
True Crime -Weinstein's unfair conviction; NOT suicide and Hot Pockets in college.

Daily Miscellany

Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".

I love my house.

And it is certainly not a house of huge glamour or a thing of much wealth.

In fact it is a house delivered on a truck.  The fellow who owned this house before our purchase supervised the entire construction (I bet that construction crew adored that).  But it has been in good condition, is perfectly designed with two full baths, three bedrooms, a tiny kitchen perfect for me.

I regret that wall-to-wall carpet thing as I don't think people with pets should have them on the floor.  But it can be removed and probably will in due course.

I once lived in a home, lovely location on a cove of the Chesapeake Bay.  But the house looked like the Adams Family House, was ugly and too huge.  If husband and I hadn't sold that house and moved to Delaware I'd be in a boatload of trouble living in that old house by myself.  THREE FLOORS!  It had three floors.

This pre-fabricated house that came on a truck is perfect for this widow lady.--------------------------------------
Weinstein Convicted of Clinton-Like Sexual Assault

Here's the thing about Harvey Weinstein.  The guy is so damned handsome and charismatic that woman can't wait to rip off his pants and service him.  Weinstein knew it; he's wrestled with this issue his whole life.  So he saved women the conflict of having to embarrass themselves with their greediness for his marvelous manhood.

He should be rewarded for his generosity, not found guilty of rape and such.

RUSH: There is a verdict in the Harvey Weinstein — or a series of verdicts. Now, Harvey showed up today at court for the reading of the verdicts, as he has every day, shows up with a walker, barely able to move, little blue pills are falling out of his pockets, and the lawyers are behind him and making him look like he is an invalid.

And, of course… (interruption) What? (interruption) Well, I mean, the poor guy can barely move. (interruption) We are supposed to conclude that Harvey couldn’t be guilty because, if he can’t stand up straight, what else can’t stand up? And then little blue pills strategically falling out of the pockets are supposed to indicate that he’s not capable of anything without medication. It takes about five minutes to squirrel his way out of the luxury SUV. 

SUICIDE? Obama era DHS whistleblower Philip Haney found dead in apparent suicide (wore a thumb drive around his neck)

Well damn the FBI is in charge of this case so what do we have to worry about?  They are the Keystone Kops of law enforcement and damn, they create their own whistleblowers.

Sheriff’s office says authorities have not yet concluded whether Obama DHS whistleblower’s death was suicide

by Kerry Picket
February 24, 2020 10:03 PM

The Amador County Sheriff’s Office said the death of Philip Haney, a former Department of Homeland Security official during the Obama administration, is still under investigation and has not been conclusively ruled as a suicide.

“Unfortunately, there was misinformation immediately being put out that we have determined Mr. Haney’s death to be a suicide. This is not the case. We are currently in the beginning phase of our investigation, and any final determination as to the cause and manner of Mr. Haney’s death would be extremely premature and inappropriate,” the office announced Monday night in a press statement.
“No determination will be made until all evidence is examined and analyzed,” it added.

“Additionally, we have reached out to our law enforcement partners in the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in analyzing documents, phone records, and a laptop that were recovered from the scene and Mr. Haney’s RV,” the sheriff’s office said, adding that authorities are also in possession of his vehicle, RV, and the firearm located at the scene.

Seriously this guy worked for the DHS and reported bad goings-on in that agency during the Obama ea.

Note it has NOT been ruled a suicide.  And what the hell is it with that thumb drive on his neck?

Hot Pockets heiress apologizes for trying to give her daughters an 'unfair advantage' as she is sentenced to five months in prison for paying $300,000 to get them into college

For hundreds of years wealthy people have contributed big bucks to colleges to either have a building named after them and, of course, have their children accepted there.

But as these things too often go, the practice becomes lazy and openly obvious.  Cause if I contribute a million bucks to a favored university, it's small cost for said university to admit my mediocre child as a student.

But nowadays parents openly bribe athletic directors and pay someone to take their kid's SAT tests.  They lie and the college doesn't get a new building for the money.  Only the cheats and the deceitful get the bucks and the child learns how to cheat and deceive.

Hot Pockets heiress Michelle Janavs has been sentenced to five months in prison for paying $300,000 to get her two daughters into prestigious schools as part of the college bribery scandal.

She told the judge that she was ' so very sorry' trying to 'create an unfair advantage' for her children.
Prosecutors had asked that she be put away for 21 months.

The judge went on the lower end of their request but also imposed two years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000.

ducks illusion animals rabbits - 7887762944

She finds a presidential contender molesting a child. What can she do?

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