
Gossip: Welcome the UN to Monitor Our Election and Other Juice

A little gossip and speculation is worth some time and rumination.

Don’t Worry About the UN, Let’s Get Haliburton
Now here’s a waste of taxpayer time and money for political partisanship. Seems the House subcommittee on national security held a hearing this past week and seems instead of doing their job, California Democrat Henry Waxman (AKA ‘Nostrils) wanted to go after, what you say, HALIBURTON!!!!

Yeah, that’s the ticket. The United States House of Representatives should be investigating an American company used in no-bid contracts through THREE administrations.

It could be, I hesitate to suggest, that the Dems want Haliburton to be the evil word of the week in that Dick Cheney was once head of that company. Which, the Dems fail to mention, they insisted Cheney divest himself of all interest in the company in 2000 when he ran for Vice-President. Which, someone should have told Nostrils, Cheney did. Not only did he resign from the Board of Directors, Cheney purchased an insurance policy which guaranteed his retirement even IF Haliburton as a company totally went under. Which means, tada, that Dick Cheney, on this day and since he was elected in this century of our Lord, stands to gain or lose NOTHING if Haliburton goes under or soars to outstanding heights.

Proving, says the wise I, that EVERYTHING is a partisan thing with these Democrats. Here Saddamn Hussein STOLE over 11 billion dollars with the help of the UN from the Oil for Food program and Nostrils wants to investigate Haliburtan.

Meanwhile, Democrats on the subcommittee sought to widen the panel's probe to include the United States. Rep. Henry A. Waxman, California Democrat, said an investigation is needed into the Bush administration's refusal to release audits of a $1.5 billion contract in Iraq granted to the oil company Halliburton to repair oil-production facilities after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
Vice President Dick Cheney was chief executive officer of Halliburton from 1995 until 2000, and Democrats repeatedly have tried to link the administration to claims of government favoritism toward the firm.
Mr. Shays said the committee will ask the Defense Department to release the Halliburton audits, but yesterday's hearing remained focused on charges of corruption in the United Nations' $64 billion program designed to allow Saddam's government to buy food and supplies for Iraqi civilians with revenues obtained from limited oil sales.
"Acceding to shameless assertions of Iraqi sovereignty, sovereignty already betrayed by Saddam's brutal willingness to starve the Iraqi people, the U.N. gave the Hussein regime control over critical aspects of the program," Mr. Shays said.
Bill Gertz-The Washington Times.

Speaking of Democrat Total Lack of Pride
Indeed ladies and germs, the vaunted and honest UN will be coming to America to, get this, OVERSEE OUR ELECTION!

Nosiree, Florida minority voters will NOT be shut out this year from our election and such radicals as Barbara Lee will see to it.
Not to mention a former President, the WORST President in the country’s history and even now he should just go away. Yes, President Carter, Castro’s buddy, will be working with the UN because goodness knows the US can’t have an election without the UN, that body that stole billions of dollars from the Iraqi people that Saddamn may have palaces and award Palestinian suicide bombers $25,000 for each success.

Carter, well he’s a nobody, nobody, failed President so hey, he has to do something to get his mug in the news.

It would be mighty fine if the UN found problems with the DEMOCRATS. They’re the ones who like to vote early and vote often.

The U.S. State Department cracked open the door and now the invasion has begun. Foreign election monitors determined to oversee the U.S. election this November seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Even Jimmy Carter has gotten into the act. The bottom line is that the November election is being set up to humiliate the United States and place in doubt the legitimacy of our government. Those calling for the election monitors, like Democrat California Representative Barbara Lee, argue that the move is necessary in order to "make certain that every person's voice is heard, every person's vote is...


Enter Stage Right ^ Oct. 4, 2004 Tom DeWeese

Woods Gets Married; Dangerfield Getting No Respect in Heaven
Myself has always liked Rodney Dangerfield. Now he has gone to heaven where, I understand, he gets no respect.

Dangerfield’s humor always struck a chord in the common man because 1)he wasn’t all that attractive and 2)sometimes we really don’t get the respect we deserve.

We hear great Golfer Tiger Woods got married this past week and is planning a honeymoon in Barbados. Congrats I would offer as Tiger Woods has devoted his life to golf and may he reap continuous rewards from his hard work.

Bush’s Home Town Paper Endorses Kerry
The Old Media made it big news this past week; that the Crawford Iconoclast was endorsing John F. Kerry for President.

The implication is, of course, that Bush is so ineffective that his own home town newspaper won’t endorse him.

Oh, total circulation of the Iconoclast? A little over 500.

Well there’s a story behind the management of that newspaper. Below is a quote from an actual reporter on that paper who gives an intriguing picture of the story behind the story.

After a while, though, it became apparent that something else was going on. Shortly after the Democrats began their drive to unseat George Bush, a group came to town and bought an old house. They called it the Crawford Peace House. The house serves as a meeting place for people who want to have demonstrations and parades against the President. None of the people associated with the Peace House are residents of Crawford, and all they really bring to the area are headaches. From my perspective, they're the same bunch of sixties radicals who now use bandanas to cover up bald spots and haven't done anything since 1967 except look for things to protest and a camera to photograph them doing it. The Iconoclast started giving gushing coverage to the Peace House. There were almost weekly stories. The founder was called "a visionary." Most people I talk to hate the Peace House. But to read the Iconoclast, you'd think the Peace House was the only going concern in town. Other events started to crowd the pages of the Iconoclast. When a group of Nader supporters came to town, the paper gave it more coverage than they had the previous year's football playoff games. One photo showed a man with long hair and a beard holding up a Viet Nam Veterans Against the War sign. Another showed a float of a grinning George Bush holding a missile. Most of the citizens ignored the stories, because the paper still covered the local things of interest, including the football, volleyball, and basketball games of the beloved Pirates.

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