
The Week Just Passed: Election 2004-Need I Say More?

The Week Just Passed: Notes of important events from the week prior as Grandmother has determined, not the Old Media. With, as expected, Grandmother’s input

Tired, Weary, Bloodied and Torn

The REAL heroes of Election 2004

Dearest Kaitlyn Mae,

Although you are, in this year of our Lord and on the day of this writing, not even one year old, the American people did, bowed and bloodied, do you a great favor.

Indeed, Granddaughter and consider that your mother, father and bruised Grandmother did survive but if the candidates are weary from their travels across this land to hoot the vote, then we are just as weary of them.

For the American people, God love them every one even the ones who voted for Kerry, have been assaulted almost daily from various media barrages, candidates dressed as sperms, vitriol and rage, campaign commercials, commentary, and pressure from foreign governments.

And after we finally, brave, courageous and a bit unsure of when it all began, made it across the finish line to the voting booth, we are insulted by foreign press who blast across their mastheads that we are stupid.

I don’t believe I’ve ever witnessed any election quite so frantic, mean and hard fought.

Through so many vicious assaults, the incumbent President was re-elected. The entire planet earth was against our country’s leader and quite a few from within.

The poor but brave citizens in Ohio had to endure emails from the English, no less, exhorting them how to cast their vote.

While Grandmother does enjoy a good political fight now and again, there is no greater relief than for it all to finally be over.

And yet we get no credit, Kaitlyn Mae.

The voting citizens watch the candidates accept their accolades in victory. Even the losers have their exit spot in the sunshine.

When all across the country citizens argued and screamed and shouted with co-workers, family members and neighbors. Signs were ripped out and signs were forced in. Campaign commercials flashed in front of our eyes non-stop, an eagle here, a wolf there.

The mighty networks fed us lies and disassembled before our very eyes. The wild and wooly internet stepped in the fill the void but wild and wooly is, as always Kaitlyn, wild and wooly.

We watched our President get blamed for vaccine shortages, insurgent attacks in Iraq, and hurricanes. The UN tried to change our minds by accusing the President of losing weapons that THEY lost.

And if our sensibilities were not offended and jaded enough, up pops our mortal enemy Osama Bin Laden, sending us all his greetings and threats for our votes.

No other country’s citizens suffer the incredible pressure as caused to the American voter. Because, you understand Kaitlyn, who the American voter chooses affects the rest of the world greatly.

Not that they couldn’t handle their own affairs better and be decent denizens of the planet. But I digress.

America is powerful and they resent this. Yet there are mighty oceans of oil in the Mideast to provide revenue and comfortable lives for their citizens. African soil is rich with the rotted nutrients of vegetation and the dung of the jungle animals. Yet their citizens die from hunger and Aids. Europe has grand castles and the lure of history. Yet 24,000 elderly people die from a French heat wave while the country goes off on its mandated four week vacations.

Americans keep working and demanding sense from the nonsense.
We will not be fooled and we won’t be bribed and we sure aren’t going to have a bunch of dirty terrorists from one of those oil rich countries grab our lawful airplanes from the air, ram them into our legally built buildings and murder our productive and peaceful citizens.

It was a most amazing election, Kaitlyn, and you my sweet grandchild, will be the beneficiary of it all. With an admittedly distant, but still possible, threat of death by terrorism, Americans showed up at the polls in a record number. They elected the man the world depicts as a stupid monkey because, well, Kaitlyn, we weren’t fooled by their lies and obvious agendas.

The UN doesn’t want Bush to keep poking around in their good thing. For sure the thugs, thieves and inbreeds in the Mideast don’t want Bush demanding that they stop sending their disenchanted citizens over here to kill ours.

I asked your Mom if she voted. In fact, I was suspicious she hadn’t. “No. Now that I’ve got Kaitlyn I’m looking out for her future.”

Your parents are not rich, Kaitlyn. They don’t get four weeks government dictated vacation each year to leave Grandmother alone to die in the heat. They are not filled with hatred by their government that they not notice their own leaders living the high life. Your parents would very much like to see the citizens of Iraq have the freedom they have, a freedom more valuable than the riches the Mullahs could hand out. They would never dream of strapping bombs to Kaitlyn and demand that she blow herself up over there, in order to kill those guys along with Kaitlyn.

Just normal, sane and mostly sensible people, these Americans. Not filled with fear that the religious police will throw veils over our eyes, that federal agents will take us away in the middle of the night, that our beloved will be kidnapped and beheaded. We talk and argue and ruminate. All with no fear of repercussion. It’s hard to pull one over on the Americans save for their innate good nature. This time the world wasn’t going to get away with it. We’re still damn mad about that airplane bit and now we’ve hit them hard via our ballot box.

We carry this country on our back and lately, in this year of our Lord, Kaitlyn, we’ve had a lot more water to carry. But we, the citizens, not the candidates, not the media and not the pundits, pulled off a smooth and orderly electoral process that was watched by the world.

They are so jealous, Kaitlyn.

The Mystery Disease of Yassar Arafat

Yassar Arafat is dying, Kaitlyn, as Grandmother journaled in an earlier missive. Which not unwelcome event causes Grandmother to hope that someday Kaitlyn will read in her history books that Yassar Arafat was a murderous terrorist who stole charity money and fooled the world for decades.

His impending death occurs in a state of disgrace, having been banned to his bombed out quarters in the Gaza strip for over a year prior to his demise. Israel and America decided it was better to pen this jerk up and wait for him to die, then deal with that pesky Palestinian issue so long used by the thugs, thieves and misfits in the Mideast as plaintive reason for their citizens to be forever angry. Angry enough to blow themselves to bits while murdering their nasty “enemies” in America and Israel. All the while leaving such as Saddamn, the inbred sheiks of Saudi Arabia and the Mad Mullahs of Iran alone to enjoy the oil wealth unfettered.

Although Yassar Arafat earned the Nobel Peace Prize, a joke in and of itself, the man never did one worthwhile thing for the so-called Palestine people except steal aid money sent from kind Americans and keep his people in filth, squalor and non-productivity.

It turns out that Arafat might have been foisting even more insults on the people he was supposed to govern. In that, Kaitlyn, the man is rumored to be dying of Aids. Along with this rumor, the blogging world is abuzz with tales of his homosexual activities throughout the years.

Isn’t that just fine, Kaitlyn, that this man who convinces Palestinian children to strap bombs on themselves to blow themselves up while killing Israeli children. Now we find out the young men Arafat sent to suicide might have been used by him for his sexual activities first.

And so this tawdriness is documented in Grandmother’s missive as your history books might skip by this fact it’s so yucky, Kaitlyn.

Forbid that your history books should depict this man as anything but the very bad man he was, exploited by other very bad men, and allowed to fool the world by the lack of leadership of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

Watch to Hit the Radar This Coming Week

Nasty Arlen Spector Losing Sleep

Arlen Spector, dear Kaitlyn Mae, should mean nothing to the future school child Kaitlyn Mae. The man is a Republican Senator from Pennsylvania who is a Republican In Name Only (RINO). This past week doesn’t this old coot call himself a press conference and announce that President Bush better not send any judicial nominees to the Senate who are anti-abortion. Because, Kaitlyn Mae, Mr. Spector is due to be chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the next congressional session.

On this day of our Lord, Kaitlyn Mae, abortion is still a touchy subject with the American electorate. So touchy that the President has been unable to nominate judicial nominees for fear the justices should overturn Roe vs. Wade. Or also known as abortion on demand.

The national debate still has to be made on this issue, Kaitlyn. But the words of Arlen Spector are but code words. The liberals don’t care about overturning Roe Vs. Wade. They know that won’t happen. They care about getting liberal judges into positions where they can legislate from the bench. Much like that renegade judge in Massachusetts who ordered that state’s legislature to change the law to enable homosexual marriages. It’s not at all as our system of checks and balances is supposed to work. But the liberals need to bypass that entire election process as it doesn’t seem to work for them.

So the liberals use code words to scare the citizenry with fear that any conservative judge will take away female control of their bodies. Which is what Arlen Spector was doing and we, the massive conservative base that filled the chambers with Republicans, are NOT fooled.

How thankful is this man to have the audacity to do such a thing when Bush saved his butt during the Pennsylvania primary races? Senator Spector is intensely disliked by the Republican base at any rate but to be so in-your-face, so ready to flaunt your power, right after an exhausting election cycle with Bush so clearly victorious.

Pay attention. For word has it that the Senate is being inundated by Bloggers and citizens to shove Spector’s behind out the door.

Will the Republicans listen to us very angry citizen base who carried the party to amazing victory and give this man the boot? Or will they remain part of the Senate ‘good old boys’ club and give us all the finger?

TOMORROW-What's Ahead-New Tax Code, Supreme Court Nominations and in 2006 a very interesting senate race in New York. Also, Quotes that make us ponder from Saudi Arabia to Michael Moore

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