Time for some Pop Culture with a touch of politics for gravitas.
Hillary goes to Rutgers while collecting money from contributors who make Imus look like a Piker.
How about lib Alec Baldwin-father of the year?
Some upcoming shows of intrigue, the NBC controversey and the real truth about Larry Birkhead.
Lots of Blind items, asked and guessed, to round it out.
Pic of the Day

Quote of the DayA (LIBERAL) FATHER'S LOVE |
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TIDBITS Angels Explained by Children I only know the names of two angels. Hark and Harold. Gregory, 5 Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it. Olive, 9 It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to heaven, then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes. Matthew, 9 Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else. Mitchell, 7 My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science. Henry, 8 Angels don't eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!!. Jack, 6 Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead. Daniel, 9 When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath, somewhere there's a tornado. Reagan, 10 Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go north for the winter. Sara, 6 Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter. Jared , 8 All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it. Antonio, 9 My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth. Katelynn, 9 Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and pets. And if they don't make the animals get better, they help the child get over it. Vicki, 8 What I don't get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them. Sarah, 7 |

Archived That Kaitlyn Mae Will Witness How Liberal Fathers Treat Their Young
There's nothing new in this Blog Blip save an ernest attempt to document blowhard Hollywood liberal Alec Baldwin's telephonic message to his daughter. By now everyone's heard the spew from this vile man who was supposed to leave the country if George W. Bush won the presidency. So why is he still here?
At any rate, may pretty granddaughter Kaitlyn be witness now and forever how much liberals love their children and gain an insight toot de sweet of how life would be should liberals ever run the world.

"You are a rude, thoughtless little pig. You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being. I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child."
- Liberal actor and world-class jackass Alec Baldwin in a recorded phone message to...his daughter. Feel the love.
Some Hillary Fun
Well she's running for President on the Democratic ticket and she's fodder for gossip and political snideness. Oh, and did I mention that she's a flaming hypocrite?
Below, John Fund informs us that Hillary had no problem with the same words Don Imus used when it was used by one of her biggest fundraisers. From Muth's Truths:
"Hillary Clinton will go to Rutgers University in New Jersey today to meet with the women's basketball team that was so much in the news last week after Don Imus trashed them," writes John Fund in Political Diary today. "But the former First Lady herself faces questions about her own willingness to spend time with figures who make denigrating women part of their commercial persona. Just two weeks ago, Mrs. Clinton pulled in $800,000 at a fundraiser held in the palatial Miami home of music mogul Timbaland."
Timba who?
Exactly. Until today, I'd never heard of this rapper/composer who Fund explains is "one of the most influential producers in the music industry" today "and one whose songs are peppered with words that even Don Imus didn't use."
Really? Like what?
Fund was too much of a gentlemen to elaborate, so I did a little Googling on my own. I found the lyrics to a "song" titled "15 After Da' Hour" by Timbaland which includes these heart-warming lyrics crooned by his rap partner, Mr. Magoo.
"...11:15 feed the hoe while its hot
1:15 got to get rubbers
Me and lisa lee later on beat lovers
2:15 we like sex in the mist
3:15 was the first time we kissed
Girl your man aint sh*t and you know it
4:15 is the time I can show it
When I say suck it, it dont mean blow it
5:15 get loot cause you broke it
Girl it aint a blunt, so dont smoke it
Better if you grab it with your hand then you choke it."
Ah, the classics. I think I'm getting a little misty myself.
Or try out this little love ditty from the hit titled "Luv 2 Luv U".
"Im comin baby like the big black, kahuna
I wish you woulda humped me just a little sooner
Now rich, like silver-spooner
Now heres the finger now I got you moonin"
Frank Sinatra, eat your heart out!
But I guess my personal favorites are these tender lyrics from Timbaland's hit titled, "Bounce"...
"Let Me See Them Big Titties, Don't Act Saddity You Ain't Pretty
"Break Bread If You Wanna Get Wit' Me, All I Wanna Do Is Dig Off In Them Kidneys
"Tell Ya Boyfriend He Better Mind His Business, 'fore He End Up In The Trunk Of My Bentley
"I Am Still A Boss, He Can't Hit Me, He Ain't Got Enough Paper To Deal Wit' Me
"Baby Girl Wanna Two Step Wit' Me, Turn Around Rub Ya Ass Up Against Me
"Whoa, Lil' Mama Done Got Tipsy, And Then Tonight, Tomorrow You're History
"All You Haters Wit' That Hoe Sh*t Miss Me, I Stay Strapped Security Don't Frisk Me
"Set It Off 'til This Muthafu*ka Empty, I Turn Around Do The Same Sh*t Next Week"
And they fired IMUS? Hillary sucks up 800 large from THIS guy and gets a PASS from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world.
Speaking of Hillary
There was a big hype this past week about an upcoming book by Carl Bernstein of all people, about Hillary Clinton.
From the NY Post.com
Famed Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein has been given access to a trove of papers amassed by Hillary Rodham Clinton's best friend, which his publisher says will reveal a number of "discrepancies" in the New York presidential hopeful's official story.
"Bernstein reaches conclusions that stand in opposition to what Sen. Clinton has said in the past and has written in the past," said Paul Bogaards, a spokesman for Knopf, which will publish Bernstein's book June 19.
Okay, first, Carl Bernstein? A washed-up has-been nobody in today's writing market? Why on earth, go with me here, would Hillary's best friend give this loser a "trove of papers" about Hillary? Further, what kind of best friend ammasses a "trove" of damning papers on their friend? And what the hell, what kind of best friend turns the crap over to a journalist?
This smells to high heaven, ladies and gems. Here's what I think is going on. This book is due to be released in June of 2007. Well damn, this is just in time for those that care about such things to read it, digest it, talk about it, and get it all out of the way by the time the 2008 election starts to get serious. For if it's one thing the Clintons know how to manipulate it would be spin, lies and hype.
I'm guessing there's some questionable things in Hillary's past that will be dug up by rival campaigns and Hillary wants to get it out there early that she can dispute, spin, fold and mutilate the truth to palatability before it becomes a liability in her quest to become President Queen.
So she promises has-been Carl Bernstein that if he will just take these papers right here and write a book about it she will insure plenty of publicity that Bernstein can make a buck or two. Of course the "papers" provided were handpicked by Hillary's staff and also of course, the rebuttal and damage control on such facts is ready for the weekly Sunday Spin Cycle.
I can't imagine what sorts of things would be revealed about Hillary beyond what we already know. But just supposing she's had, for example, an arrest early on for drunk driving. This is the sort of thing that a)a best friend might know and b)an opposition research team could find with enough digging. Thus Hillary's team, experts on gilding the lily of Hillary's lies, arrange to have these sorts of thing revealed then deal with it on her time and on her terms.
"I'll Take That Couch in 'Nigger Brown' "
As I see it, there's nothing much more amusing than some of the English translations that come with the many items now made in China. The story below does tickle the funny bone in that the color for a purchased couch was proudly described as "nigger brown" on the couch's tag.
From Foxnews.com:
Doris Moore was shocked when her new couch was delivered to her home with a label that used a racial slur to describe the dark brown shade of the upholstery.
The situation was even more alarming for Moore because it was her 7-year-old daughter who pointed out "n——- brown" on the tag.
"My daughter saw the label and she knew the color brown, but didn't know what the other word meant. She asked, 'Mommy, what color is that?' I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. I never thought that's how she'd learn of that word," Moore said.
The mother complained to the furniture store, which blamed the supplier, who pointed to a computer problem as the source of the derogatory label.
Kingsoft Corp., a Chinese software company, acknowledged its translation program was at fault and said it was a regrettable error.
"I know this is a very bad word," Huang Luoyi, a product manager for the Beijing-based company's translation software, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
He explained that when the Chinese characters for "dark brown" are typed into an older version of its Chinese-English translation software, the offensive N-word description comes up.
According to the story linked above, the company that made the furniture purchased by Doris Moore, a American black woman by the way, used an obviously out-of-date English-Chinese dictionary for the product description translations.
Heh. Somebody needs to write a book of all the crazy translations found on products made in China. No wait! Maybe I'll write it.
New CBS Show Based on Hit British TV Series
As a world-reknown Blogger, I get various and sundry press releases from the TV networks. At times, I even read them.
So I include this CBS notice because the animation/dialogue used in this series is quite good. CBS even included a little sound file with the press release, should anyone care to listen.
The Team That Produced "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" Will Bring Their Unique Stop-Motion Animation Magic To American Primetime Television
CREATURE COMFORTS, the American version of the hit British television series will premiere Monday, June 4 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Based on the original Academy Award-winning short film of the same name created by Nick Park and Aardman Animations, Ltd., the half hour stop-motion animated series employs a unique format that culls excerpts from real person interviews and places them in the mouths of a wide variety of animated animals to produce humorous, charming and insightful commentaries on everyday life.
In upcoming episodes, interviews with hundreds of ordinary Americans from across the United States cover a variety of subjects, such as the trials and tribulations of doctor's visits and being sick, what animal magnetism is and what they look for in a mate, as well as the truth about lies and what it takes to keep a secret. Told through the mouths of animated animals, insects and other un-human species, they reveal their thoughts in a new and distinct way: an older married couple listing their ailments as portrayed by two lovebirds, the couple who talk about their great height difference as portrayed by two dachshunds, and two men who seem to be examining the bouquet of a fine wine as portrayed by two dogs sniffing, well, another dog.
While I'm at it, here's another promo from CBS regarding an upcoming pirate reality show. We're not making this up, it's what it says...a "pirate" reality series!
CLICK HERE to watch a preview of PIRATE MASTER, the new reality-based series from Emmy Award-winner Mark Burnett, premiering Thursday, May 31 (8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
Larry Birkhead Gay?
So okay, the DNA tests prove that Larry Birkhead was the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby girl. For a while, Larry Birkhead was beloved by the ladies of America who admired his determination to obtain custody of his daughter from Anna Nicole's Svengali, Howard Stern.
But now we learn that Larry Birkhead, that angelic blond guy and America's most famous unwed father, is really GAY?
From the National Enquirer
"I was Larry Birkhead's secret gay lover!"
That's the sensational revelation of Kerrick Ross — a handsome male model who carried on a torrid two-month sexual affair with the man who won the blockbuster paternity battle for Anna Nicole Smith's baby girl.
In a bombshell world exclusive, The new issue of the NATIONAL ENQUIRER publishes the stunning truth about the secret gay life of the world's most famous out-of-wedlock father.
"America doesn't know the whole story about Larry Birkhead," Kerrick, who's 38 and lives in Louisville, Ky., told The ENQUIRER.
"He apparently had sex with Anna Nicole and fathered her baby, but there is no question: He also had sex with me!"
Well I don't suppose that it matters all that much in that if he's DanniLynn's father than he's DanniLynn's father. Period.
The National Enquirer usually gets this kind of stuff right. It's what they do. According to the article, this Kerrick fellow passed a rigorous lie detector test. So far as I know, Birkhead has not denied the allegations.
It still adds yet another odd dimension to the tragic story of Anna Nicole Smith.
This TV Personality is working hard on her TV comeback. She needs a steady gig. Her husband doesn't work, and she likes to live large. She has undergone a tremendous makeover, and she needs a hit show. The last thing she needs right now is scandal. That's why it's so surprising that her husband can't sit still. He loves to go out and roam the parks without her.
This female is beautiful, and she's an accomplished Actress with numerous awards. She is one of Hollywood's leading ladies and she has finally found love. Despite her good fortune, she continues to harp on the past and her abusive relationships. Sources say she loves playing the role of helpless victim. She is currently doing this as she promotes her latest movie.
This Actor/Comedian has yet to strike it big. He has had marginal success, but he wants to be a superstar. He is so desperate for fame he is willing to risk his life for headlines. He was recently involved in a staged car crash that almost killed him. He figured if he did it, it would be great publicity for his new movie.
One Stalled Comeback Blind Vice: Thelma Turnip is looking rather like, well, a turnip these days. Hardly the secret, really, as T2's puss- ravaging lifestyle has left her cover-ready looks a little worse for the wear these past few years. Not even my Aunt Martha in Texas is surprised to see T.T. looking like a slightly younger version of Barbara Bush at myriad H-town events. But Thelma-doll's looks ain't exactly the point of this item-it's her career, which everyone from the fruit sprayer at Gelson's to CAA honchos is debating whether or not is salvageable. My guess? No way. Why? Because the top spinmeisters in town (ya know, the crowd that's known for darling little campaigns such as convincing the American public that Eddie Murphy is a "Good Samaritan" because he gave a peeyem ride to a transvestite) are turning down T.T. right 'n' leery left. Jeez, that says somethin', I'm tellin' ya. "She's not ready," one of T-town's premier Machiavellian types told me after she had been asked to raise Ms. Turnip's chances for a professional resurgence. When pressed, the wizard at reinventing fallen entertainment idols told me Ms. Turnip is still-you guessed it-not exactly cleaned up, as everyone currently thinks. Hey, I used to be addicted to that crap, I know how tough it is -good luck, Thelma! We're prayin' for ya, you gonzo g-friend! AND IT AIN'T: Courtney Love; Heather Locklear; Sarah Ferguson
George Tenet's Lying Book
I've been watching various interviews of George Tenet's book, including that vaunted "60 Minutes" interview.
First, let the record show that I've never liked this man and beyond any personal assessment of the humble me, this is a fellow who a)was FIRED by the Bush administration and b)headed the agency which did NOT prevent that attacks of 9/11/01.
Since these first interviews with Tenet, there's been so many claims that disprove what he added to his book that it's now widely accepted that Tenet's book is mostly fiction.
Below is just one example of Tenet's "truth".
From Daily Motion.com:
Last week Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) admitted to having been responsible for planning no fewer than 28 acts of terrorism, including the horrific September 11 attacks, from "A to Z." The sensational confession, made during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, raises a number of serious questions--most pointedly about the decision of the 9/11 Commission to rely on the CIA for information about this terrorist leader, who was captured in 2003.
Although the 9/11 Commission identified KSM as a key witness in the World Trade Center and Pentagon, it never was allowed to question him or his CIA interrogators. Instead, the staff received briefings from a CIA "project manager"--who was himself briefed by other CIA case officers on what KSM had putatively revealed during his interrogation. As the 9/11 Commission chairmen noted, this was "third-hand" information; but it allowed the CIA to fill in critical gaps in the commission's investigation. Now KSM's claims throw this reliance on the CIA into question."
More Gossip/Speculation HERE

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