Minnesota Teen Kills 10 People in Shooting Rampage
It's not that there hasn't been newsprint on this matter. It's that, like the uncontrollable weather, current events do not occur in the orderly fashion a PR guru would want. Does anyone talk about the tsunami anymore? Last week we had the Schiavo saga ongoing, the amazing actions of congress and the fight in the Florida courts. The pope is ill and it was Easter week.
Normally a strange kid opening fire in a school, killing ten people including his own Grandfather until finally himself would be consuming newsprint, Blog space and all national dialogue. That is certainly how it was in Columbine.
Adding to the bad timing of several major events occurring simultaneously, the shooting happened on an Indian Reservation, one of only two self-governing communities in America. The people tend to keep to themselves, or so goes the hype.
It's a tragedy, another strange kid overlooked by the system, so many wasted lives, another chance to see where we're going wrong. But at least we didn't have to endure another round of gun control crap by the liberals, gun control that never, ever works.
With a mind that Kaitlyn Mae, beloved Granddaughter to whom this Blog is dedicated, will once be in school herself, I thought it appropriate to note it for posterity. With a link, of course.
Wa shington Post
"At this time, we do believe the shooter acted alone," FBI spokesman Paul McCabe said in a telephone interview last night. It was the nation's deadliest school shooting since two students at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., killed 13 people and wounded 23 others before killing themselves on April 20, 1999"
Kofi Suggests "Reform"
Gotta love Claudia Rosett, Wall Street Journal vaunted journalist who does it right. She's like Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass trained straight on the UN. Of course she weighed in on Kofi's new and wonderful ideas for reforming the UN.
Seems Kofi woke up in mid of night and thought, and I paraphrase "Gee, why don't we stop molesting and raping those we are to protect?" It was a sleepless night for Mr. Annan for he knew his cushy job was at stake and more thoughts raced through his mind with a stunning clarity. "And maybe we should stop appointing terrorists to head committees investigating human rights abusers," another amazing thought snaked through his brain.
"And just to show I'm serious," Kofi thought, tossing and turning in his midnight brilliance, "why don't we stop stealing from the United States for bogus programs that line mine and my son's pocket?"
So last week Kofi comes out with a similar proposal that sprang from the dream above, a Kaitlyn Mae Book Blog exclusive by the way. Sure he added that bit about dues being a percentage of GNP because hey, he has to have some way to leach American money because without it there is no UN.
Ms. Rosett, below, tackles the UN reform issue in a different light than The Wise I. She's good at it but she doesn't have access to Kofi's dreams you must understand this.

From there, Mr. Annan forges on to propose nothing less than reforming the entire known universe, via the U.N., while he bangs the drum for a budget to match. He wants to expand his own staff, change the world's climate, end organized crime, eliminate all private weapons, and double U.N.-directed development aid to the tune of at least $100 billion a year, "front-loaded," for his detailed plan to end world poverty. This comes from a U.N. that only three months ago was finally strong-armed by Congress into coughing up the secret internal Oil for Food audits confirming that under Mr. Annan's stewardship the U.N. was not even adequately auditing its own staff operations.
Now, in much the same way that despots faced with popular unrest like to announce giant patriotic dam-building projects involving the pouring of huge amounts of cement, Mr. Annan is presenting his new improved save-the-world reform plan, conveniently timed to serve as a distraction from the oil-for-fraud, sex-for-food, theft, waste, abuse and incompetence stories that for the past two years have bubbling up around the same U.N. he already reformed for us back in 1997.
There are separate threads on Schiavo so I will only link to Slate.Com, beloved liberal online zine of the Washington Post, in which modest Grandma Blogger gets a long quote and a link.
For posterity you understand.
Slate.Com Article on Schiavo Blogs
The Media Falls for Another Bogus Dem Planted Memo
In yet another Kaitlyn Mae Book Blog exclusive, we have obtained a copy of that Republican memo distributed about early last week. The memo was alleged to have Republicans patting themselves on the back over the Schiavo matter and rejoicing in the good press they will received. The memo came out on official Republican party letterhead as these sorts of internal private memos generally are.
Yon intelligent reader, judge for thyself and ask-was The Old Media Fooled Again?

From The American Spectator:
However, Republican leadership staffers now believe the document was generated out of the Democratic opposition research office set up recently by Sen. Harry Reid, and distributed to some Democratic Senate staffers claiming it was a GOP document, in the hope -- or more likely expectation -- that it would then be leaked by those Democrats to reporters. In fact, the New York Times stated that it was Democratic staffers who were distributing the "talking points" document.
Grandma Blogger Going to Jail
Came across this editorial about the control of Bloggers being considered by the FEC as regards that very stupid and unconstitutional McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform bill. A law that worked so well that it allowed some Greek guy into legalizing drugs to gain complete control of the Democratic party this past presidential campaign.
Now they're going after Bloggers.
When they ought to do just as the constitution says and stop trying to control speech, yay even bought and paid for speech, at any time, much less before an election when free speech is most valuable.
My own humble Blogger self, read by five or six people a day sometimes, vows to go to jail and hey, I'm going to Blog from jail. If I violate free speech then what they going to do, kill me?
Oops. Forget I said that. Keep the case away from Judge Greer.
My own post on this with a pic of Grandma behind bars:
And from OpinionJournal.co m
To its credit, the FEC tried to avoid this headache in 2002 by exempting the Internet from campaign-finance rules. This proved far too sensible for the sponsors of the law, who sued the commission for allowing "loopholes" and got a federal judge to strike down the exemption. The FEC must now decide just how it intends to monitor and penalize all those attempting to corrupt the U.S. political system via modem.

Intro To HexHouse
copyright 2005 Michelle Hakala
Her Web Site is the Desk Drawer
Desk Drawer
The house we bought in 1992 came equipped with everything we were
looking for in a house; large yard with a fence, big enough space in
front to park the truck, and at least three bedrooms. It also came
with something else.
A poltergeist that only lives where the water is.
The details are purposely fuzzy now of the first couple years. Our
water poltergeist was variously in the septic system, the sprinkler
system, the well, the toilets, and the water softener. Eventually, it
tired of wherever it was, gave us a short break, and then moved into
another water source. If the problem was bad enough, we fixed it (like
the toilets: replacing them was the *only* option, it had them leaking
so badly). And there was always the agonizing slowness of the water
heating, and the lack of water pressure.
In October of 1997, I think it brought some friends over for a slumber
Most of the water systems in HexHouse were infected at the same time.
The shower dripped and couldn't be turned off. The tub trickled when
you tried to fill it. Then the kitchen sink began to drain into the
garage sink. Aside from being rather smelly, the garage sink leaked...
and wouldn't drain, either. We called a plumber and gave the 'geist a
name: H-2-Uh-Oh.
In 1998, the bathtub quit working altogether.
In December of 1999, we had this adventure: My mother-in-law brought
over a new toy -- a floor steamer that cleans hard floors instead of
carpets. She was going to show me how good a job it does -- but you
had to put water in it.
The moment water touched it, it was doomed. The power switch wouldn't
stay on, no matter what she tried. Eventually, she admitted defeat and
put it back into her car.
Apparently the water poltergeist has a devious sense of the ironic.
The floor my mother-in-law had chosen to demonstrate on was the
kitchen linoleum.

The next Friday night, Harry installed the new faucet in the kitchen.
(Do you see this coming? We didn't.)
He replaced the old leaky one with a brand new shiny faucet that
didn't leak. Tightened it. Tested it. Admired it. Forgot about it.
We went into the Green Room to watch a movie... About half an hour
into the movie we hear "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh." Thinking it was the tape, I
paused it.
We hear "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." From the kitchen.
Running in there, we found the new unleaky faucet had decided to leak.
No, not leak. Spray. Gush. Think fountain. Straight upwards from the
cold water side. Harry, ever the quick thinker, put his hand over it
and directed the spray downward into the sink. "Turn the water off,"
he said. But I had no clue where the water shutoff was. He did, but he
was holding the water. So I offered to switch and he could shut it
off. Without a word, he reminded me that he wasn't wearing any
clothes, while I had on my robe. No problem. I took off the robe and
gave it to him, and took over keeping the water pointed into the sink.
He put the robe on and went outside to turn off the water main. As my
hand got progressively colder, I thanked God that it wasn't the hot
water side that exploded.
Water had gone everywhere. The counter was swimming, the ceiling was
wet, the coffeepot and refrigerator were drenched (Harry got mad at me
when I refused to let him unplug the coffeepot until the breaker was
off), and the floor was an accident waiting to happen.
The water safely off, Harry took the faucet apart to answer "Why?",
while I cleaned up the kitchen. He said the seat gave out. Just broke.
And the store he bought it from was closed, of course, so he put the
old faucet back on.
Which didn't leak.
In June of 2002, H-2-Uh-Oh was at it again. When the flush of the
toilet was followed by the sound of gunshots, you're either in the
wrong neighborhood... or you're at HexHouse.
It was a mass possession this time, as every appliance that holds,
uses, touches, or even dreams about water acted up.
The pipes had air, hence the explosions under the house. The bathroom
faucet smoked when the back toilet was flushed. The kitchen faucet
sprayed multi-directionally, and most of them were not into the sink.
...And the shower... :shudder: I didn't even want to think about it.
It's now 2005 and we still have the 'geist in residence. It has been
awhile now since we've had any major trouble from our poltergeist
buddy. Well, except for the leak in the back sink, which won't stop no
matter what we do. And ditto in the backyard at the shop (I have plans
to turn that drip into a dog self-waterer!). Or the pumps that keep
going out on the new aquarium. Or the toilet that won't ever turn off.
Or the shower's tendency to do the opposite of what you ask for. You
want more hot water? How about more cold instead?
Now that we're adding a room and another bathroom, there'll be even
more places for H-2-Uh-Oh to play. I've asked my pastor to come bless
the house when the construction is done, and I've told him to bring
incense and a cross.
HexHouse doesn't need a blessing; it needs an exorcism.

Entries to Pampered Pet Contest Below

Husband was the judge. He has no qualifications to judge animals except he loves them. He had no standards. He did, however, pick a winner based on the standard that if someone held a gun to his head he would pick ...
SURPRISE. The winner is ALSO the dog of today's guest writer. Yes the owner of the Hex House herself wins the PetsMart gift certificate for $25.00. Husband had no idea who owned what pet so in a bit of serendipity, Michelle is not only today's star writer, her dog Bounty is winner of the pet contest.
Next pet contest is going to be cats only. For noone considered their precious cat worthy of entry.
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