
Web Site of the Week: Classy Darwin Candidates

WebSite of the Week-Quirky, Interesting, Funny…When Creativity is Unleashed With No Censorship, You Never Know What You'll Get

A Classy Presentation of Darwin Candidates

The world wide web often takes on a tone of unbridled sarcasm. Thus people who do really stupid things are featured on sites as being dumb, challenged, prime candidates for Darwin nominations. That scientist famous for his theory of evolution, a prime plank of which is the notion that animals that do really stupid things will die before they have a chance to reproduce. Thus insuring a future gene pool not sullied by the genes of idiots who would ride rickety as they sit above a pile of trash on an ancient pickup truck on a fast moving highway.

Spend a few moments clicking on the photos of this web site (thanks again to Doc.) Especially read the one about the squirrel, proving that there can still be humor while preaching safety.

But always keep in mind, these are still idiots and they are still Darwin candidates.

Classy Darwinism

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