Pic of the Day

Quote of the Day Heh. The Lamestream media always gets it wrong. On Ronald Reagan: "I predict historians are going to be totally baffled by how the American people fell in love with this man (Ronald Reagan) and followed him the way we did."-- CBS News White House reporter Lesley Stahl on NBC's "Later With Bob Costas," Jan. 11, 1989 |
Web Site Worth the Visit Just for the Fun of It Sweet Taters |
TIDBITS Here is just a sample of some of the shortcuts using the Alt key and numbers on the right hand side of the keyboard: |

The World Cup
We don't know much about the World Cup here in America but the billboard pictured below sure is neat as all get out.

Poor Kid Has Kooks for Parents
Although there is something odd about baby Damien's birth weight-6 lbs., 6 ounces. While the birth can be induced to land on 6/6/06, how on earth did this poor doomed child's weight come in so perfectly.
It's something about the numbers "666" that means the devil and in the horror movie "The Omen" Damien these numbers held significant meaning. Thus the cherished birth date recently of 6/6/06 was the aim of all horror film lovers as a similar date won't occur for another ten years.
And yet...
Is really fair to saddle this innocent babe with all this weird parental baggage? Poor kid, bound to be an object of ridicule in his school years to come.
From Mirror.UK:
HORROR film fan Suzanne Cooper yesterday named her baby Damien after the devil child in the The Omen, who was also born on June 6.
Suzanne went one better than the movie by hitting the full Number of the Beast with the date - 6/6/06.
Special needs teacher Suzanne, 36, was also induced for six days before Damien arrived at 6.59am, tipping the scales at a spine-chilling 6lb 6oz.
She said: "We are overjoyed about the baby. The Omen is one of our favourite films and that's why I was keeping my legs crossed for a birth on the 6th.
"It does seem a bit weird I suppose, but he's a perfect baby - nothing at all like Damien in The Omen."
The Love of Anderson Cooper's Life
Okay so I had no idea Anderson Cooper, vaunted CNN anchor, was gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. However, this IS a gossip post so let's gossip. Seems Cooper has a much younger sweetie and he's the talk of the Blogosphere. His name is Julio Cesar Recio and according to this Blog Anderson is nearing 40.
Ordinarily I wouldn't put much faith in such undocumented information but we understand Cooper has a book and he speaks sweetly about his friend Julio.
The above picture (ED-visit the site to see Julio) is circulating the web and the endearment to Julio on page 212 in Anderson's new book is a topic of conversation on tabloid web sites. How many of Anderson Cooper's female fans will continue to watch the show? Most only watch 360 for Anderson's good looks because the show itself is bland and dull.
Rapper Ice Cube Miffed at Oprah
Well I don't blame him. Oprah promotes plagiarizers and such and she can't give a successful rap artist a break?
From FHMUS.com:
When will you be on Oprah like Will?
I've been involved in three projects pitched to her, but I've never been asked to participate. For Barbershop, she had Cedric the Entertainer and Eve on, but I wasn't invited. Maybe she's got a problem with hip-hop. It's bullshit, because she's had damn rapists, child molesters and lying authors on her show. And if I'm not a rags-to-riches story to her, who is?
Plastic Surgery Addict
Jocelyn Wildenstein's addiction to plastic surgery is nothing knew in the annals of pop culture. But I chanced upon a site with a picture of Jocelyn BEFORE the surgery. The site won't let me copy the BEFORE picture. Below is what Jocelyn looks like now. Click on the picture to see how she looked before some surgeon made mega-bucks indulging this weirdo's addiction.

Which tattooed married man, who presents as the perfect husband to his equally famous wife, is making music with a pretty young thing whenever he visits New York?
Which loudmouthed Los Angeleno is being urged by his embarrassed family to enter rehab after recent unfortunate publicity?
Alec Baldwin to Undergo Therapy
That whole Baldwin clan is nuts if one were to ask me. Alas, no one has.
Thus we find the ongoing custody battle between Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger over their daughter Ireland to be fascination.
Alec Baldwin is one of those godless liberals Ann Coulter writes about. We are happy to hear that both of this duo are kooks. We sympathize with the innocent child.
From Eonline:
Alec Baldwin requested last year that his ex-wife, Kim Basinger, be forced to undergo psychological evaluation. Now, as part of his motion to add more visitation privileges to the existing custody arrangement he and Basinger have with their 10-year-old daughter, Ireland, he has asked for his own time on the couch, as well, to hasten the process along.
Hollywood Moonbats Protest Removal of Urban Farm
What's really weird about this is that the recent supreme court Kelso ruling was considered a liberal dream. Just think, a local government can claim "eminent domain" for property use that would be sold to another citizen.
It used to be that eminent domain was used for things like right of way for railroads, schools, etc. Uses that advance the public good in other words. The Supreme Court ruled, in the Kelso ruling, that a local government can now claim eminent domain on a privately owned property in order to sell the property to ANOTHER citizen. This ruling was viewed as a death blow to individual property rights by conservatives.
Except, it would seem, when the property being sold is beloved by the Moonbats. Then it's a whole nother story. We especially like Darryl Hannah protesting from a tree.
From CBS2.com:
(CBS)LOS ANGELES Dozens of people have been arrested for allegedly violating a court order and obstructing sheriff's deputies from evicting farmers and supporters from a 14-acre urban garden near downtown Los Angeles.
About 20 demonstrators chained themselves to each other, a walnut tree and large concrete-filled barrels inside the garden. Actress Daryl Hannah and activist John Quigley are in the tree and say they plan to stay there even as authorities begin to cut its limbs.
By the way, the owner of the property did offer to sell 10 acres of the urban farm for $16 million. The farmers couldn't raise the money.
Now I suppose the Moonbats want the property owner to give it away.
Top Ten Celebrity Autograph Signers
I don't think this list is about handwriting. For the site listed complains about rude celebrities who ignore requests for autographs, or worse.
Below is the compilation of the Top Ten autograph signers. The site also includes a list of the WORST autograph signers.
From Justjared.com:
1. Johnny Depp
2. George Clooney
3. Matt Damon
4. Al Pacino
5. Tom Cruise
6. Angelina Jolie
7. Elijah Wood
8. Brittany Murphy
9. Jack Nicholson
10. Clint Eastwood
Rare Sturgeon Found in Tampa Bay

By LEANORA MINAI, Times Staff Writer
Â(c) St. Petersburg Times
Published March 19, 2002
ST. PETERSBURG -- To the untrained eye, it is a large and strange-looking fish.
To scientists, it is a gem.
Marine biologists and others are dazzled over the discovery of the largest sturgeon found in the Tampa Bay area since 1897, and one of only a handful found here in the last century.
"It's truly a living relic," said Daniel Roberts, a research scientist at the Florida Marine Research Institute in St. Petersburg, where a necropsy was performed Monday on the sturgeon. "Most people have never seen any of these fish. They're very rare."
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