
9/24/22-Biden's Interv iew on "60 Minutes"; Queen Elizabeth's funeral; much more giggles and grins

 Daily Miscellany

Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".


Oh my goodness, didn't President Biden give his first interview for quite a while.  The interview was on Sunday, Sept. 18, on "60 Minutes" by Scott Pelley?

Pelley got a lot  of criticism for conducting such a loving interview.  I kind of disagree with that Pelley did get Biden to declare the pandemic over with.  Pelley did not, however, do like most good journalists do and follow up with the president's assertion that he did not know any of Hunter's  business contacts.   There have been emails, radio interviews and much written by ACTUAL business partners of Hunter.  They all said they also met with the president so how could Biden, truthfully, declare he didn't know any of them?

Still,  Pelley did the interview and he pursued topics America wanted to know about.   Pelley got Biden to declare the inflation will begin to lessen, the cops should be funded, not DE-funded and other topics that will create sight bytes for his many lies yet to come.

Because nobody lies more than President Joe Biden.

And now we got it all on tape. 
Queen Elizabeth's Spellbinding funeral

Queen Elizabeth II was buried at a mighty funeral that had to cost in the millions.

The Brits declare that their monarchy brings them way more money than the cost of the monarchy.

I  suppose this might be true.

We now have the new King, Charles III.

My prediction he will not garner the friendly attention that his mother did.

Political cartoon of the Week

Editorial-Voting already suspect in Delaware

Please see some of the letter, as I took a quick  picture that yon reader knows it exists.

It's a letter from the Delaware Department of Elections.

I can't believe this.

First, the letter asserts that  my current polling location is some place called the "Slaughter Neck Education  Community Center."

THIS IS NOT WHERE I CURRENTLY VOTE!  I vote in a  former little two room church and have voted at this locale since I moved to Delaware in 2003.  That's almost 20 years voting in  this church located in Harbeson.  I have  no idea where this Slaughter Neck Education  Community Center is.

Further I don't know where this new place they want to send me is, which would be the Memorial Volunteer Fire Company Station #2.

I had my daughter look up this fire company and she said it was many miles away from my house.

I asked her to call the number listed on the letter and she did.

"Oh," said the lady on the phone, "that was a mistake.  Those letters were sent out by mistake."  This was said right after my daughter told her that where they were sending me to vote was very far away, and further the original polling place as they listed is wrong.

Just who made this big mistake?   The State of Delaware's Department of Elections sent this out?  Will somebody lose their job like we would in the private sector?  The letter is signed by a Tracey L. Wilkerson listed as Sussex County Deputy Director.

Further, the letter tells me to throw my old voting card and a new one will be coming to me.

I suggest, softly, maybe this wasn't a mistake.  Maybe it was an attempt to confuse voters, have them go vote at the wrong place, have them throw away their current voting cards.

I don't know but to me this is of serious concern.  The government almost stopped me from voting.

Which might have been their plan.
Notes About "The Bachelor " ending....that show is about to die...may it rest  in peace

Just as a somewhat silly aside, I have watched the "Bachelor" shows for their entire existence, not that I'm proud of that.   I am a fan of reality shows, not that the Bachelor shows have any reality about them.

At any rate, this year's series, where they had TWO bachelorettes, was awful.  First off all, the host, forget his name, another former bachelor, kept telling us how sad, heartbreaking, tragic, numbing, painful, hurtful this year's series of "The Bachelorette" ends.

The two bachelorettes were also FORMER bachelorettes...well I'll stop there.

Gabby and is now on "Dancing With the Stars" .....and they have been guests on
every talk show this week. 

Turns out one of them had a boyfriend who kissed another woman and one had a boyfriend that texted another woman.

Horrors.  I shall not watch anymore.

Martha's Vineyard

Rumor was that the migrants sent by Governor DeSantis to Martha's Vineyard would be followed up by a shipment of similar migrants to Georgetown, De. (which is where I live) to be bussed upon arrival at the local airport to Rehoboth Beach,  home of President Biden and about 15 miles down the road from me.

Well damn, Delaware has load of immigrants, many of them illegal to work the chicken factories.  My little community alone has a couple of immigrant families within.

Still, Mighty "Martha's Vineyard" sent the immigrants to a nearby army base.

The worst of all was Alan Dershowitz, who stood out on his huge MV lawn and screamed that the gentle folk of MV would heartily welcome the immigrants.

Dershowitz, what an imposter.


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