violence' in the world which was 'amplified by the internet'.
Francis added that Lent was 'a time to give up useless words, gossip, rumours, tittle-tattle and speak to God on a first name basis.'

He was addressing tens of thousands of worshipers in St Peter's Square, Rome, on Ash Wednesday - the start of the 40-day season of Lent leading up to Easter.

Francis said: 'We live in an atmosphere polluted by too much verbal violence, too many offensive and harmful words, which are amplified by the internet.

'Today, people insult each other as if they were saying good day.'

During Lent, Catholics are usually called on to give up treats or indulgences like chocolate or alcohol.


Image may contain: possible text that says 'When your Mom would do your hair as a kid.'

The Garden club gathers, discusses, and straightens out the women on the planet

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