
Gossip: Blind Items Galore. Some Guesses Supplied.

A Little Gossip and Speculation is Worth Some Time for Rumination

Helen Thomas Calls Condaleeza Rice a ‘Monster’ and Bush a ‘Fascist”

According to NewsMax, that grand old dame, impartial journalist and closet liberal, had some choice thoughts about the new Secretary of State.

NewsMax bumped into Thomas in the lobby of New York's Waldorf-Astoria as she waited for a lunch date.

Asked about the election result, the sharp-tongued reporter simply put her hand on her face and said, "My God, the man is a fascist -- a fascist, I tell you."

She warned that Bush's victory will mean one thing: more war. She expects Iran to be next.

But surely Thomas, a female reporter who succeeded decades ago in a "man's world," had some empathy about Condi's appointment.

As we suggested the notion, a look of horror came over Thomas' face.

"I tell you, the women is a monster, a monster, a monster," she kept saying.

Asked why she was so angry with Condi, Thomas explained that the national security adviser had lied about the Iraq war and "thousands had died."

Slowly they all shed their veneers and show their true liberal selves, eh?

Asked and Guessed. Blind Item Fun

Blind Items Galore

From Page 6-That Must Have Been Some Party

> AT which Manhattan restaurant/lounge were the bathroom stalls full of
> coke-sniffing models one recent night? Meanwhile, a man who just got an
> annulment from a prominent socialite was receiving oral sex under the table.

GUESS:Todd Meister, ex of Nicky Hilton, "prominent socialite".

From the New York Daily News:

What daughter of a major officeholder is said to have a sex tape
in her past - though she may not know it? Word is that, when she was in college,
a mischievous classmate videotaped the political scion's lovemaking
through the window of a nearby dorm...

GUESS: One of the Bush twins or Chelsea Clinton
My Guess: one of the Kerry daughters.

From the NY Post 11/26:

1)WHICH pretty boy TV host is getting close to a much older, wealthier man =
who made a fortune in television? Some say the young man swings both =
ways, as does his current girlfriend, and that the older man is more =
than a mentor . . .=20

2)WHICH action hero is so difficult that stylists are refusing to work =
with him? The super-rich star insists on keeping half the clothes on the =
set - clothes that the stylists are responsible for returning . . .=20

3)WHICH TV actor is flipping out because a woman on the set is no longer =
willing to sleep with him and threatening to file sexual harassment =
charges against him?

GUESS #1)Eric Nies and Merv Griffin, host and producer respectively of "Dance Fever."

ANOTHER GUESS #1)Ryan Seacrest?

GUESS #2)Tom Wellington-#2

GUESS#3)Could be anyone of them; could be all of them.

20 Strangest Albums EVER

Came across this entry in a newsgroup and thought the concept intriguing. Below are a few examples of his “nominations” for this category. Below this is a link to the complete list.

8. The Addicts Sing Nine Former Addicts (1975)

Former drug addicts sing gospel harmony in jail and get both early release
and a record release. On the cover, their disembodied heads float in front
of the Manhattan skyline at night, with a graphic drawing of an arm and
syringe on the back. They managed one song quite well.

20. (2000)

As an ideal end note, an album of "controlled anal voicing" by "the world's
only performing flatulist", a young Englishman who wears a cape, green
bodysuit and mask. Tracks include Greensleeves and Beethoven's 1812

Methinks this is an out of the box notion and especially the comments and explanations.
Read the entire top 20 Weirdest Albums at HERE


Michael Moore Wins Top Frigid Celebrity of Year

“Instead, the Frigid 50 focuses on the celebrities who have ‘left audiences cold with their overbearing personalities, poor career choices and chronic inability to stop making fools of themselves.’ Moore got the ‘honour’ because of what the editors saw as an oversized ego: ‘Remember, it's not always about you. Lose the chip on your shoulder,’ the poll advised. It continued: ‘No presidential candidate endorsed by Michael Moore has ever won an election. So, Michael, why not endorse a Republican in 2008, just to see what happens?’"

- The Guardian (UK), 11/23/04

Protecting the Children from Their Name

Came across this little story about the Danes and how the government wants to dictate what they name their children. The logic being, innocent children shouldn’t be shouldered with odd names. Below a perspective on this, yet another example of liberal lunacy’s quest to stop hurt feelings.

“There's something rotten in Denmark. . . . It seems Danish parents can't name their children anything they want. The government, there, is out to protect the children. Children can easily be teased about their names, so parents are forced to request special permission from the government for anything out of the ordinary - by Danish standards.

“Now, I feel sorry for some kids, stuck with goofy names. But I've noticed that what I think goofy may not be what you think goofy. And kids and adults often adopt the goofiest names for themselves. And other kids make fun of the most normal of names.

“...What stinks is...this idea that everything good must be somehow promoted by government, and everything bad fought by it. Names should be a matter left to common sense, not government boards. If we can't keep government out of this area, where won't it go?”

- Paul Jacob’s “Common Sense,” 11/19/04

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