

Uday Recruits Murderers to Wipe Out Enemies

It goes on and on.

Now we have documentation about Uday's plan to kill regime defectors who located to other countries.

Saddam and his spawn desperately wanted to keep their power. To that end they would do ANYTHING.

Anything folks. Do not let the liberal media tell you different.

Translation 007506

Harmony Document PDF file for Translation Document ISGZ-2004-018948

Referral to your Excellency’s orders on the days of 20-25/05/1999, to start planning from now on to perform special operations (assassinations/ bombings) for the centers and the traitor symbols in the fields of (London/ Iran/ Self ruled areas) and for coordination with the Intelligence service to secure deliveries, accommodations, and target guidance. Also, I would like to indicate here (according to the first directed operational plan) the explanations of all the orders and directives that have been issued to us by you during the first and the second meetings with your Excellency which lay the groundwork towards our achieving the goal .

1- Code name of the special operations (Tamooz Mubarak) [Blessed July].
2- The duties will be divided into two branches which are:

A- Bombings
B- Assassinations ...

5- Execution steps

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