
The Week Just Passed 10/2/04

The Week Just Passed
Notes of events from the week prior with, as expected, Grandmotherly input

Florida Has Hurricanes; California Has Earthquakes
A 6.0 magnitude earthquake has rocked portions of Central and Northern California. The US geological survey says the quake hit at about 10:15 this morning and was centered seven miles southeast of Parkfield. That is near Paso Robles, which sustained damage during a powerful quake last year.

Britain’s Tony Blair and DNC’s Terry McAuliffe
Never one to miss an opportunity to bash Bush, Democrat party head poobah has something to say about Blair:

Tony Blair not running for FOURTH term, heart surgery., minor procedure,Terry McAuliffe just said that "Well, you just heard Tony Blair say he's not running for reelection; anybody who gets involved with George Bush's foreign policy doesn't fare well?"

Of Course I Saw the Debate!
Not only did Kaitlyn’s grandmother see the debate, she learned the importance of the word spin, all on the same night.

No, I’m talking the huge Blog spin all across cyberspace of gloom, doom and utter despair. Which handed the Democrats Victory right into their eager palms.

Because Democrats, Kaitlyn Mae, understand how to spin. The Clintons taught the Dems everything they need to know about the art.

Normally I wouldn’t even endorse the stupid practice of spin except, yes indeed, Grandmother learned last week how important, at the perfect times, spin can be. Because what is this "spin", after all? Save the practice of putting a positive light and nuance on anything we are trying to sell? We all spin when applying for a job. "Oh…what’s my biggest fault? I tell ya, sometimes I find I just work too hard."

Or we are selling our house… "the house does need some tender loving care" we might tell a potential buyer of the abode about to fall down around our ears.

The idea is that upon initial contact, when at first we meet the buyer/employer/victim of the spin, we present our side in the best verbal light. The assumption is that in due course the other guy will get to view the product and can then decide.

SPIN, when done after everyone has seen what’s for sale and knows the dead awful truth, is just plain silly. "Hitler did get a bit carried away but he had the best interests of the German people at heart".

Democrats are masters of spin and not only during the initial presentation of their "product" but even after the gas ovens have been discovered. The Dems understand that using the mass media and with the varying viewer ship across the land, they might find one or two people who haven’t heard yet that Kerry is a Vietnam Vet. So they spin forever, well beyond any sort of logical time span.

With the political term of spin now perfectly defined by Grandmother, let’s find out why the Republicans across the land didn’t use the proper spin after the debates, spin that is perfectly logical given it was their INITIAL chance to present a positive light on the debates.
Everything has a positive light, Kaitlyn Mae, and indeed in the first Bush/Kerry debate of this election year in this year of our Lord, there were plenty of positive points.

But no. The Bloggers went on and on with doom and gloom and the Democrats, opportunists all, accepted the gift given them so morosely by the Conservative nitwits.

Republicans all across the land should have come out of that debate swinging. Every positive point in that debate should have been presented, right up front, loudly and clearly.

"Bush was great. He caught Kerry with a boldness with that bit about ‘a global test’."
"Bush never changed his stand even though Kerry had several positions on Irag, including….(list them)"
"Kerry said so many misstatements such as (give some examples)"

Instead, it’s "oh woe is me, Bush stumbled and mumbled and didn’t look near as presidential as Kerry". Or…"He missed so many chances to catch Kerry" or, and yes I read some "Bush just lost the election tonight."

While People make snap judgments about such things as debates, movies, even people first met, after time those opinions change or mellow. It’s common freaking sense. An intelligent person’s initial reaction to almost anything will mold to accommodate all vantage points on to a mutual consensus of other intelligent people.

Bush did okay during the debate this past Thursday night. He wasn’t great, he wasn’t perfect. He was okay. All that doom and gloom came from the Republican’s great hope that Kerry was down and Bush would throw the finishing punch at the debate.

Well, okay, that’s a nice dream. But if caution and mindsets had been planned and organized better BEFORE the debate even began, all the pro-Bush people would have been looking for the positive first, while noting the negative.

There’s a part of the debate area that is called "spin alley". They call it spin alley because the reporters covering the event know that any stroll through this area will generate a lot of pro "our guy" sound bites. The members of Spin Alley know that in the INITIAL moments after the debate, it’s best to throw the brightest and best out there. Then, later, when intelligent people get time to ruminate and think, they’ll have the best point of view already floating through their heads.

Bloggers, well they’re not Spin Alley guys. They have been so brave and happy what with their victory over CBS and the formation of pajamahadeens, but they really are inexperienced, aren’t they?

Because of the naiveté of the big sites like FreeRepublic and Lucianne, not to mention many of the more well known Conservative pundits- Jay Nordlinger of National Review comes to mind with his mindless diatribe-, Democrats have proudly accepted the first prize for their guy handed to them from the Blogosphere and we’ll hear their gloating for a week.

The truth is that the first Bush/Kerry debate was a solid Bush win. Though if Bush were in Speech class his prof would probably tell him about constantly repeating one phrase and to knock off the constant "um" thing.

But the substance of Bush’s comments and responses never varied. Bush hit a couple of singles, especially how quickly he caught that global thing. Kerry didn’t do the ‘um’ thing and he had a whole lockbox of lies that had him filling up the time with fluid oratory. The man said nothing at all that was true and yes, Bush loses some points for not nailing Kerry enough on his lies.

Bush gets a B on the debate and Kerry gets a C plus.

If the Blogosphere had held out a few days this would be exactly the mutually agreed conclusion of most intelligent people after having time to give it all some serious thought. For some of the gloom and doom commentary in the Blogosphere, check this thread from FreeRepublic

For an example of how the experts handled it, check this out.

Those Sunday Talk Shows
The political talk shows this Sunday just passed featured, as expected, pundits and spinmeisters all giving their slant on the first presidential debate. Since I already have the correct conclusion and the summary wrapped up, there’s no need to go into the opinions of others, less wiser, than myself.

BUT….there was some cool sound bytes on the political talks shows of note.

Ted Devine, Dem spinmeister, was on Fox News Sunday. He said, and I quote "The President’s policies on North Korea have been a stunning failure".

Imagine that, a stunning failure

Although, Madeline Albright herself said, a few weeks ago on Meet the Press, that the Clinton administration were ‘fooled’ by Kim Jung Il in that he went ahead and built nuclear weapons with the technology we gave him even though he promised not to.

Now if I give my teenaged son a bag of marijuana and make him promise not to smoke it unless he needs it for medical purposes, just using an outrageous scenario to illustrate, should I be surprised if he smokes it just to get high?

Kim Jung Il has been a bad actor in that region forever, using the few resources the country has to manufacture weapons for sale to Syria and probably Saddamn through oil-for-food.
So just whose administration’s policy on North Korea has been a stunning failure?

Later on, Chris Dodd, Dem senator, and John Warner, Repub senator, were passing time on Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. Wolf asked about the infamous Kerry faux pas in the recent debate, that interesting bit about passing a ‘global test’ before defending the country.

Dodd is going on and on about how Bush should have gotten a great big coalition like his Dad did in 91. Warner responds by pointing out that neither Dodd or Kerry voted to send the troops in 1991 when Saddamn invaded Kuwait. I mean, how can these Dems mislead with such smirky smiles on their faces?

Then Dodd goes on explaining, even more stupidly, what Kerry was REALLY saying when he was babbling about a global test. Warner interrupts and shouts, a bit exasperated who can blame him, that "why do you have to interpret what the man said, Chris. Kerry said what he said!" Paraphrasing a bit on that but the gist is accurate.

Dodd sputters and denied interpreting Kerry’s remarks but "obviously what he MEANT was …" then the Dem senator continued to ‘interpret’ Kerry’s remark.

Hey, we know what Kerry’s remark about passing a global test meant out here in la-la land.

We call it a Freudian slip and it happens. A Freudian slip, I’d tell Kaitlyn Mae, is when what we really feel slides out of our lips before we have a chance to hold them back.

When we give a big-nosed lady a compliment on a pretty dress we might say "that’s a pretty nose you have on today". Do you think the spinmeisters might ever stop thinking we’re stupid?

Kerry said "global test" because he meant GLOBAL TEST.

Americans can be silly sometimes but they do not take to thinking that big-nosed Jacques Chirac should be telling us when to defend ourselves. By the way, Jacques had on a very attractive nose the other day, perfectly flattered with the tie.

There’s a too large faction of Americans, to include Hollywood types and liberals across the board, that think America shouldn’t wage war unless the world thinks it justified.

You know, it’s one of those things. If the world thinks any hostile action on the part of America is justified, well that would be nice. But America is going to defend America and it’s like I should ask my neighbor if I should fight off this burglar attacking me or not.

John Kerry thinks, indeed, that I should ask my neighbor’s permission to defend myself. He calls it the "neighbor test".

And dear Lord, guess who has a new book will wonders ever cease? Howard Dean!

Howard Dean, whose claim to fame is being a silly twit who showed his insanity one scream too many.

What is it with these Democrats what can write a book that would take mere mortals years to write?

And doesn’t Mr. Dean delve into the newest Dem desperate hot point, the draft. Wolf asserted that Dean asserts that plans are "in the works" to call all medical personnel and young men twenty years of age. Blitzer then asks Dean to back up that claim.

Howie then said he talked to two "selective service" guys. One, there isn’t a selective service anymore other than some folks around to institute an all-out battle plan should America get suddenly inundated with nukes. Which is probably the ‘draft’ to which the selective service guru referred.

The Dems desperately want to send out the "draft" word and indeed, solicited the help of their reliable ally CBS to help. CBS had a segment with some lady they claimed was just an average person who was sobbing in fear that her sons would be drafted. When that lady was the founder of some tinfoil group called "Mothers Against the Draft" or some such.

I heard Charlie Rangel with my own ears declare that he was going to re-introduce the draft because "the rich should have to go die with the poor".

We do not NEED a draft in this country as every human being is born with some inner drive, talent and ambition. Some of these folks are born soldiers and America’s better off with these sorts defending it than those conscripted by force.

But no, the Dems want it out there, so they get Howard Dean to real quick, write a book and mention the draft thing. Well they had to get Howie because damn, every other dem operative done already wrote a book.

Keep ears open because it’s part of the Dem playbook….the draft. No, the Dems don’t really want the draft. They want Americans to think there might be a need to re-institute a draft that the soccer moms look at their angel sons so suitable to become a physician but if the rumor is true, dang they’re going to take my Billy and make a soldier of him. If it weren’t for that Iraq war, the soccer mom will think. Then, as planned by the dem cheaters, soccer Mom will vote for the only presidential candidate who will protect her son….Monsieur Kerry.

For more in depth analysis of the Sunday talk shows, check the weekly FreeRepublic Sunday talk show thread.

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