Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy. We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail. We shall, as always, end with a smile.
-----------------------------MAJOR POLITICAL EVENTS OF THE WEEK
(another update)
Mid-East Battle Begins Again
During a barrage of rockets from Gaza into central Israel, new Israeli babies in the maternity ward were taken from their cribs and held in a fortified hallway while rockets rained over the hospital.
Here's hoping that yon descendants, not matter how many generations forward, are not living in a world where the country of Israel must fight with many Muslim neighbors who want to blow Israel off the map.
For the time while Trump was President, there was peace in that part of the world. But as it goes with a Biden presidency, everything got worse once he got elected.
That land belongs to Israel but since 1947, various Arab states have fought to kick Israel out. Not that any Muslim ever did anything with that land and not that the Palestinians ever had a country of their own although that is the claim.
So along the Gaza strip, the terrorist group of Hamas gets some money from America and proceeds to buy bombs and lob them all the time over Israel. The leftists currently in America, yon descendants, blame Israel for the bomb-lobbing and what they call the death of Palestine children. Although the bombs are lobbed from schools and churches so Israel cannot bomb back that they might kill a child.
It's a mess yon descendants and for whatever reason, America doesn't put an end to it, and, indeed, seems to encourage it. Except for President Trump and they had to get rid of him.
Israel has designed and built some kind of missile decoy system. Bombs from the Gaza strip are mostly destroyed before they can land in any Israeli cities and kill people.
Of course the Palestinians have no same thing. They are just not smart enough to make that happen.
(one more update)
(social media explains so much)
(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)
(My opinion for my descendants)
What I've Learned from the 2020 Pandemic
Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog. I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation. Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling. I am, after all, only a fly.
(one more update)
Decision on Brown shooting.
The results of the court cases involving cops shooting black men is beginning to come in and not every cop in America is going to be thrown in jail.
This past week a decision on the shooting of Andrew Brown Jr. returned a "not guilty" verdict for the three North Carolina deputies involved.
It seems that Brown, in his attempt to flee the deputies, tried to get away from the deputies over and video shows Brown aiming his car at the law enforcement people trying to stop him.
I am not convinced that people trying to hurt cops are going to get away with it, no matter the color of their skin.
Prince Harry Turns Into a Jerk
I kind of like the British royalty although I know they are a sort of tourist attraction. Like a good gossip-monger, I keep up on what is going on. I loved Princess Diana although I know she was childish and intellectually unprepared to see how life really was for her.
And yes, I watched the Meghan Markle and Harry's interview with Oprah Winfrey, but of course.
Evidently Meghan Markle is not much liked by the British royal family but it was Meghan and Harry who came off looking like a pair of brats.
But Harry calling America's first amendment "bonkers" was probably one of the dumbest thing any British royalty has done. Methinks perhaps Meghan has too much influence on stupid Harry.
First, may I remind, to include yon descendants, that America was once a colony of England and because we didn't much like King George and that crew, we started a war, got ourselves free, and created our own constitution and Bill of Rights.
And dipwad Harry tells us that our freedom of speech is "bonkers"? I would remind Harry that one of the major reasons we have freedom of speech guaranteed is because of HIS COUNTRY!!!
What a silly kid he is.
I predict he and Markle will not last.
OVER THE INTERNET(social media explains so much)
(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)
New Amsterdam
10 pm, Tuesday night
I am going to nominate this show as the most liberal series on television.
The main character, Dr. Max Goodwin, in a recent episode, got all concerned about global warming. So he started a campaign in the hospital that would help in that matter. . First, temperatures inside the hospital were reduced. Then there were shivering patients, doctors and nurses. Then he would only allow the use of surgical gloves, which he said filled the earth with garbage. The nurses and doctors hated this.
Then, in the silliest and yes, funniest move of all, he removed all meat from foodstuff for meats for both patients and hospital personnel. It's that old rubric that cows are farting up the planet so we should stop eating them.
Every episode has some stupid liberal story line within that illustrates the liberal way of thought. He starts free clinics for the poor although silly hospital personnel wanted to get paid.
I rather like medical oriented television series and there are interesting sub-stories on this show.
But they need to rid the show of this character or absurd liberal thought.
Liberals are not helping their cause any by using this show as an example.
(My opinion for my descendants)
What I've Learned from the 2020 Pandemic
I write this editorial dedicated to my descendants. For as I type, the 2020 pandemic is slowly coming to an end. Mask requirement is ebbing downward. Slowly the moles come out of their holes (one would be me) and look around. Next week I go to the grocery store without wearing a mask. Lord how I hate that mask. I can't breathe well with it, it fogs up my glasses so I can't see and no use wearing lipstick or any kind of make-up that I should look better.
I will not go back to church until it is back to normal, without the necessity of having people sit 80 feet apart and not sure yet about the mask but did you ever try singing while wearing a mask?
However, "normal" is a lot different, at least for me, now than before the pandemic. First, sorry, but for a while at least I shall not touch another person if I can avoid it. No shaking hands, no hugs.
Because, yon descendants, I have had two major flu attacks in my now 70-year lifetime. I was healthy at the time, relatively young, once at age 33, once in my 50's. Both time I distinctly remembering catching those flu attacks from someone I was around, hugged, kissed or shook hands.
This pandemic has taught me to....well not avoid touching but have wet naps or something to wipe off what might be germs transmitted by such touching. I will wash my hands every time I come home from a trip somewhere.
I won't be a fanatic but I was cavalier about this sort of thing when I was young and colds and flus were something we dealt with. At my age flus and other respiratory ailments can kill. Common sense would tell one this but the pandemic of 2020 taught me all I need to know.
One other thing.....I have learned and, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost let us hope the rest of the world has learned.....a pandemic can be started by an enemy like this one was caused by the Chinese. Another reason to have learned lessons from this pandemic.
By the time my descendants read this may they be living under the rules as I have delineated above.
And may China, an awful, awful country, have been severely punished.
Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog. I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation. Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling. I am, after all, only a fly.
Meeting about Israel/Arabs
I don't do foreign policy meetings mostly because....well I am a fly and while I'm okay with the English language, I don't speak other human languages.
Usually these foreign policy meetings serve weird human food, is another reason, and there are very little crumbs. But since the human countries of Israel fight with humans in something called a Gaza strip I wonder what their battle is all about.
At this meeting there were only four people, two on each side of the table. Two were Israeli and the other two were something called Palestinians. They all had heavy human accents but I concentrated as only this fly can do. Learned some very interesting things.
"We cannot initiate a cease fire," one guy on the Palestine side of the table said. "To a Muslim, human pride means everything.," the Palestinian finished then took a long sip of coffee.
"We suffered enough with your President Trump as he begged and bribed our Muslim friends from various parts of the world to cut us Palestinians off. Our pride was greatly injured," the second Palestinian said then he too sipped some coffee.
"Things are different now," one of the guys on the Israeli side of the table said. "The world has witnessed four years of relative peace in the Mideast and they don't see things the way they used to."
"You see," the other Israeli said as he leaned closer over the table to better address the Palestine representatives, "the world, especially America, no longer think of Palestine as being the victim of Israeli bombs. If we were peaceful for the last three Trump years, why, after Biden is elected, is there suddenly bombs, battles and war?"
One of the Palestinian representative suddenly stood up and banged his fist on the table. "LISTEN TO ME!" he shouted. "Trump almost took all the advantages we Palestinians have. The only way we get free money, people on our side, a chance to get our land back, is to have a background war and have the American media tout it as a result of Israeli aggression. It is part of the reason we worked so hard behind the scenes to get Trump out of there..."
Before that Palestinian could finish, one of the Israelis too slammed his fist on the table and began his rant. "You listen to me," he began the shout. "Three years of peace and the world knows it can be done. I know Biden promised you another war and even gave you money for weapons. But the world doesn't see the lazy Palestinians, who never accomplished anything of note.....EVER....the world sees who you really are now. Arafat is still buried in someone's garden plot. Your time is up. Call a cease-fire or we'll take advantage of our new Israeli advantage and bomb you all to pieces. Americans see the truth!"
This talk interspliced with bangs on the table and shouts went on for another hour or so but, what with no crumbs I eventually flew out of the room with boredom.
But I take this time to share what my human readers might not know about that situation with Israel and the Gaza strip.
Oh, and at some point some guy from Iran came in the room. Not sure what Iran has to do with all of this but wanted yon human readers to know how they are being played.
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