
The Week Just Passed

Notes of events from the week prior with, as expected, Grandmotherly input


The Week Just Passed

The Sunday News Talk Shows, Hurricanes, Miss America, Iraq’s Allawi, a rude John Kerry and Bill Burkett-proving even nuts can achieve national fame.

It occurs to Grandmother, Kaitlyn Mae, that it might be more efficient for me to post, say every Monday, a summary of the events of the past week. Then I can, as required, include pop culture events along with the big news events that spanned one week of the American attention to eventually die as other events occur. Except in Grandmother’s missives, you understand sweet Granddaughter, as the words live on.

The Sunday Political News Talk Shows

We begin with, as we shall every week, the Sunday political talk shows.

Colin Powell appeared on Fox News Sunday and as always, he was calm and erudite on the topic of Iraq. Wallace kept asking him about Kerry’s rude comments after acting prime minister Ahmed Allawi spoke to congress. Powell, classy as ever, rebutted all of Kerry’s comments with cool prose.

Then bursting upon my screen came Joe Biden, mine own state Senator. He ranted and raved and defended Kerry ad nauseum. Enjoy your time in the spotlight Joe. Delaware’s going to send you packing next election. And further, Joe my man, why are you STILL defending Kerry when he dropped your name with no thought as the source of foreign dignitary comments. I note you backtracked on that ill bit of news quickly.

Meet the Press was notable in that it did NOT feature an appearance by Joe Biden. Whew, Grandmother was grateful.

General Abezaid made an appearance and he answered all of the challenging questions presented by Russert with ease and gravity. The General spoke common sense and hey, us idiots out here in la-la land, we understand that wars present surprises, that there’s always an insurgency, that at times, the going gets tough.

That tough that get going at that time are NOT voting for wimp John F. Kerry.

MTP had a fine round table discussion about the events of the week just passed. Except, dear Lord, Doris Kearns Goodwin, admitted and disgraced plagiarist historian, still gets to be a guest and still gets to bloviate her own brand of hot air.

“Since Bush won’t admit he made any mistakes …,” she began some comment or other in response to a question I don’t recall. It didn’t matter. Grandmother saw red. What the hell does she mean Bush doesn’t admit mistakes? Damn, the man admitted that he was surprised that the Iraq takeover was so quick and that the US wasn’t ready for that event. Then the Dems jumped all over this like flies on poop and acted like general assholes all around.

And why should Bush admit mistakes you old plagiarizing cow? Dealing with the events of war as they occur, even if not expected, is PART of war, you grey haired idjit. These are NOT “mistakes” you partisan plagiarizer.

Grandmother, Kaitlyn, should be guest on Meet the Press in that she is a historian of sorts witness this very Blog.

And Grandmother doesn’t copy the words of others.

On CNN’s Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, whose ugly screaming face do I see again?

Dear Lord, JOE BIDEN! Another plagiarizing freakazoid. Joe Biden will kill women and small children to get his mug in front of a camera.

Wolf Blitzer had a special report on the conditions in Haiti. Good Lord, Kaitlyn, over 1500 people have been killed by Hurricane Jeanne, which was then only a tropical storm! Haiti, God Bless those poor people, was governed by a former thug, Aristedes, beloved by our own country’s congressional black caucus. Aristides was run out of town on a rail by the US Army, though the CBC condemned that action.

Anyway, get this, the UN truck shows up with an empty truck. A truck that was supposed to be loaded with food and supplies. Instead, the UN driver told the beleaguered people of Haiti that there would be no relief supplies today.

Grandmother must ask WHY?

Can’t the useless UN do anything right? Something as simple as delivering supplies to a country devastated by a hurricane. Supplies the international community sent trusting the UN, which can’t do anything else right, to deliver.


Joe Biden showed his mug again and this time Grandmother could not hold her tongue. Wolf Blitzer did his darnedest to correct the man’s blatant lies but to no avail.

“All of the army guys say they need more men,” Biden said this lie as not one military man has said they need more forces.

“Buuut, buuut, buuut,” Blitzer said, “They said they would like more help from other countries, with all due respect.”

Not that smiling, lying Biden deserves any respect.

And then, dear Lord my lying ears heard it right, Biden says that Bush is finally taking Kerry’s advice!

The day that Bush takes Kerry’s advice is the day I might move to Canada.

Watch for Biden when he’s up for election again. Moi predicts Delaware is going to kick him out, toot da sweet.

For more information and interesting commentary, visit the Free Republic thread below.
FreeRepublic Sunday Talk Show Thread


Count ‘em, Kaitlyn, FOUR hurricanes have hit Florida during this year of our Lord 2004.

Having lived on the Mid-Atlantic coast all of her life, now living only eight miles from the Atlantic ocean, Grandmother has known a few hurricanes in her time. There was even that time when Grandmother got it into her head that she was going to sit on her front porch and watch Hurricane Floyd as he passed over Merryland.

The dogs were game about it though I’m sure they thought I was nuts. The winds blew and rains poured and Grandmother sat and watched it all, smug with how impossibly cool she had to be. The dogs shivered and trembled under the table, still convinced this was a bad idea. Suddenly Grandmother heard some odd peeps from nearby. I glanced up onto the horizontal roof supports and all around were birds of every sort, all huddled in that very safe and covered spot. Suddenly a limb flew by the porch, six feet of shorn tree limb flying as if 60 mph missiles. Grandmother took the dogs’ suggestion and went inside.

There will be those who will claim that something called “global warming” is causing the mass of hurricanes that give Florida no mercy this year. Grandmother watched a meteorologist this evening who gave the most plausible explanation on the rash of hurricanes hitting Florida this year that Grandmother’s heard.

He said that in any one given year, there is always an unbalanced rash of hurricanes to hit any one area. Often these areas are out in the Atlantic ocean so are given scant notice. Still, the weather gurus have been tracking this trend since 1995 and they know it is not odd or unusual for there to be four or five hurricanes well up over one specific area out of thousands and thousands of miles of oceanic area. This year, so the fellow explained, the hurricanes happen to be peaking up around the Florida area. It’s when the hurricanes hit land that they get attention, Kaitlyn, as well as wonder that something is amiss.

Something isn’t, Kaitlyn. The meteorologist then said something more ominous. He says that in the upcoming years, it’s time for the Mid-Atlantic and New England states to be hit by an unusually high percentage of hurricanes.

Grandmother will not be watching them from her porch.

Miss America

For the first time, sweet granddaughter, Miss America contestants were allowed to wear two piece swimsuits, even bikinis, during the competition. In your era, Kaitlyn, Miss America contestants might well be wearing at best, thongs, at, well worst depending on perspective, be completely nude.

Grandmother has no problem with the bikinis but I did take great dismay over the pageant’s massive cut down of the talent competition. The talent competition, Kaitlyn, is the best part of the entire show.

Ahmed Allawi Visits the US Congress

The interim prime minister of Iraq visited the US congress this past week. All of the congress critters, Dems and Repubs, gave him standing ovations as he thanked America for its sacrifice on Iraq’s behalf.

The rude Democratic candidate for President in this year of our Lord, himself a senator who should have been part of Allawi’s congressional audience, decided to hold a press conference after his speech and basically call the man a liar.

We all should expect, Kaitlyn, that John F. Kerry would know more about conditions in Iraq than the acting prime minister who actually lives there.

No matter his snooty class level, Kaitlyn, John Kerry has no class.

Bill Burkett-Nuts and Fame

Bill Burkett is a former Texas Army National Guardsman with an irrational hate and resentment for George W. Bush.

He has seizures and claims to have contracted a rare tropical disease in Panama for which the American government refuses him treatment. For years he has been haranguing anyone who listens about the sins and follies of President Bush.

This year, CBS decides Burkett is an “unimpeachable” source.

Although there’s way more to this story and trust, sweet Granddaughter, Grandmother has some opinions and speculation. Tune in later for expansion on those theories.

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