
Delaware-A Guy With a Pony Tail Wants to Be My Governor

Delaware-Three Electoral Votes and Ready to Rumble

Lots of Biden Laughs Plus What Did Minner Really Say About Jails?

BREAKING NEWS: Mine own wise self got polled about the upcoming Delaware elections! I have never been polled before.

I was asked if I was a likely voter, whether I was more Republican than Democrat and most important, How do I really feel about Governor Nanny Minner.

Way I figured I was representative of almost 20,000 Delaware voters and way I figure again, I did a bang up job for those 20,000 Delaware citizens.

I told the pollster I didn’t care what Bill Lee said about polluting Delaware’s air I was voting for him. I said Nanny Minner could offer me the moon and guess what, a)I wouldn’t believe her and b)I think she’s been nothing but bad, bad, bad for Delaware so she’ll not get my vote.

Emergency Incerpt:

An ‘incurpt’ is the opposite of an ‘excerpt’.

And so I watched the gubernatorial debates this past Monday courtesy of WHYY TV. I must, as required, insert my opinion which, if held to next Wednesday, the day of my normal Delaware entry, would be waaaaaay too late.

If you get my drift.

First, I know one can’t judge a book by its cover and all that, but Mr. Infante, please, that pony tail!

The more sophisticated web sites won’t tell you this but myself shall. I simply will not vote for a grown man with a full length pony tail hanging down his back. Not to mention that voice, which I could overlook. I wrote, tongue-in-cheekily, about your voice, Mr. Infante, in an entry in late September.

So I was curious about the owner of such a voice that would have me screaming at someone to turn down the volume, only to discover the owner of the voice was a middle aged man sporting a pony tail? Who wants to be Governor of my state?

Which is too bad, Mr. Infante, Libertarian candidate in a state which could, so I shrug, be a possible Libertarian stronghold someday. You Delaware Libertarians out there, recruit a different candidate. Get one with a smooth voice and goodness, forget about the freaking pony tail! Then have Frank Infante be the new Libertarian candidate’s campaign adviser. Because, somewhat sadly, Mr. Infante did very well during the debates and were it not for the pony tail (I’d overlook the voice, seriously) I might vote for the man.

As for my beloved Bill Lee, who shall get this woman’s vote though not my 100% approval. For Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee (singing and shaking hands to the song tune) what kind of politician hands their opponent the perfect ‘out’?

Yes he did. When Nanny Minner was on the grill for her horrendous education record, even she admitted the Delaware SAT’s looked bad but of course she cited a whole bunch of other more positive tests used nowhere else in the world but Delaware as proof the SAT issue was skewed.

Doesn’t Mr. Lee, during some talking spiel of his, mention that the middle American students mostly take the ACT tests which makes the Delaware horrendous SAT results look worse than the reality.

Well, yeah, Mr. Lee, if only 10% of Idaho students take the SAT whereby over 70% of Delaware students take it, that could have an effect.

But hey, Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee (singing and shaking hands to the song tune) why help out your opponent? Let HER defend herself!

Which is how I know Mr. Lee is a Republican. Republicans are so naïve and Mr. Lee is a former judge where fairness should be a natural trait.

Whoo, boy. Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee….call me up. First thing we do is make the Mr. Lee song your campaign theme tune.

Speaking of truthfulness and Governor Minner, an oxymoron I know, myself received an email from the Republican party about Minner’s quote re the recent rape of a prison Psychologist by, tada….a rapist!

GOP to Governor: “WHAT?!”
“It’s time for Gov. Minner to stop offering weak and transparent excuses and denials, own up to her statements, and apologize.” said GOP Executive Director David A. Crossan

WILMINGTON, DE --- Delaware GOP Executive Director David A. Crossan expressed befuddlement over the latest radio ad from Gov. Ruth Ann Minner’s political campaign.

The radio spot states that Gov. Minner never said, “In prisons, you expect this to happen” following the abduction and rape of a prison counselor by an inmate serving 699 years. The ad goes so far as to accuse GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill Lee of lying about the statement.

The statement the Governor now denies making, was first reported in Delaware media on July 16, 2004. Since then, the statement has been referred to more than a dozen times in newspaper columns and articles, and numerous times on Delaware’s radio and TV stations.

Then in August, Gov. Minner’s spokesman told the media that the Governor merely meant to underscore that prisons are dangerous places.

Later, during a debate in September, Gov. Minner herself said the statement was referring to training issues, not to the incident itself.

Now today, after the Governor realized that she is in serious political trouble, her radio ads are claiming she never made the statement at all.

“We’ve seen questionable behavior from desperate politicians in the past, but this causes us to question what world the governor is living in,” Crossan said.

“The Governor’s staff has been scrambling and spinning to justify her crude and insensitive remarks for three months, now they are denying those same remarks were ever made,” Crossan said. “It’s time for Gov. Minner to stop offering weak and transparent excuses and denials, own up to her statements, and apologize.”

Methinks Minner is hurting over her cavalier statements not to mention her refusal to participate in election debates. And why are they polling me on this late day if the Nanny has her election in the bag?

Joe Biden-One Brain Dead Senator

Just because Biden isn’t up for re-election doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be booted out in ridicule.

To call the President “brain dead” is a bit impolite, Mr. Biden, and I’ll never quite forgive you for that. I wouldn’t have called Bill Clinton such a thing and I hated him. Ole Joe forgets there’s folks in Delaware who actually like the President and might actually vote for him. His own senatorial self a plagiarizer of the highest degree-not exactly a genius, Mr. Hair Plugs.

Biden criticized the administration's prescription drug policies and their impact on consumers. "He is brain dead," Biden said of the president. His comment was greeted with loud applause at the UAW Local 435 union hall in Cranston Heights but quickly drew the ire of Delaware Republicans.

Ugly comment here.

As if Delaware hasn’t had enough of Joe Biden, we hear from the Delaware Grapevine that Joe and his son, Beau, have been furiously fund-raising for Nanny Minner. Again raising my hopes that there’s trouble afoot in the Delaware Democratic ranks.

Beau Biden is hoping that Nanny Minner will appoint him to replace his father when Kerry wins and ole Joe is off to Secretary of Defense land.

I say let’s kick all the Bidens out of Delaware along with Minner.

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