
5/29/21-Where did virus come from? Cicadas are coming....smiles and giggles

Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)

The Virus Truth

It's been big news all week.

The virus came from the Chinese city of Wuhan, proof being that three workers from that facility got sick in November of 2020, right before the pandemic, and had to be hospitalized.

After this it gets all muddy.  Or there's more we have not yet been told.

Here's my's unsaid but I will say that yon descendants follow how it all began and unfolded....suppose China intentionally started this virus on a world wide tour?  Wouldn't that be the same as lobbing missiles at a country?  Wouldn't that be the same as dropping bombs upon them?  Wouldn't that be the same as starting a war?

The pandemic, for sure, affected the outcome of the election, what with snail mail voting allowed to cast votes, with the dead voting, with the confusion and outright fraud that occurred during the election.

Of course this entire episode needs to be investigated.  We can't have countries inflicting deadly virus' on other countries, either intentionally, or accidentally.  But as I understand President Biden is stopping any investigation on our part and asking the World Health Organization to check it all out.

Rand Paul has been asking many questions and we also learn that Dr. Fauci has been lying everywhere, not that we didn't learn this earlier.

Biden is in the control of China.  They have the goods on his son, they are in charge  of much of our sports and our entertainment industry.  Biden is NOT on the side of America.

I ask that yon descendants know that should their history books even mention such a thing.
(one more update)

The cicadas are coming, one pictured above.  I am to understand that snakes love cicadas.

At any rate I well remember the most recent hatching of the cicadas, almost 20 years ago.  At the time I worked in downtown Baltimore city.  The cicadas were everywhere.  You get in an elevator and there would be dozens of them.  You'd spend the elevator ride jumping around to avoid the bugs.

But such is nature and by the next cicada cycle I might have a few great-grandchildren that will read about my experience with cicadas and be prepared.

I went grocery shopping yesterday without wearing a mask.

It was great.  I note that quite a few of the shoppers that day were still wearing masks but about a third of them were not.  Most of them were men, which means what I don't know.

But it's time ladies and gems for the masks to go.  We've spent over a year wearing these things, with all our ruling class dining out, flying airplanes, having parties....all mask-less while I could barely breathe while wearing one and my glasses got so fogged I could not see.

As liar Dr. Fauci told us when he wasn't telling us to wear ten masks at a time, masks really aren't needed and don't help much in keeping virus droplets out of our lungs.

(social media explains so much)

(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)

Dan Bongino's first radio show 5/24/21

Why yes I did listen to Dan Bongino's first radio broadcast, replacing Rush Limbaugh in many of Rush's former radio stations.

First, just as Bongino himself said, he is no replacement for Rush Limbaugh.  Lord how I miss that guy.

And since I listen to Bongino just like I used to listen to Limbaugh from noon to 3pm, I have listened to him all the days since his first show.  He is developing his own style as compared to his first day when he, well it was a little rocky.

Let us establish that I love Dan Bongino, could listen to him for hours.  Up until now I listened to Bongino via Podcast and that is my first critique.  Bongino vows to keep up with his podcast but it is only natural that he will be repeating himself on the radio and podcast.  While I love Bongino I'm not sure I want to hear him say the same things twice a day.

But moving on, best I can say is Bongino is Bongino.  So far as of this writing, Bongino has not had many callers, whether that is intentional or they just aren't calling, I don't know.  Also, unlike Rush, I think Bongino is going to have guests on his show.  He's very good at interviewing guests and the commentary afterward.

For now I assert that Bongino is a very good radio host and also, more cheers from the upper decks, Bongino is going to have his own show on Fox.  Saturday nights I am to understand.

Bongino knows a lot, has a lot of experience in running for an office, secret service and other jobs that give him a wealth of knowledge of how it all works.

I will always be a Bongino fan.

(My opinion for my descendants)


It's Saint George Floyd week but I am going to rebut.  

Let us begin by a few instances of George Floyd praise and mentions as I watched various TV shows this past week.  "Chicago Med" had, for some reason that I forget, three men adrift at sea and soon to drown.  As they waited they began a discussion about George Floyd and what a hero he was.  But of course if I were about to drown at sea I'd have as first on my list to discuss before my death....but of course!  GEORGE FLOYD.

Then we have "19 Station" and again I forget the story line, but it comes up that some guy needed his mother.  He mentions that when George Floyd was dying the first he did was call for his Mama.

As an aside, the show "All Rise" featured a party in their storyline and the big deal was to hurry up and you'll get a chance to meet....who?


All the characters were so excited they almost wet their pants.

I am fighting back, people and so should we all.

Because I am still hurting over the death of Keith Heacook, who was kicked to death as he tried to save two elderly people who were attacked and almost killed themselves at the hands of a black criminal.  Keith Heacock was from Delaware, home of the current president, who had George Floyd's family as guest at the White House but has yet to even mention Keith Heacook's name.  A cop killed in his own state while saving two other citizens while Floyd's family gained millions from his death but Biden forgets Heacook.

Above is a picture of Heacook and his wife.  Seems to me he deserved to live as much as George Floyd.

Below are the words of Susan Heacook.

Susan Heacook

I’ve seen many posts and have heard many opinions regarding the circumstance surrounding my husband’s death and I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings. I know there are a lot of emotions and questions have been raised as to who is to blame. With that, many fingers have been pointed and resignations have been demanded. I know this tragedy has affected the entire community, but I ask that everyone take a moment and rather than find someone to blame we collectively find a solution to prevent this ever happening to another police officer.

Many of my questions have yet to be answered and I believe an investigation is warranted, however moving forward we NEED more consideration and support from our elected officials for the men and women in blue who risk their lives for us every day. You can certainly fire and replace everyone, but if the intention to learn from this tragedy and better serve our community isn’t there, then what’s the point?
I pray this never happens to another police officer’s spouse. To lose the love of your life and your best friend has been the hardest and most painful experience I’ve ever had to endure. Let his sacrifice not be in vain and let us use this opportunity to FINALLY make the necessary changes this town needs. Thank you.

The only way we are going to win this battle against the criminals, which includes Joe Biden, is to fight back. Every time we hear unwarranted praise for George Floyd we should post praise about a cop who gave his life to save others.

We cannot ignore this. They will win.


Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog.  I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation.  Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling.  I am, after all, only a fly.

Republican  Meeting

Political party are not, at least officially, held in the big building where I seek crumbs and listen to policy being discussed.  But inevitably folks from each party will gather in a room, maybe before some scheduled meeting, or after such a meeting is adjourned.  I seldom bother to fly in because a)they have no crumbs, having snacked at a prior meeting and b)what they talk about is very boring.

This past week I chanced to enter a room seeking crumbs and a few Republicans were in the room, discussing things I thought were very interesting that yon reader might want to know about.

"I'm telling you, Mitch, Liz Cheney is going to lose her seat and there's more," one guy was saying excitedly.  "The people are not happy about where this party is going."

Another man jumped up and began to shout.  "They think we've let them down.  "

The first guy pounded human fist on the table and began to yell again.  "Mitch, the base of our party will no longer be fooled by a Mitt Romney or a George Dubya Bush!"

This Mitch guy, who kind of resembled a turtle, just stood silently blowing face winds up his face, a form of human exasperation.

Mitch raised his hand to silence the angry men.  "We've gone through this before.  We'll get through it again," Mitch said to quiet the angry Republican attendees.

"Not this time," an angry voice at the back shouted.  "Do you know what the base has planned to show us their power?"

Mitch put both of his hands on the table, took a sigh, and asked what.

"They are planning to boycott their jobs," the voice said, from a guy who I have seen before, used to be a wrestling coach, is on TV a lot.

"They say that but we all know these people don't do things together.  They talk a big game."

"They're mad, Mitch," the wrestling coach went on.  "They elected Trump and they will elect him again if given a chance.  They call Republicans like you RINOs.  And you know damn well your wife is all involved in Chinese businesses.  Romney's involved there too and rumors are the Bushes have ties to China.  They think we're like the Democrats....which....dammit.....WE ARE!"

"Boycotting their jobs won't make the left wingers like the Trumpsters," the Mitch guy said.  "When they can't get a cup of morning coffee because some nonsense baristas don't show up for work, they won't blame us."

Another guy, quiet sort, didn't know his name, piped in.  "Senator McConnell," he began, "I have been to many of these meetings and they have leaders and have a rock solid plan.  No buses or Ubers, no waiters or waitresses.  They plan on staffing hospitals enough to keep them open but few cops in the street.  All across this country, Senator, and yes they've got plans to blame BOTH political parties for allowing China to run our country."

At this point I had to fly out to attend another scheduled meeting which I knew would have crumbs.

But a nation boycott your job day?  They can't very well fire everybody.  It will be chaos.

Yon human readers, be aware.  Some of you are tough and fighting back.

And all with no reward of a single crumb.



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