On Tuesday, September 11th, 2007, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States. Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this anniversary of our country's worst tragedy. We do this in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.
In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds.
(2) Fly an American flag of any size on 9/11. Honestly, Americans should fly the flag year-round, but if you don't, then at least make it a priority on this day.
Thank you for your participation. God Bless You and God Bless America.
In this Pop Culture post we've got the tallest woman in the world and the oldest woman in the world.
And how about that ridiculously NOT germane ad involving abortion coat hangers and storage?
And Hell's Kitchen better not have mirrors because Chef Ramsey hates his looks.
Join us for the great donut news, Monica's birthday and commentary on the tragedy done to hero Richard Jewell, now deceased.
Below, an Elvis YouTube presentation in honor of the recent anniversary of this rockabilly's untimely death.

The Oldest Woman in the World
Parker was born April 20, 1893, the year Lizzie Borden was acquitted in the ax murders of her father and stepmother. She taught for a few years in a two-room schoolhouse, but as was the custom of that era, her teaching career ended with her marriage to Earl Parker. She became a farmer's wife, preparing meals for as many as a dozen men who worked on her husband's farm.

Chef Gordon Ramsay Hates His Looks
This gossip tidbit caught my eye and struck me as a bit incongruous. First, Gordon Ramsay is not a bad looking man at all. Second, I thought it rather unusual because men are normally not as critical of their looks as women. And third, Ramsay needs to work on his PERSONALITY more than his looks.
From Care Fair
Scottish celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay was quoted on as saying that he 'hates his physical appearance'. The 41-year old chef refuses to watch his own shows because he is too critical of the way he looks. Gordon states that watching re-runs of his cooking shows always drives him to consider having some type of cosmetic procedure done.
Gordon Ramsay (I'm not at all sure that's how he spells his name but it's how it's spelled at the link provided) is host of Fox's famous reality cooking series "Hell's Kitchen", covered extensively on this Blog. Gordon is known for his explosive temper and really nasty tongue.
His looks are the last thing he should worry about is what I'm saying here.
May Their Business Suffer

The above ad was displayed prominently in New York I believe. Someone please tell me if the idiots who designed this ad actually intend to sell something? In this case I guess they are trying to sell storage space but dear Lord the message of the ad is bizarre.
I don't know if yon readers are old enough to remember the significance of that coat hanger. For once upon a time abortion was not legal in this country. Once upon a time women who were dealing with an unwanted pregnancy used a coat hanger to end their pregnancy. It's not a pretty thought and there were deaths caused by this rather desperate measure.
Now this company, which wants to sell a PRODUCT for God's sake, is using the most heinous of icons of the pre-Roe vs. Wade era in their advertisement. It's offensive not to mention that their political message is not even logical.
A "woman's right to choose"? Who on earth is taking away a woman's right to choose? "Choose" being a code word for abortion. Well sure there's ongoing debates about abortion but so far as I know there's no immediate threat of women going back to the days of the coat hanger. Unless the producers of this ad are referring to lackluster attempts to end that crime of murder called "partial birth abortion", which not the same thing as choosing anything. Ripping a term baby out of its mother's womb is perfectly legal since those Judges from long ago decided to do the job of our elected legislators no term limits were applied to their ruling. Which, effectively, allows that so long as a baby is in its mother's womb the mother can end its life, up until the day it's born.
Further, anyone really looking to sell a product has got to be out of their mind to use this kind of political rhetoric in an advertisement. Either these folks don't give a hoot whether they sell storage space or they are using a public billboard to advertise a rather distasteful political stance.
I can't even imagine even a woman totally in favor of abortion of any kind would be breaking down the doors to get at these folks' product.
I've always said let the market decide. If these people have a good thing with that crazy ad than they'll be selling storage space by the miles every damn day. If this ad offends like I think it does, their product will not benefit.
Likely we'll never know as...well why would they tell us?
Dunkin' Donuts Now Safe to Eat
I am delighted.
For now the American public can safely consume donuts because they are no longer fried in something called "trans fat".
All those who know what the hell trans fat is raise your hand.
To the two or three hands raised, do you have some non-trans fat in your pantry? Where does one obtain non-trans fat? Can I buy it at the grocery?
BOSTON - Dunkin' Donuts, the food-on-the-go chain whose name celebrates a treat that's symbolic of unhealthy eating, is trying to refresh its image by largely eliminating trans fat across its menu, Homer Simpson be damned.
Dunkin' planned to announce today that it has developed an alternative cooking oil and reformulated more than 50 menu items - doughnuts included. The Canton, Mass.-based chain says its menu will be "zero grams trans fat" by Oct. 15 across its 5,400 U.S. restaurants in 34 states.
As I understand it trans fat is such a great thing that municipalities including mighty New York have stuck their government nose in our private affairs in that fetching manner of the nanny state and have forbidden trans fat. Which makes me want to jump on the nearest plane to visit that fine town that will not feed me stuff fried in trans fat. That's a high consideration on my lists when I decide which places to visit.
Hang in there gang. Next they're going to forbid sugar except in very small quantities and fried foods will be eliminated completely.
We'll be so damn happy we'll all be singing Kumbya.

Stuck In Tree For Seven Days While Alligators Below Looked Up Hungrily
An Australian cattle rancher has told how he spent seven days up a tree looking down into the jaws of two hungry crocodiles after stumbling into a swamp crawling with the reptiles.
'I knew they were looking'
David George, 53, was knocked unconscious after falling from his horse during a bush-burning operation in north Queensland.

Mr. George was eventually rescued by searchers but goodness, what a book this will make. Seven days in a tree! He had to tie himself to the tree when he fell asleep so he wouldn't fall out. He's about my age. I'd consider leaving my husband...
Happy Birthday Monica
Madmoiselle Monique, she of the famous cigar, turned 31 recently. We wish Monica a Happy Birthday and we take time to consider how she’s doing.

Yes her name has gone down in history as the stuff of giggles. 31 years old and she’s not married, a nice Jewish girl. I’m willing to bet that had she not met up with one Bill Clinton Monica would be married and have two kids by now.
I’m not convinced that life has been, or will be, good to Monica. While our former debaser in chief goes on to fame as possible husband of the first female president, Monica is a virtual recluse.
She had fifteen minutes of fame, now she goes through life, a joke, the stuff of late night comedians. The fine man who couldn’t have enough respect for this nation’s oval office to step outside for his oral ministrations laughs and gives a high five at Hillary’s latest campaign stop.
Is Monica better off for having serviced the presidential organ? Or will she live her life within the shadow of a snicker?
-Richard Jewell Dead…Another Clinton Casualty
ATLANTA (AP) — Richard Jewell, the former security guard who was wrongly linked to the 1996 Olympic bombing and then waged a decade-long battle with news organizations to defend his reputation, died Wednesday. He was 44.
Well no the Clintons didn’t actually kill Richard Jewell. But the joke of an FBI, headed by Janet Reno, did go and leak a pointed finger at this fellow and when this little tidbit happened was when I first got a clue that this nation’s vaunted FBI wasn’t vaunted at all.

In fact, Richard Jewell, a humble security guard at the time, noticed a strange package in the area and moved a crowd of people out of the way. He probably saved quite a few lives.
So what’s the FBI do? They go and leak Jewell’s name as being a prime suspect in response to public outrage at the explosions. Hey, it was just easier. Why let the facts stand in the way? Leak an innocent guys name then craft a case to fit the leak.
That whole justice and FBI under Bill Clinton was a joke and the dysfunction of that organization created conditions that eventually allowed the conspiracy of 9-11 to grow, ferment and come to fruition.
Elvis Trivia-
Elvis won only three Grammy awards, but none were for his rock or country recordings. All three were for gospel songs.
Elvis is the No.1 most impersonated celebrity ever.
Nine months to the day of Elvis and Priscilla Presley's wedding, on February 1, 1968, the couple welcomed daughter Lisa Marie to the world.
Elvis' birthplace in Tupelo, Miss. is open to the public. The future star was born in the two-room house on January 8, 1935. The Presley family lived there until 1948, when they moved to Memphis.
One hundred forty-eight different Elvis recordings have been certified gold, platinum or multiplatinum. And with more than 1 billion albums sold worldwide, he's the biggest-selling solo artist ever.
Elvis is in three music Halls of Fame: the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. Johnny Cash is the only other artist to be in three music Halls of Fame - the Songwriters, Country and Rock halls.
The Tallest Woman in the World-
We began with the oldest and we end with the tallest.

To the snobs who consider Pop Culture too silly to watch or indicative of nothing, I argue that those things that intrigue the masses are as much of an indicator of where the society is going as much as ongoing political events.
Below, some very "popular" Pop Culture posts on this Blog.
The Famous Deviled Egg post. Indeed. For in all the world a society is judged as much by the quality of its deviled eggs as it is by its pop icons. In this post I immortalize the proper and ONLY way to prepare deviled eggs now and forever and ever, amen.
Here's a Pop Culture featuring a woman with a 15" waist. Which is about the circumference of my thigh.
A post featuring the largest breasts in the world. Enough said.

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