
Daily Update 7/6/05



Daily Update:

Some quotables, including, of all people, Machiavelli.

And check out the little problem of missing money in the Florida Democratic party.
Okay, everyone with a vendetta against AOL users, tune into this Fishgiggles.

It's the funniest AOL spoof I've seen yet.
It's a Guest Writer and there's lessons to be learned on researching your ancestors.

Daily Update Below.

Click on the 7.05 archives on the sidebar to review the rest of July's Blog posts.

 Posted by Hello

Aruban Mom Begs International Community Not to Allow Sixpack and Hashish Entry

I heard her tearful plea myself and I hope it works. For rumor has it that Sixpack and Hashish are returning to their home country this Thursday.

What's the hurry to run back to Suriname?

What's interesting here, Natalee Holloway's Mom called these two criminals. While the court found not enough evidence to hold them.

Also, this past weekend the Mom threatened a press conference that would "reveal everything". So far this has not happened. Still the threat is intriguing and indicative that the woman knows something about this case not made public.

And she still seems to think that the Deeppack Boys are guilty of something.

I'm thinking she has rock solid info that Sixpack and Hashish are drug dealers. I'm thinking some of the students on that trip purchased drugs from these two and told this to Natalee's Mom.

Just a hunch. And hey, this still isn't murder.

 Posted by Hello


Two tropical storms, potentially hurricanes, are heading toward the Gulf coast. Cindy's visit is due tonight some time and Dennis is due later this week.

All eyes posted and get batteries ready.


Finally, definitive proof that liberals are just plain mean.

Wait until you see how a liberal Blogger tore into The Wise I for the most innocent of stories about New York and a small bag.
Here's some miscellany.

First, a new show on Animal Planet near and dear to mine heart.

And a funny for yon fellows: what women say and what it all means.
Some comments on "Dancing with the Stars", "The Bag" and the first defense of Joran Van Der Sloot that I've seen yet.

I think it's kind of lame.

TV Events of Note
-ABC-9 pm-"Dancing With the Stars"


NBC: "DATELINE" Wednesday, July 6 10:00 PM
Special, News, Documentary

Tom Brokaw Reports: The Secret Man
Journalist Bob Woodward discusses his relationship with the source known as Deep Throat; journalist Carl Bernstein and Ben Bradlee, former executive editor of the Washington Post, offer their insights.

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