
Fly on the Wall: Follow Up from Last Week Based on Recent Events

Much Requested Insight Analysis from the View of the Proverbial Fly on the Wall

Sometimes You Just Hafta Be There. Today's Fly on the Wall Intrigue: Phone call from Sid Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton

Yon reader should refer to last week’s “Fly on the Wall” Missive.

For today we have a follow up on that little meeting at Hillary’s headquarters based on events of the past week.


“Yes,” Hillary said impatiently when her Aide handed her the phone. “It’s from Sid,” her Aide informed her. Hillary had rolled her eyes but took the cell phone reluctantly. Blumenthal could be such a pain at times and Hillary hated it when he was encouraged.

“Hill?” Sid’s adoring voice said, filled with fervent hope that his heroine was indeed on the line.

“Yes, Sid,” Hillary responded, still a bit annoyed. After last week’s secret campaign meeting when Sid so obviously triumphed with his plan to create a religious and moral divide across the country in preparation for her senate campaign in 2006 and her presidential campaign in 2008, she knew that he would ride his victory to her everlasting annoyance.

“Hill, I just talked to Steve,” Sid said, unable to quell the excitement in his voice.

“Steve who?” Hillary responded. Blumenthal liked to think he and Hillary were always on the same wavelength. Which again annoyed Hillary no end.

“Spielberg!” Sid replied with what he thought so obvious as is there any other “Steve” in the world?

“Yeah?” Hillary responded with a bit more animation. When Spielberg spoke even Hillary paid attention.

“I got him to apply pressure to the networks over their showing of the movie “Saving Private Ryan”. There’s a massive plan to show this movie in honor of Veteran’s Day. I told Steve this was a dangerous plan and could hurt you.”

Hillary circled her finger in the air for her Aide to understand the body movement as command to get her a pen.

“How would airing the movie ‘Saving Private Ryan’ hurt me?” Hillary said, grabbing the pen from her Aide and scrounging around for a piece of paper.

Sid took a deep breath on the other end of the cell line. He had just hatched a great plan with Steven Spielberg on behalf of his beloved Hillary and he wanted to savor the moments before revelation.

“Steve agreed to apply the pressure as a part of our overall idea. Which he thought was a great idea by the way.”

The cell waves were filled with silence as Hillary pondered Sid’s words and his plan with Steve Spielberg.
“See,” Sid said, interrupting Hillary’s reverie. “Since Spielberg directed the film, he’s a fine person to express concern about the language and violence of the film.”

“But many networks have already shown “Saving Private Ryan” haven’t they?”

It was Steve’s turn to roll his eyes in his head. “The public won’t remember that and the few Bloggers that mention it will be overlooked. It’s a giant step to achieving our master plan as we all discussed last week.” Sid blew a breath wind up his face. Hillary was always one to mention the minor things, things easily overcome as Sid saw it. What was the use of having all of Hollywood on your side if you didn’t take advantage of it to advance your agenda? At least this is how Blumenthal saw it.

“Listen,” Sid began again. “There’s bad language and lots of violence in that movie. The country just elected a President based on ‘moral’ issues and remember it wasn’t that long ago that Janet Jackson showed her boob on national TV. The time is ripe to play up to the issue. Steve’s going to have the networks claim fear of sanction from the FCC. The public’s going to be confused and question why ban this film. A film about war I might add, something not very appealing to your voters. We kill two birds with one stone here. We keep war footage off the air which we don’t want AND we get the debate on the oppressive moral right on the Sunday talk shows.”

Again the cell waves were filled with silence as Hillary pondered this turn of events. “The FCC only investigates citizen complaints, Sid,” she finally said, offering more arguments against Sid’s wonderful plan. “It doesn’t willy-nilly sanction broadcasters for what they intend to air.”

A feeling of dread filled Sid’s already nervous stomach. “It’s a start, Hillary. If we’re going to pit the moral against the immoral to give you a wedge issue for your upcoming campaigns, we’ve got to work behind the scenes to ramp up the political dialogue. Steve’s already sent out press releases about the movie and the networks are under immense pressure NOT to show the film. You watch, Hill. Limbaugh will be all over this. Hannity will pick it up and given time the public will get the feeling we are trying to create. Which is,” Sid attempted a flourishing finish to his argument, “how it feels to have the religious right censoring what we see and hear.”

There was a bit more silence over the cell waves as Sid held his breath and Hillary ruminated over it all. “Sid, that’s a wonderful idea,” Hillary finally said.

Sid could barely contain his pride.

“And check out Maureen’s column this week, Hil,” Sid continued, on a roll and ready to brag. “She’s firmly on our side and she’s got a blockbuster of a column lambasting the rabid Republicans. Hil, Dowd’s a staple of your constituency and she’ll a big help in firming up your base for the next Senate run. We expect she’ll be beating on the “morals” vs the “immorals” right on up through your election.”

Hillary did not respond so Sidney plowed on. “It’s the kind of national debate we have to orchestrate, Hill. I know we can’t over do it, but bit by bit, with the help of the Hollywood gang and columnists like Dowd, by 2006, definitely by 2008, we’ll have a public fed up with censorship by religious zealots and ready for a more moderate leadership. Which would be you,” Sid finished softly, hoping that he didn’t overdo it with the emotion but wanting to convince Hillary of his utter love and loyalty.

“You’re right, Sid,” Hillary said curtly but kindly. Blumenthal had always been the guy with the greater vision and ability to machinate events to an agreed end. “It’s a great idea and I thank you for making it happen.”

Sid bid goodbye to his beloved Hillary, the rest of his day to be spent on a balloon of pride with thoughts of future media manipulation filling his brain.

TOMORROW:I giggled as soon as the Picture of the Week hit my eyes. Which proves what a bad person I must be. Check out the latest and greatest in designer baby food.
Tomorrow's Guest Editorial is from a Blogger named "Warchick". She's smart, sassy, and sarcastic. And she loves Ann Coulter. We are not surprised. Read Warchick as she lays it on the line to troublesome liberals.

There will be Gossip, Speculation and Ruminating galore to include Terrorist expert Madonna, the new 7-11 Polling results and Sea Mammal Plaintiffs.

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