
Election Missive for Kaitlyn's Mommy


A Missive for Kaitlyn’s Mommy

So sweet Kaitlyn Mae, I must address this missive to your mother for the moment in that 7 month old babies, no matter how cute, are not allowed to vote. Except if they are Democrats who also allow the dead to vote.

It begins with your mother’s smirking revelation to me that she actually voted for Al Gore in the last election even though I personally drove her to the polling place and she told me she was voting for Bush. Let me state right now, Kaitlyn, that I do not believe her for a minute. Methinks she is telling this ha-ha story to entertain your Dad and other persons present with tales of her smashing independence of her mother even in full sight of that same mother. Someday, Kaitlyn, you will also play such a joke on your mother, ha-ha, but do me a favor, call me up before you do it so I may enjoy it as well.

The interesting part of this true/not-true tale is your mother’s sudden seriousness at the frivolity on my behalf. “Of course this time I am going to vote for Bush.” She then stopped and pointed to you, then happily sucking on a bottle and unappreciative that she is voting for Bush on YOUR behalf. “I’ve got a baby now and a future I’m concerned about for her.” All attendees about during your mother’s comments nodded affirmative in complete understanding that of course, with a young child in the picture one should certainly vote for Bush.

Now I do tend to mingle with a conservative type of crowd, Kaitlyn, though I argue it’s through no particular design. Except most of my crowd are members of my family and my family could very well be indicator of political attitudes in some fashion. We have political junkees, who would be me, some airheads who I shall not name, a few who become thoughtful around election time, who would be your mother.

At various times during the past 48 hours your mother had addressed election issues with her own wise mother who taught that child everything she knows, Kaitlyn, and don’t let her tell you not. She was concerned about where she should vote and where was her voter’s identification card. The things typical soccer moms like herself are addressing now as your mother, Kaitlyn, is a decent, law-abiding American. For the most part and we won’t even go into those teenage years may you never do such things to your mother, Kaitlyn. Again, if you do, please call grandmother first that I may watch.

“I’m going to vote for Bush,” your Mom told me as a matter of common sense as opposed to kookdom. “The only thing that worries me is why does everyone on earth hate America so? Obviously Kerry is not going to hack it but I think President Bush may have failed somehow with all this hatred of our country.”

It was, Kaitlyn, a thoughtful question and your Mom likely represents most soccer type mothers across the land. They too, mothers, wives, daughters and sisters, mostly lead peaceful, loving lives and such as hatred is not something the sane normally seek.

In other words, Kaitlyn, it is a very good question/insight.

Which grandmother must answer hopefully, to the satisfaction of your mother, who Kaitlyn, never listened like she should have to her mother but let’s not go there.

Here we all are, including a law-abiding person like your Mom, going about our lives, raising our babies and worrying about the bills, when all of a sudden we look up and see the world gazing down on us with unabashed hatred. For sure women like your mother did nothing to cause that anger so we must assume that our President has perhaps represented us in a bad light during those negotiations with such as the French and Islamic Fanatics, same thing.

Of course, Kaitlyn, grandmother doesn’t know as grandmother wasn’t at these sessions.

Grandmother has been able to put together a clue or two and will present them to your mother forthwith.

The United Nations ‘Food For Oil’ Theft

It was around 1996 or so that the UN came up with this grand idea which grandmother, Kaitlyn, then a soccer Mom herself dealing with your mother but again, we won’t go there. The notion was that the world would ease up on those sanctions for Saddamn in order to allow Iraq to import food and medicine for Saddamn’s people. Now why someone didn’t just put a quick bullet through this guy’s head instead of wasting ten years negotiating with a thug and a thief as if he were worth the time, well I just don’t know. So the UN agreed to monitor the program that Saddamn does not abuse it. It was win-win, or so went the hype, in that Saddamn didn’t gain but the Iraqi people did. My own soccer Mom sensibilities thought it a good idea at the time.

Since then, Kaitlyn, the UN has turned that ‘food for oil’ program into such a convoluted snake pit of corruption and just plain evil that grandmother is stunned. Here my sweet female self was all for this nice idea and here the very institution that claims to represent the planet earth abused their power to such a level that the stench will never leave. As of this writing, Kaitlyn, the UN ‘oil for food’ program hasn’t hit the national radar as it should and I don't know why. My guess is two things: one-the Bush admin plans to overhaul the UN, using the evidence from the post-Iraq invasions to blackmail the thieves out of the hell hole and perhaps change the UN back into the noble concept it was meant to be. OR-two-the plan is to let the newly formed Iraqi government march into the UN, hands on hips, and face down those UN thieves that gave Saddamn money for new palaces while they, the people the money was meant to help, continued to starve and lack medicine. Grandmother supposes it will all sound better coming from the victims.

For Kaitlyn Mae, the UN, including the worthless Kofi Annan and his family, totally raped that loophole in the sanctions against Saddamn, to feed their own greed. Documents are emerging from post war Iraq, from Saddamn’s own files, that entire governments were part of the scam, to include the French, Russians and Germans! Of course these nations didn’t want the USA, already sick and tired of this Saddamn character and really mad after the attack on our citizens, marching into Iraq and taking Saddamn down! He was their best trading buddy! The UN and almost everyone involved with it came out clean and rich while the fooled soccer Moms like myself felt all noble. While during my nobility terrorists financed by some of these very same oil-for-food funds were preparing to murder my countrymen!

Grandmother bets that there are not nations across the planet that hate us. There are, however, quite a few world leaders that would love to avoid all this oil-for-food fuss and at worst-avoid paying any criminal price for it whatsoever, at best-continue to rape and plunder and fool the world via the Democratic party should their village idiot get elected.

So ole Jacques Chirac nurtures and feeds the anti-American sentiment in his country and lopes about the world telling everyone how much he hates Bush because Dubya, Kaitlyn, is going to drop the anvil on these people and Kerry, well Clinton knew about all the deceptions going on in that UN and he did nothing. Why assume Kerry will all of a sudden change the direction of the Democrat party?

The many countries that allegedly hate America, interestingly those same countries with leaders deep in do-do over their Saddamn complicity, do not HATE America, they hate, Bush, grandmother argues. President Bush does stuff, like protect America’s interest and such. The corrupt Presidents of France, et al, do not like that. Though they carefully fan the flames of hatred for Dubya Bush and often float the notion that they will work on a more friendly basis with John Kerry.

They will not, Kaitlyn, because it’s not about Bush OR Kerry. Or America, even. It’s about THEM and what they hope to get away with. Goodness knows they lied to Colin Powell and bounced America around on a string when we were trying to line up their support to get rid of this ONE man, one man Kaitlyn who caused more havoc in the world than was common sense. They had no intentions of supporting America’s ousting of Saddamn, their best buddy who made them rich and kept them in power.

President Bush should be explaining this, Kaitlyn, and not grandmother. If your mother has any reservations about the current President is should be, as puzzles grandmother, his hesitancy to march up to his rightful bully pulpit and lay it on the line. It’s the election year thing I suppose but our country’s security is at stake.

There are no entire nations of people who all hate America, not even in the Muslim world and remember, Kaitlyn, and remind your mother, that you heard it here first. There are whole slew of corrupt leaders that hate Bush, hate, hate, hate Bush, because the President continues on rebuilding Iraq and trying to straighten out that Middle East which has tormented the world for so long.

There source of funds and power will be gone, and all because of Bush.

Tell your mother, Kaitlyn, that her soccer Mom mother was fooled once, tell her not to become another soccer Mom fooled by a bunch of thugs.

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