
Gossip: Jackson Impersonators;Lohan; American Idol. An Ugly Garden Post and Pic of the Week Good for a Smile

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American Idol Joins Lawsuit Culture
We heard that Ruben Studdard originally sued the company making his shirts because they didn’t pay him for the advertisements.

Something, ahem, that is against the rules for American Idol.

Now Ruben is suing his godfather.

March 9, 2005
"American Idol" Ruben Studdard is quickly learning that in the music business you need a good voice -- and a great lawyer. After winning the popular reality TV competition, Ruben filed suit against a company making the 205 shirts he wore on "Idol," and now Studdard is suing his godfather over $246,000.

Tourette’s Syndrome by Neve Campbell
Came across this tidbit and considered it most interesting for two reasons. First, the disease itself is a very interesting one. It’s symptoms cause the victim to constantly twitch his/her head and shout socially unacceptable things. From what I’ve read and seen, it’s that the thoughts we all keep buried in our heads don’t stay INSIDE the heads of people with Tourette’s Syndrome. I imagine it’s very unnerving to be around a Tourette’s victim as they will often suddenly curse and say very mean and nasty things.

The second reason I found it intriguing is that Neve Campbell herself is known the world round for her terrible temper.

UK Celebrity
Neve Campbell making a movie about Tourette's Syndrome
March 7, 2005, 12:07:02

Neve Campbell is making a movie about Tourette's Syndrome - after revealing her younger brother suffers from the illness.

The stunning actress is putting $1.9million of her money into the film 'A Private War' as she is keen to raise awareness of the syndrome.

Making Lemonade from a Fat Lemon
Which is not to say that Kirstie Alley is somehow wrong for capitalizing on her fatness. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Way I figure, she couldn’t lose the weight. So she joined up with Jennie Craig and boom, now a TV series about a fat actress.

Good job if you can get it.
Kirstie Alley Begins New Career as 'Fat Actress'

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Fat Actress" isn't a label many people in Hollywood would embrace, but former "Cheers" star Kirstie Alley is reveling in it.

She even enjoyed seeing what she admits is a very unflattering shot of her ample rear end on a 100-foot movie screen at the premier party for her new sitcom "Fat Actress," which premiers on the Showtime cable TV network on Monday.

God Bless America
For isn’t the Court TV re-enactment of the Jackson trial simply genius?

So the court doesn’t allow cameras in. And in this case, sketches ain’t gonna do it. So Court TV hires actors and actresses that resembles people involved in he case, including the lawyers, witnesses and ole Michael himself.

Below is a picture of the actor portraying Michael Jackson. And darn if he doesn’t sit on the sidelines and make Michael Jackson movements.

By me it’s BETTER than the real thing.

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Example of Hollywood Intelligence
Not that a Hollywood chick having anorexia or bulimia is anything new. The Wise I only caught this tidbit due to the very intelligent response of Ms. Lohan to questions about her, ahem, weight. Or lack thereof.

Lohan Slams Anorexia Reports

Singer and actress Lindsay Lohan has hit out at reports she's anorexic, insisting her appetite is far more healthy than most of her contemporaries.

The star's recent weight loss has been the focus of much tabloid speculation, but Lohan insists her changing figure is the result of hormonal changes as she grows up and becomes a woman. She complains, "Even the doctor (I saw) today - he was like, 'Are you anorexic? Are you making yourself throw up? Are drugs involved?' And I was like, 'Are you saying this because you've read it in magazines? Because I don't!'

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Return to the Gardens
Ladies and Gems, it takes courage to post the picture montage that yon reader will find below. Because as this spring season begins with the command of the robins barking for worms to wake up, the gardens look their worst.

Well Grandmother’s gardens at any rate. But I’ve got eyeballs. The other gardens in my surround are unkempt as well.

Although the most beautiful sight of all is hidden below the ugly. At least to this winter weary gardener who longs for something green.

In the pictures below, which you only need click to enlarge, there are four carefully chosen pictures to best depict the state of the gardens this March month 2005 here in Serendipity Shore. The pictures portray forlorn and hope. For the turkey, my icon for a garden filled with impossibly cute animal icons, seems to have met an unfortunate fate. Soon enough he’ll be upright and handsome accessory to the climbing rose beside it.

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The driveway garden looks pretty bad. Although, as noted, the canes of the climbing rose are sporting pretty frilly type growth that looks serious.

The creeping Juniper of my front porch garden is turning green and beginning to creep. Although, ahem, this is a plant I do not like and did not plant. Still, it’s greening up and I rather like that.

I know the picture of the tiny oregano sprouts is a bit tortuous but I had to dig down deep to find them. Two of my whiskey barrels are dedicated to herbs. This year I’ll discover which ones come back and which ones don’t. I simply have no idea save catnip, which always comes back.

I regard the ugly gardens and note my spring garden jobs to come. There’s leaves, of course. The small rake will have to be brought out and worked much like a big fork to get at the leaf debris under and about the bushes. The pretty white obelisk that I purchased specifically for the climbing rose to, well, climb, fell over so many times this winter that I tugged it to the side lest it blow away and kill someone. I must put this thing back up, this year taking more care to its anchoring methodology.

It’s my suspicion that gardeners across the country are engaging in very similar activities as mine own. Feel free to leave a comment, tell us what your spring garden chores are, that sort of thing.

And hey, I’ll post a JPG of a handsome garden anytime one is sent my way.

Only I get to post ugly gardens.

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It's an Oldie but a Goodie Joke

But it's even better with the pictures.

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.

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5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".

6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.

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The Dog

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