
Fish Giggles:The Ballad of Dan Rather

Fish Giggles

Everyone Needs a Laugh; Giggles that crossed Grandmother's path and worthy of note. On this day of our Lord, we poke fun at Journalism

The Ballad of Dan Rather

(Sung to the tune from the Beverly Hillbillies)

Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Dan,
The documents were fake and he didn't give a damn;
He put 'em on the air, an' he thought he'd done the job,
But up from the web come a howlin' mob.

Blogs, that is.
Web logs.
Checkin' facts.

Well, the first thing you know ol' Dan's a-runnin' fast;
Made a false report an' it bit him in the ass;
He said 'dog-gonnit, I done thought I'd get away!'
But it turned out to be his a-reckonin' day.

Busted, that is.
Mud in the eye.

Well, now it's time to say goodbye to Dan and all his men;
And they would like to shoot you folks for turnin' them in;
You're all invited back next week to watch the Evening News,
And see which correspondent's picked to fill Dan's empty shoes.
Y'all come back, now, hear?
I came across this actual AP headline below and laughed for almost an hour.
Texas Families Asses Blast Damage

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