
So What's Ahead With Bush's New Term?


In keeping with the tone and intent of this book, it seemed prudent so soon after the great election in this year of our Lord 2004, to delineate the changes that we can expect in the near future. As well as their possible effect on Kaitlyn Mae. Who is my granddaughter and I’m the one doing the speculating here.

Begin With Not Believing the Old Media Spin

Just as soon as I heard Nancy Pelosi, the Californian Democrat House Minority Leader, lament on national TV that the Democrats failed to talk about moral values and hence did not connect with the heartland of America, I became suspicious.

For Nancy Pelosi to do such a thing is unheard of. She is a San Francisco Democrat whose electorate is enraged over the eleven states that voted against gay marriage much less the election of George W. Bush. All of a sudden she’s out preaching values and love of Heartland?

The following days I hear the Old Media going on about “morality” being the main reason for voters’ choices as indicated by the exit polls.

Those notorious exit polls were wrong about everything but we are supposed to accept that they got it right about this morality thing?

Not that there isn’t a certain amount of self-righteousness in knowing that Bush voters were the vast majority of those that alleged morality was their main concern this election cycle. Myself being a Bush voter and all that.

Now I’m not sure what the liberals are up to but not for a second do I believe that many voters went into that booth to pull the lever for the candidate they thought most “moral”. There’s a war going on, everyone’s concerned about the economy and of course there’s that terrorism thing.

And if Nancy Pelosi’s in on it, then there is a plan.

Which is, I conclude, to set the stage for some sort of political platform somewhere down the road.

Best as I can figure, given time and two years until Hillary runs again for NY senator, by setting the premise now that extremely religious voters put Bush in office, it can become a great talking point. Let Bush make any mistake, or do anything the liberals can spin as a mistake, they can ride the mantra that “the religious put him in office”.

Given enough time being religious will become shameful and politically incorrect. Given more time “religious” will become analogous with “moral”. After proper cooking time and Hillary runs for President, the ‘moral’ people will be those who elected Dubya who did this and this and this, whatever the libs have spun as a bad decision, and they are also the ones who will deny homosexuals the right to be married.

Go on and call me nuts. This is the plan and watch as the libs and Old Media follow the script.

Saddam’s Trial

I predict the kind and gentle Saddam will go on trial right after the Iraqi elections. Now come on, admit, this is going to be better than the OJ trial.

Speaking of Saddam….

It will be interesting to see if that issue of weapons of mass destruction is brought up at his trial. If so, well it turns out they have confirmation of his chemical weapons on an audio tape.

In one January 1991 audiotape acquired by the CIA's Iraq survey group, Saddam makes obvious reference to weapons that have apparently since disappeared.

"I want to make sure that ... the germ and chemical warheads ... are available, so that in case we ordered an attack, they can do it without missing any of their targets?" he asked.
From the Washington Times.

Kaitlyn Mae and Revising the Tax Code

Certified Public Accountants should perhaps look for another occupation. For Dubya says he’s going to revise the tax code, maybe even go to a national sales tax.

It is extremely difficult for the average American to prepare their own tax return. This for what should be a simple arithmetic thing: how much did you make? Go here to find your federal tax. How much money was withheld from your paycheck? What is the difference?

Only it doesn’t work that way, in that even the simple act of claiming an exemption is so pock-marked with exemptions, ‘what-ifs’, ‘maybe nots’, that in fear, most Americans have a professional prepare their tax return.

Now I don’t know what Bush has against CPA’s in this country but if he manages to ‘simplify the tax code’, whatever that means, then Kaitlyn Mae should be able to do her own tax return without paying a fortune.

The UN ‘Oil-for-Food’ Program

Here’s another fine show for the international stage due along with Saddam’s trial. We know they were all in on it. The French, the Germans, the Russians, various Arab states.

Soon enough this scandal is going to hit the international radar and it will fun, hang in there, to see them squirm.

We hear Kofi’s son is knee-deep in the money.

From the same Washington Times article above, we read this:

Investigators also learned Saddam personally approved the list of foreigners and foreign firms eligible for secret oil allocations as part of the U.N. oil-for-food program.

The Supreme Court

I will never believe the Supreme Court will overturn Roe Vs. Wade. The effects and repercussions are too great as I see it.

I do think the make-up of the high court will include a few more conservatives than it does now. Even now on this day of our Lord, Chief Justice Renquist has thyroid cancer.

Sandra Day wants to retire and there’s rumors over a few others.

Imagine the show as the nominees hit the congress. The Dems do have enough votes for a filibuster, an illegal action at any rate, but it’s not going to be so easy. And don’t forget, the #1 blocker of judicial nominees, Tom Daschle, has been finally booted out of South Dakota where he stole the election the last two cycles.

For news junkees, it will be a real hoot.

Don’t Forget 2006!

We hear that Hillary’s going to have a real fight in her re-bid for Senator from NY. Rudy Guillianni is supposedly going to put up a fight for the seat.

I salivate at the thought of Hillary actually having to answer hard-nosed questions from the press in what will be a REAL race.

If she loses her senate seat she might be knocked off the national stage for a 2008 presidential bid.

We can only hope.

TOMORROW: Think you had trouble raising children? The Fish Giggle tells of the problems God had raising His. And Dewarians, note the new job for Biden. Also, what's with the Lynn Rogers election?

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