
Daily Update 8/25/05

Daily Update:
Sheeeeeee's baaaaaack.

And a blistering rant about President Bush.

Because I'm sick of the man.
It's a Miscellany post.

Lyme disease invades this writer's surround. What does it look like? Where does it come from? How to avoid it.

Also...a pic of the Ugliest Dog in the World and folks, believe it.
It's a book review of Ed Rollins, political pundit and adviser to many campaign losers.

He defends himself.

It doesn't fly.
Here's the pic of the week.

Seems a smart alec dog got into the refrigerator magnets.

Daily Update Below.

 Posted by Hello

She's Baaaaack
Or so she says.

Cindy Sheehan's Mom is doing better and it is alleged that kook Cindy Sheehan is headed back to that ditch in Crawford.

Only now there are a bounty of folks from the "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" tour.

We'll see how it goes.

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I'm Sick of President Bush

There. I've said it.

Let me go over the good things first.

Beginning with my gratefulness to the Good God that he was President when those planes attacked our buildings and killed our citizens.

If Gore had been President we'd still be negotiating with the terrorists, asking what we did wrong. No doubt there's be more deaths in America as Democrats are loathe to wage war especially a difficult and nasty war like this one on terrorism.

I think President Bush is a man of his word and no I do not think his religious fervor is faked.

But by me this President is a lousy communicator and I'm just plain angry with him.

First, he's let this liberal mantra of the "no weapons of mass destruction" go entirely too far. Now it's the first thing the cowardly liberals say when any discussion of the Iraq war is upon. It forces the defenders, in this case me, to go all over it again.

It's not true, of course. The lovely Saddam already killed hundreds of thousands of people, many Kurds that he gassed with Sarin gas. If that's not a weapon of mass destruction than define for me. He also had his own handy nuclear reactor which he did NOT need on top of that ocean of oil. He had one, that is, until Israel got fed up and bombed the thing to kingdom come. Oh my. It was a covert operation but all who believe that Israel didn't phone up the United States and tell them their plans raise their hand.

No hands are raised.

Not to mention that Saddam had how long to hide or destroy any weapons caches in the period leading up to the war?

More important, sarin gas, which we know he had, doesn't require vast underground stockpiles in the desert.

Oh, the UN cleared Saddam of WMD's? We now know that Saddam and the UN were the best of pals, the UN allowing Saddam to skim money off that oil-for-palaces program. Knowing that the UN is corrupt and a participant along with Saddam we are to believe the UN inspectors found everything Saddam kept hidden?

It wasn't Saddam's methodology to stockpile large piles of nuclear bombs and radium. Saddam's method was to work with the terrorist underworld, supplying them with money, which he lots of due to the his oil-for-palaces program. He openly proclaimed his awarding of $50K to families of suicide bombers in Palestine.

Saddam hated the United States, tried to kill the first President Bush, wanted to take over all of the Arab oil, already attacked his neighbor, Kuwait.

Anyway, I am simply NOT going to say it all again.

This time I want my PRESIDENT to say it.

I want the man to stop being a lily-livered Republican afraid of a camera and use that bully pulpit to rally the American people.

And I'm not talking about jaunts to military friendlies while saying it all over again about resolve and staying the course. Those are good things but it's been said enough already.

I want my President to delineate why Saddam Hussein was such a threat. I want my President to mention the very corrupt UN and how they siphoned American dollars to give to Saddam Hussein. I want my President to lay lie to this bit about "no weapons of mass destruction" firmly and tersely.

It's time for Bush to stop depending on the likes of Rush Limbaugh and yay this humble Grandmother Blogger to do his talking for him.

Hell he doesn't even have to worry about winning another election.

I'm tired of Bush and his mealy mouth. I'm not defending him anymore.

If he's not man enough to address the American people directly and truthfully, laying it on the line and telling us the goodamn truth once and for all, you know what I'm going to do?

The next time a liberal tells me about the lie of the Iraq war, that Bush lied, that Iraq was no threat to America, you know what I'm going to say?

I'm not going to argue and say it all again. I'm not going to let my blood pressure rise.

I am simply going to say "You're right." Then I shall not say another word.

Because if the President can't make the case himself then why should I?


Daily Update:

It's time for Gossip/Speculation/Rumination.

We've an update on Mike Tyson. Who vehemently denies he will become a porn star.

Although it would seem he might be, ahem, still a rapist.

Also, Britney's baby shower, Courtney Love, Pam Anderson.

And a chance to be a character in Stephen King's next book.
It's a Delaware post and time to check in on what Joe Biden is up to.

Seems Delaware's Senator likes to speak from both sides of his mouth.

Depending on which TV camera is then pointing in his direction.
Time for a Fishgiggle.

You really need this advice for ascertaining the ten signs that you've purchased a very cheap computer.


TV Events of Note
"Sweet Home Alabama"
Movie-8 pm -FOX

Romance-comedy, 2002, PG-13, **1/2, 01:48, Color, English, United States, - Separated from her Southern husband (Josh Lucas), an engaged New York fashion designer (Reese Witherspoon) confronts him about a divorce.(AS, L)


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