
Quotables-on Hillary, Ted Kennedy, Home Schooling Smile; Gardens-For the Winter Weary

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A Harsh Truth About Hillary’s Plantation

For surely the sound byte of the past week has been Hillary Clinton’s allegation that the House of Representatives was run like a plantation and her assertion that her audience knew what she was “talking about”.

Said audience being a primarily black audience and the occasion for the speech the birthday of black icon, Martin Luther King.

Of all the rhetoric about this Hillary remark, I find this one, from Opinion, to be the harshest as well as the truest.

Al Sharpton arranged that speech and if Al knows nothing else, he knows how to pander to the blacks of New York. He is a major reason Hillary even won her Senate seat in New York, carpetbagger that she is.

She plays on the black sense of grievance then politely walks all over their support in her insane quest for the presidency.

Has anybody seen the latest polls on Hillary? Two years before the 2008 elections, fully 51% of the public state they would never vote for the woman. If this many feel this way now, how bad will it be the close the election looms? Will the Democratic party give up any hope whatsoever of regaining power, all to appease this woman with exactly zero voter appeal?

Mrs. Clinton came to Al Sharpton's MLK celebration looking for an easy harvest of black votes. And she knew the drill--white liberals and Dems whistle for the black vote by pandering to the black sense of grievance. Once positioned as the white champions of this grievance, they actually turn black resentment into white liberal power. Today, Democrats cannot be competitive without this alchemy. So Mrs. Clinton's real insult to blacks--one far uglier than her plantation metaphor--is to value them only for their sense of grievance.

Mrs. Clinton's husband was a master of this alchemy, and his presidency also illustrated its greatest advantage. Once black grievance is morphed into liberal power, it need never be honored. President Clinton notoriously felt black pain, won the black vote, and then rewarded blacks with the cold shower of welfare reform. And here, now, is Mrs. Clinton sidling up to the trough of black grievance, eyes wide in expectation, but also a tad contemptuous. It is hard to fully respect one's suckers.

Speaking of Hillary

Below, two quotes by Hillary on Iran. Immediately below, Hillary, allegedly the smartest woman in the world, complains during a recent speech in Princeton, N.J., that this administration is “outsourcing” negotiations on Iran. “Outsourcing” being a euphemism for letting the Germans, Russians and French handle Iran. Which is what the White House is doing. For now.

From Newsday:

"I believe that we lost critical time with ... Iran because the White House chose to downplay the threats and to outsource the negotiations," she said. "I don't believe ... in standing on the sidelines."

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI am reminded of all of Hillary’s and her party’s yapping about the Bush administration’s alleged refusal to get the international community involved with Iraq. Now she yaps that they’re “outsourcing” the issue of Iran.


But it gets better. From we have this Hillary quote from a speech before AIPAC (American Israel Political Action Committee):

“So let us be unequivocally clear. A nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable, but it is not just unacceptable to Israel and to the United States. It must be unacceptable to the entire world, starting with the European governments and people. I know that during your conference and in the lobbying that you will be doing on Capitol Hill, you're trying to draw attention to the threat that is posed by a nuclear Iran. And I commend you for these efforts; this is one of our most serious security and foreign policy priorities. And we need to make working with our allies to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon a top priority.

Hmmmmm. Here Hillary wants the administration to work “with our allies” on Iran.

Speaking from both sides of her mouth, shrewish, dishonest as all get out. And she thinks Americans are going to elect her?


Among Dick Durbin’s Reasons for Not Voting for Alito

Sam Alito, Bush’s recent nominee for Supreme Court Justice, does not, it would seem, like Bruce Springstein. This from a New Jersey native!

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At least as Dick Durbin, Senator from Illinois, sees it. For how could a fine Lord from America’s House of Lords (a.k.a. the Senate) possibly vote for a native of New Jersey what doesn’t like The Boss? We’ve got to have standards for installing a judge on the most Supreme of Courts!

According to the Suntimes, Lord Dick Durbin laments:
"Judge Alito was extremely guarded in his answers. Judge Alito, a New Jersey native, wouldn't even say whether he was a Bruce Springsteen fan. I asked him about that, and his answer was, 'I am -- to some degree.' Now he may be one of the few people from New Jersey who has such cautious fealty to The Boss."

On Jack Abramoff

There are no answers to the problem in the quotes below. There are, however, some not-to-be-denied observations.

From Chuckmuth News & Views:


"It's called the 'Abramoff Scandal' because calling it the 'Washington Scandal' would hardly distinguish it from others."

- Paul Jacob of Americans for Limited Government

Also from News & Views:

"When you spread food out on a picnic table, you can expect ants. When you put $3 trillion on the table, you can expect special interests, lobbyists and pork-barrel politicians. As long as the federal government has so much money and power to hand out, we'll never get rid of the Abramoffs. Restrictions on lobbying deal with symptoms, not causes."

- David Boaz of the Cato Institute

Ted Kennedy and Chutzpah

The bloated Lord from Massachusetts does lend himself so well to ridicule, does he not? I watched him today and the fine Lord made no attempt to pretend to be nothing more than reading the talking points from his special interest contributors.

It’s so sad. But why do the fine people of Massachusetts keep electing this loser?
From the Boston Globe:

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"(Judge Robert) Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court was derailed so effectively that 'bork' became a verb meaning to ruthlessly savage a nominee's record in order to defeat his confirmation. And now (Sen Ted) Kennedy complains that judicial nominations are too politicized? If chutzpah were an Olympic event, he would walk away with the gold."

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby

Ending With a Smile

Came across this little funny and couldn’t help but smile.

The sad thing, every word of this tongue-in-cheek bit of sarcasm is true.

From Muth News&Views:

"When my wife and I mention we are strongly considering homeschooling our children, we are without fail asked, 'But what about socialization?' Fortunately, we found a way our kids can receive the same socialization that government schools provide.

"On Mondays and Wednesdays, I will personally corner my son in the bathroom, give him a wedgie and take his lunch money. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, my wife will make sure to tease our children for not being in the 'in' crowd, taking special care to poke fun at any physical abnormalities. Fridays will be 'Fad and Peer Pressure Day.' We will all compete to see who has the coolest toys, the most expensive clothes, and the loudest, fastest, and most dangerous car.

"Every day, my wife and I will adhere to a routine of cursing and swearing in the hall and mentioning our weekend exploits with alcohol and immorality. And we have asked (our kids) to report us to the authorities in the event we mention faith, religion, or try to bring up morals and values."

- From the Kolbe Little Home Journal, Fall 2005 (Thanks for sending this gem along, Dad!)

More Notable/Quotables HERE
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Confusing January

Yes I’m starting to get the gardening blues. As expected, the bitter month comes to an end, the days start to grow longer, and dreams of gardens to come begin to capture the imagination.

This January’s been a bit strange. In that the weather, at least round these parts, has been inordinately mild.

Not that I’m complaining. Here in the swamps of Delaware we’ve had incredibly mild days, enough rain to keep things alive, and, we must whisper, no snow.

The plants and birds, however, are a bit confused. For the hedge roses are already turning a bright red that indicates the “blood” of chlorophyll is ready to flow. In addition, protective thorns grow sharp and angry and tiny leaflets are popping out over the plant.

All across our very green lawns, flocks of robins fly in and unless my eyes are deceiving me, seem to be poking the ground for their beloved worms. During the early morning hours I can hear the blue jays scream and new bird sounds that can only indicate some sort of migration.

I want to run out and shout for the hedge roses to STOP, stop the growing, stop with the thorns, stop it already. For while February is the shortest month, it can still pack a winter wallop.

Below is a montage of a garden cartoon and a collection of pictures of one of the most unique gardens I’ve seen in a while. Presented for those pining for the warm growing season ahead.

Winter will return here soon enough, I suspect.

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More Gardens and Bird posts HERE

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